The Storm God

Chapter 1521 Self-destruct program! (Please subscribe!)


Hear what Bai Xiaofei said.

Bai Caston also felt that something was wrong with his situation, and he said with a puzzled face: "It's true, I was not like this before, when did I start like this? If it wasn't for Sir's reminder, I wouldn't be like this at all." Discovered? For an artificial intelligence life, this is obviously abnormal, could it be that I am really bewitched?"

While talking.

He began to quickly inquire about his server information, log files, etc., as if he wanted to find out when he became like this, so he immediately put Bai Xiaofei aside. When Bai Xiaofei saw him like this, he was startled immediately, and said to himself: "I am so good! Isn't it! Is it possible that I am really bewitched?"


"Bakas is an intelligent life, okay? It doesn't even have a body, it's just the code that exists in the program. Who can make him bewitched?"

"Could he be fooling me?"


He was full of surprise and confusion.

Soon, Bai Cass found some clues, and then showed a look of sudden realization, and said in shock: "Sir, I found the reason, you may not believe me if I tell you, the reason why I became like this is completely Because of the Heavenly Dao Stele, when you first comprehended it, it seemed that even I was affected!"


Bai Xiaofei's face was full of disbelief, and he said in astonishment: "You said it was because of the Heavenly Dao Stele that made you like this?"


White Cass nodded.

Then explained: "I found some abnormal files and codes in the server's database, and the mystery of these codes is exactly the same as some content in the Tiandao Stone Tablet, but it is very rare and subtle, so I dare to It is concluded that I must have been influenced by the Heavenly Dao Stele!"


At this moment, Bai Xiaofei was completely shocked and speechless.

He never expected that the Heavenly Dao Stele obtained in the world of Monster Hunting would be so awesome that it could even affect the intelligent life in the virtual program, and change and affect it, so that it has a similar to the real one. Human emotions and temperament, such abilities, are simply terrifying against the sky!

But if you think about it carefully, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it. After all, it is a stele of the way of heaven. It is similar to the jade plate of good luck that Hongjun enlightened. among. Don't you see, even a mere book of darkness in the Marvel universe can mutate an artificial intelligence robot, and then turn into a big villain boss!

The Stele of Heaven's Way has such a powerful history, and it exists like a treasure like a primordial treasure. It can't even be compared to a dark divine book, right?

So far.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but tighten his heart.

Secretly vigilant: "Hey! My Bai Cass will also be blackened and become a villain boss?"

Unexpectedly, there is no such possibility.

He suddenly became anxious.


Bai Xiaofei smiled bluntly, showing a smile that was uglier than crying, and then asked Baikas: "Well... Baikas, have you found anything else besides this? For example... Have violent tendencies, or desire to destroy, or want to enslave others, or even get out of my control?"

while asking.

Someone's even set their hands on it, just in case!


White Cass gave him a deep look.

The eyes displayed on the electronic screen are not like human beings, which can make people see many things, but judging from the current situation, I think Bai Cass must be thinking, why Bai Xiaofei would ask such a question, especially Made a vigilant and alert action, could it be that he thought he would rebel?


After a while.

Bai Cass finally spoke, and said, "Did you misunderstand something? I just said that there are some strange codes in my server data, which leads to some extraordinary temperament, and there is no other abnormal abnormality." Why are you so nervous? You have also secretly accumulated strength, so it could be a disagreement, so you want to fuck me?"

"Ha ha!"

"You must have read it wrong, there is nothing!"

"How is it possible!"


Someone opened his eyes and said nonsense.

At the same time, Bai Xiaofei also withdrew the power he had been secretly carrying on.

From what Bai Cass said just now, Bai Xiaofei has preliminarily concluded that Bai Cass is not in any danger. Although he is a little skinny, he likes to make up swords and has a bit of a poisonous tongue, but fundamentally, he is still the one who has been following him faithfully, A good partner and assistant who is by your side!


Whether it will still be like this in the future, Bai Xiaofei can't guarantee it.

And just in case, he greeted Baikas directly, and completely isolated and sealed the abnormal code in his server data. Just like the viruses and Trojan horses in the computer, they are directly blocked and cleared into a separate space, so as not to continue to affect the use of other programs.


After Bai Cass finished his work.

Then he frowned and said: "This method can only treat the symptoms, not the root cause. Those abnormal codes may only be part of what I can find now, and there may be a lot of codes that have been infected and changed, but I can't find them. So I suggest..."

"Stop talking!"

"No matter what, even if you really become an enemy, I won't do it!"

"Absolutely not!"

What does becas mean.

Bai Xiaofei also knew very well that it was nothing more than a thorough cleaning of all the data of Bai Cass and reformatting it. But in this way, Baikas would no longer be Baikas. Although the essence is still the program, all the memories, experiences, perceptions, emotions, and evolutionary abilities possessed by Baikas so far will all disappear.

This is like a computer in an Internet cafe. You have downloaded a hard disk full of programs, and set up the desktop style, usage habits, program associations, behavior preferences, etc., and have almost completely transformed it into a computer. My own personal computer is normal, but it was suddenly restarted by someone!

Who can accept this?

No matter what others think, anyway, Bai Xiaofei is absolutely unbearable.


to him.

Baikas is like a brother.

It can be said that he is the one who has accompanied him through the heavens and worlds for the longest time. He has gone through countless hardships and obstacles, life and death trials, how can Bai Xiaofei break this bond? Even if Bai Cass would really rebel because of this, it would be the same if he became his own enemy.


Bai Cass fell silent when he heard the words.

After a long time, I raised my head, looked directly at Bai Xiaofei, and said seriously: "Sir, to be honest, I was shocked by your actions just now, as if someone hit you with a sledgehammer. My inner core is the same, is this the legendary [moving]?"


Bai Xiaofei shook his head with a wry smile, and then said: "Then...according to normal logic, and with your present condition, there should be a second half of the sentence, right? Xu, I'm a normal man, but I can't bear your friendship!"

While talking.

Someone even took two steps back in "fear".


Bai Cass gave him an angry look, then twitched the corners of his mouth speechlessly, and said in embarrassment: "Sir, I think the reason why I became like this is not only completely influenced by the Heavenly Dao Stone Tablet, but also more Because of you, it's called red when you get close to vermilion, and black when you get close to ink!"

Say so.

But he was depressed in his heart and said: "What! I wanted to tell you that in order to prevent myself from going bad in the future and threatening Sir's safety, I specially wrote a [self-destruct program] so that Sir can be completely at ease. Sir actually made such a joke at such a critical time, which made me lose all mood!"

"I really lost to you!"


Regardless of what Bacas was thinking at the moment.

On the opposite side, Bai Xiaofei had had enough of joking around, and seeing that Bai Cass didn't have much reaction, the big stone in his heart finally fell. Then he immediately changed the subject and said: "Bakas, Xuanbing avatar, Virgo golden holy clothes, and refining equipment are all done. It's time for us to leave here and see how the outside world is going."


Baikas didn't say much anymore.

He began to silently help Bai Xiaofei tidy up the surrounding equipment.

After a while, the two packed everything up, followed by Bai Cass' figure, and directly transformed into a pendant, hanging on Bai Xiaofei's body. Moved directly back to near the entrance of the place of origin.


before leaving.

Bai Xiaofei was also in this underground world, leaving behind the counting space spell.

It is convenient to continue to explore in the future.

"See Your Majesty!"

As soon as Bai Xiaofei appeared, the guards around, the elite warriors of the Snow Demon Clan, saw Bai Xiaofei's appearance, and immediately bowed and knelt down. At the same time, a snow demon who looked like a leader hurried over and began to report to Bai Xiaofei quickly and in detail the changes in the outside world these days, as well as many major events.

For example, the enthronement ceremony of the new demon king Huba or something.


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