The Storm God

Chapter 1520 The copycat to the end! (Please subscribe!)

A few days passed in a row.

In the outside world, nearly a month has passed since the death of the new demon king Ling Tianzun. Under the supervision and coercion of countless human races and the demon rebel army, the powerful demon clan in the past had to give up the occupied human cities as quickly as possible, and gave some of the heinous and murderous monsters to them. handed over.

Naturally, these monsters that were handed over would not end well.

after all……

This is war. Countless resentments always need an outlet. These vicious guys have been forced to take the blame and become a punching bag for countless people to vent their resentment and anger, which greatly eased the racial conflict between the human and demon races. And hatred, can also be regarded as a merit.

And after nearly a month or so of buffering, the human race, which was once miserable, is finally able to feel elated, and gradually regains some of its former glory. Countless towns and villages have also begun to rebuild with the strong support of the government. It's all a great situation waiting to be rejuvenated.

Not only that.

Some of the monster races did not choose to return to the mountains.

They chose to be with humans and became neighbors and good friends. If it was left in the past, it was almost impossible. Yes, their virtues are noble, even higher than some human beings.

Coupled with the vigorous publicity of the imperial court, the image of the Yaozu in the past can be said to have been greatly improved among the human race. So... the phenomenon of the coexistence of humans and demons has undoubtedly been fully developed and recognized at this special critical moment just after the end of the troubled times.


This does not exclude some diehards.

It's just that these guys, whether they are humans or monsters, not many people pay attention to them. Because the current concept of coexistence of humans and monsters was promulgated by the Heavenly Emperor Bai Xiaofei, and it is the general trend. Anyone who wants to stop it will be crushed by the rolling torrent and crushed to pieces.

In short, the current situation can be described as very good.

Not only has the order of the human race been gradually restored, but even the monster race has begun to build a new social system. And the most important point is undoubtedly the little demon king Huba. After comprehending the stele of the way of heaven, not only his strength has been improved again, but he was also invited back to the demon clan by Penny and Fat Ying. demon king.

As Huba's parents and family.

Naturally, Song Tianyin, Huo Xiaolan, Song Daitian and others had to be present.

Even including Bai Xiaofei.


That's just an avatar.

The real Bai Xiaofei is still far away in the underground world in the extreme north, refining the Virgo Golden Cloth.

However, such a major event as the new demon king's ascension to the throne, as the Snow Demon King of the Snow Demon Clan, Bai He Xuemanshan and other Snow Demons were naturally invited, because the current Snow Demon Clan, in name, has completely surrendered to the The human race is gone, and on the issue of race, they are also members of the demon race.

Emotionally and rationally.

They all had to go there, otherwise they would lose face.

Originally Bai wanted to refuse, he just wanted to quietly wait for Bai Xiaofei's return in the extreme north, otherwise he would always feel a little bit uneasy. But considering the seriousness of the matter, and even Bai Xiaofei's shadow avatar was persuaded, Hongbai had no choice but to leave the extreme north and participate in Huba's new demon king enthronement ceremony.

At the enthronement ceremony, there were also some accidents.

For Huba, the son of the demon king who appeared suddenly, many monsters refused to accept him as the new demon king. Moreover, the opponent's reasons are also very sufficient. Firstly, Huba's combat achievements are not enough. From the beginning to the end, he did not make any great achievements in the battle between humans and monsters. questioned.

Among the Yaozu.

Although there is also the theory of heredity, it is more popular to judge respect by martial arts. Otherwise, Ling Tianzun would not have become the new demon king so easily. Apart from the other party's schemes and schemes, more importantly, his own strength is also extremely powerful, making countless demon clans surrender.

Regarding the doubts and provocations of other monsters, Bai Xiaofei (shadow clone) and the others didn't say much, they just watched silently.

This is Huba's problem, which can only be solved by himself.

And Huba...

It did not disappoint everyone.

Whether it was doubts or pickiness from the surrounding monsters, he solved them all in a clean and neat manner. If you say I'm not strong enough, then fight until you convince me, if you say I have no merits, then call out Bai Xiaofei, Song Daitian, Voldemort, etc., and tell everything that happened, one by one, All made public.

until now.

Countless monsters, as well as the onlookers, discovered with horror that Bai Xiaofei and Huba had already experienced so many things before the outbreak of the war, especially after the outbreak of the war, if there was no With their help, the human race is probably already finished, and it is impossible for the demon clan's rebels to succeed so smoothly and even win the final victory.

For Huba's words, Bai Xiaofei and the others gave sufficient proof that the surrounding monsters were immediately speechless and speechless. So far... Huba was able to sit on the new Demon King position smoothly. And under the witness of countless people and demons, they signed a peace contract with the human race represented by Bai Xiaofei again.

The two sides agreed with each other that they would never go to war, and it was hard-won to jointly defend peace!

Even if there are any contradictions or conflicts, try to resolve them peacefully. Even if you really want to use force, you must comply with certain procedures. Ruthlessly wanted by the officials of both sides, even arrested and obliterated!


After a month or so of development, the two races of the outside world, the human race and the monster race, have barely formed a preliminary coexistence to a certain extent, and they are all moving towards a better direction at an extremely fast speed. Fighting, chaos, panic, and war, although they have not been completely eradicated, have been completely controlled within a very small scale.

Because of this, the space-time shuttle judged that Bai Xiaofei's special mission was completed, and immediately issued a special reward for this mission. Just at this time, after several days of crazy refining, without a moment's rest, Bai Xiaofei finally completed the Virgo Golden Saint Cloth with Five Elements Golden Crystals.

It can be described as double happiness!


Bai Xiaofei's mind was almost completely focused on the Virgo Golden Saint Cloth, so he actually ignored the task completion and the distribution of rewards. And the little kid didn't know the reason, and didn't remind Bai Xiaofei. As for Baicus? The strongest artificial intelligence that has been getting skinny this month is currently teasing Bai Xiaofei.


Bai Cass gave a thumbs up and said: "I have to say that your Virgo Golden Saint Cloth is the best of the best in terms of design concept, manufacturing techniques, and power. It is almost the strongest existence among the golden holy clothes, but..."

"This doesn't seem to be suitable for the Xuanbing avatar?"


Bai Xiaofei was startled when he heard that.

Taking a closer look, I was surprised to find that it seemed to be the case.

When the Xuanbing avatar is in a normal human state, it can only exert about one-third of its original strength. Only when it becomes a three-headed and six-armed state can it exert 100% strength, or even perform supernormally, but this Virgo Golden Saint Yi, no matter how gorgeous and powerful it is, is always a standard human form, and it is impossible to become superhuman.

After realizing this, Bai Xiaofei was embarrassed on the spot.


"At that time, I was patronizing the genuine version of the stronghold, and thinking about how to enhance the power and enchant it, but I forgot about it. It ended up being done with great difficulty, but it couldn't be used by the Xuanbing avatar. Even if it could be used, it would restrict The strength of the Xuanbing avatar! Fuck me, what is this all about!"

"Otherwise make another piece of equipment exclusively for the Xuanbing avatar?"


Bai Xiaofei muttered to himself.

The matter has come to this point, he can only try his best to remedy it, he can't keep Xuanbing clone naked, can he?

And this time.


However, Bai Cass ruthlessly added: "It seems that all the golden crystals of the Five Elements have been made into the golden holy clothes of Virgo by you. Even with your ability, I'm afraid you can't refine it into powerful equipment, right?"


This moment.

Bai Xiaofei seemed to hear the sound of his heart being pierced and blood spurting.

Suddenly feel a cool.


Facing Bai Cass' venomous tongue, someone was speechless, nothing to say!

Afterwards, Bai Xiaofei resisted the urge to run wild in his heart, and kept running the Ice Heart Art to suppress his anger. It took more than two hours before he used the remaining five elements of gold crystals to cooperate with the vibrating gold atoms, Ten thousand years of black ice, Ulu metal, lotus diameter of black ice jade lotus root, lotus leaves and other things, finally the equipment that is extremely suitable for the black ice clone has been created.

follow closely……


Baicus began to criticize again.

He folded his hands on his chest, put on a look of dumbfounding, shook his head and said, "Are you planning to copy Xuanbing to the end? Qiankun Circle, Huntian Silk, Fire Pointed Spear, Hot Wheels, you have everything you need, thank you!" The clothes and hair accessories on my body also have original elements, otherwise if this is released in Journey to the West, I am afraid that people will laugh to death!"


As a big man of nearly two meters.

The equipment in his hand is all the things of a child like Nezha in the legend, so he will inevitably be ridiculed. Especially the Huntian Ling, which is very popular, looks like a flying fairy belt, and it can be seen at a glance that it is a plaything exclusively for girls. Putting it on a big man, it feels a bit against the law, right?

"You know what a fart!"

Bai Xiaofei glared at him angrily, and said speechlessly: "This is the most suitable form for them (refining materials), what can I do! But then again, what's going on with you recently, not only are you getting more and more Skinned, even the ability to make up the sword and the poisonous tongue is increasing day by day, could it be that he has been bewitched?"


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