The Storm God

Chapter 1519 Five Elements Golden Crystal! (Please subscribe!)


With the completion of the inspection work.

Cradle of Rebirth judged that the Xuanbing avatar had been made, and then opened the hatch by itself, pushing the Xuanbing avatar out. At this time, Bai Xiaofei didn't hesitate at all, he sat cross-legged directly, used his soul out of body, separated his soul from his body, and then possessed himself in the body of Xuanbing, wanting to test it on the spot, this Xuanbing How strong is the avatar.


Xuanbing clone opened his eyes abruptly.

Breathing has also changed from the original method of turtle sucking to the state of a normal person. At the same time, a sense of incomparable kindness is constantly being sensed from all directions around, making Bai Xiaofei feel extremely wonderful, just like the surrounding The world is a part of one's own body, which can be controlled at will.

"Try it!"

Bai Xiaofei's curiosity arose, and he immediately stopped caring about it, and followed his own thoughts, thinking about it. The next moment, I saw a huge cold crystal on the opposite side, which broke into two parts directly, and one of them flew towards Bai Xiaofei as if it had grown wings.


Follow Bai Xiaofei's thoughts.

The huge cold crystal that flew over stopped in mid-air in an instant, followed by Bai Xiaofei's thought again, the cold crystal instantly transformed into the form of an eagle, lifelike, soaring into the sky, just like a real eagle, lifelike and vivid , It's so vivid to the extreme!


Seeing this, Bai Xiaofei was overjoyed.

Immediately, he tried some other things around him, and was pleasantly surprised to find that he could really control everything around him as he wanted, and his own consumption was almost equal to 0, even if he controlled some things too much. The huge target caused some damage to him, and the endless icy power around him would instantly pour into his body, and he recovered almost immediately.

Everything waits for everything, it's buggy to the extreme.

"This feeling……"

After carefully experiencing and comprehending for a while, Bai Xiaofei suddenly realized, and said in surprise: "It turns out that it has the same effect as the unity of heaven and man! Could it be that the ability to freely control all things with ice-cold attributes is the passive skill of Xuanbing Clone ? Damn it, why don't you be so heaven-defying!"

The unity of man and nature is a realm and a state at the same time.

After entering the unity of heaven and man, a very wonderful connection will be formed with the surrounding space, just like a hacker hacking into other people's computer network. With the improvement of the realm, theoretically speaking, it is possible to do To gradually control everything in the world, it can be said to be very powerful and powerful.

Countless people dream of reaching this realm, but even if they do, it's just the beginning.

Take Bai Xiaofei for example, he has now reached the realm of the unity of man and nature, but it is only the simplest primary realm, he can only barely use the power of heaven and earth within a certain range around him, and he is far from being able to control it, and even do whatever he wants The most powerful realm, the road to go in the future is still far away!


The passive skill of the newly created Xuanbing Clone seems to have the same effect as the unity of heaven and man, allowing the Xuanbing Clone to control all the ice objects and power around it as it pleases, even changing its shape and nature. In other words, such an ability can almost be compared to the advanced state of the unity of man and nature.

You must know that even Bai Xiaofei, who is so obsessed, has only cultivated the unity of heaven and man to a higher level in the elementary realm until now, but this Xuanbing avatar, just born, has possessed incredible strength. Bi, even far surpassing the superpower of his body in the realm of harmony between man and nature, is this not against the sky?


The ability of Xuanbing Clone is also limited to specific environments.

For example, in the underground world of this place of origin, if it is changed to other environments, especially the hot environment opposite to the ice, this ability will be greatly reduced, or even completely restrained. But if this is the case, it is also a very bug. After all, Bai Xiaofei still has an Aquarius by his side, so it's not easy to create an environment in the ice world!

So far.

Bai Xiaofei's eyes immediately lit up with excitement.

He was extremely excited in his heart: "Very good! This is really great! The Xuanbing avatar did not disappoint me. Not only is it super capable, it can control the power of ice and creations as you like, and it can even interact with other avatars. , fighter, perfect cooperation, this is the ideal clone I want most!"


And at this moment, Bai Cass came over suddenly. I saw a very "treacherous" and "malicious" smile on the Aquarius facial display controlled by it, and said to Bai Xiaofei: "Please forgive me for asking, you are running around naked like this, Don't you feel ashamed?"


Bai Xiaofei was startled when he heard that.

He lowered his head in a daze, looked at himself, and then suddenly realized that the Xuanbing avatar had just been made, and before he had time to put on his clothes, his soul came out of his body and possessed it, and then anxiously tested Xuanbing The ability to clone himself, he forgot about running naked naked.

Now being punctured by Bai Cass' words, he suddenly felt extremely embarrassed and depressed to the extreme!

"I rely on it!"

"Bakas, you, you bastard, who the hell did you learn from? It's getting worse and worse!"

"You even dare to make fun of me!"

"It makes no sense!"


Someone who was speechless immediately went out of his body and returned to his body.

Although Bai Xiaofei was a little annoyed, what Bai Cass said was not unreasonable. The Xuanbing avatar can't just be naked like this, right? Then... Bai Xiaofei started the important work of refining other parts of the Xuanbing jade lotus root. After all, these things are of the same origin as the Xuanbing avatar, and they are most suitable for making the clothes, armor, weapons, etc. of the Xuanbing avatar .


Considering the factors of mutual generation and mutual restraint of all things, Bai Xiaofei's refining this time did not simply use other parts of the Xuanbing jade lotus root, but also mixed it with many treasures, such as Ulu metal, such as vibrating gold atoms, For example, the Ten Thousand Zai Lingmu made of the same material as the Wood Dungeon clone, and the surrounding Eternal Flame...etc.

This time, he wants to create a supernatural metal that he learned from the Heavenly Dao Stone Tablet. Its power is no less than that of Zhenjin, and it is even far above it. The name is the Five Elements Golden Crystal!

The theory of the five elements, mutual generation and mutual restraint.

Whether it is the Xuanbing avatar, the Xuanbing jade lotus root, or other parts of it, such as the ice crystal jade lotus, lotus leaf, lotus diameter, etc., they are all made of natural cold power. Ice belongs to water, and Aquatic wood, so in the second stage of the refining work, Bai Xiaofei added the Ten Thousand Zai Spirit Wood into it.

Wood makes a fire.


The third link is tempering with the eternal fire.

And the power of the Eternal Flame is really not hidden. Under its tempering and burning, all the parts of the Xuanbing Jade Lotus Root, as well as the Ten Thousand Years of Spiritual Wood, were all burned into a ball of flames, and finally turned into a ball of flames. Big Beach of Ashes. This is the so-called "Fire Raises Earth" among the Five Elements.

Don't underestimate these tempered ashes, they are not ordinary slag, but [Thick Soil] with the triple attribute power of water, wood and fire. Each grain is a rare and rare treasure. Now, Bai Xiaofei But all of a sudden, a pile the size of a millstone was tempered, which can be described as a burst of character.

Next, is the most critical part - native gold!

Among the five elements, water gives birth to wood, wood gives birth to fire, fire gives birth to earth, earth gives birth to metal, and gold gives birth to water, reciprocating each other, forming a perfect cycle, endless. Whether this perfect cycle can be achieved depends on whether these thick soils can transform into gold essences, and the quality of the gold essences will also be directly related to the power of the five-element cycle.

And if you want to temper the thick soil into gold essence, you must extract the endless power of the earth, make it crazily condense, and refine it into gold! It's just... the place where Bai Xiaofei is now is the underground icy world, the power of icy cold is boundless, but the power of the earth is not satisfactory.

If he wanted to turn the thick soil into gold, Bai Xiaofei had to change places, find a blessed place where the power of the earth was incomparably thick, use his own power of the earth, extract the power of the earth, inject it into the thick soil, and carry out uninterrupted compression and condensation, With time, there will be a possibility of success; or, directly from the space-time mall, buy some treasures that contain the power of the earth, and let them absorb and fuse.

As long as the golden essence is 100% and the power of the five elements converges into one body to form a perfect cycle, mutual generation and mutual restraint, you can refine the five-element golden crystal that surpasses heaven and earth! And the equipment made of the Five Elements Golden Crystal, whether it is clothing, armor, weapons, or magical weapons, will have the power to control the Five Elements, ever-changing, and unrivaled power against the sky!

To be safe.

This time, Bai Xiaofei didn't be stingy and chose another treasure hunting place to refine the thick soil into gold; instead, he made the little kid spend a huge amount of money to buy a copycat version of [Earth Land] that condensed the power of the endless earth in the Time and Space Mall. Lingzhu] successfully tempered all the thick soil into top-grade gold essence.

Once the gold essence is 100%, the power of the five elements will be completely assembled.

follow closely……

The eternal fire reignites.

Under Bai Xiaofei's incomparably superb refining technology, all kinds of rare treasures with the power of the five elements were quickly refined into perfect five-element golden crystals by him. Then...someone suddenly had a flash of inspiration and had a whim, all the golden crystals of the five elements were mixed with countless runes and secret spells by Bai Xiaofei, as well as many insights into the stele of the way of heaven, and forcibly forged into a golden holy clothes !

It is the sixth house of the zodiac—



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