The Storm God

Chapter 1523: Gluttonous Power! (Please subscribe!)

"I really miss it!"

Looking at the thirty-six different creature options, there was actually an ancient fierce god among them, Bai Xiaofei smiled suddenly, his face full of nostalgia. Since the upgrade, Bai Xiaofei hasn't used the function of time and space lottery draw. Except that the probability is too low and it's extremely cheating, the main reason is that the cost of drawing has become more.

Without the temptation of top products and super treasures, Bai Xiaofei would naturally not waste his feelings, time and energy on any lucky draw.

Can't think of...

One of the rewards this time.

It's actually something similar to the space-time lottery.

"Let it be fate!"

Calmed down my mind.

In the end, Bai Xiaofei shook his head with a wry smile, and began to draw resolutely.

This time, Bai Xiaofei took a hasty glance at the reward, and he had basically seen all the options of the thirty-six creatures in it. The most powerful among them is naturally the legendary ancient fierce beast. This deceitful thing has not given any specific information about the beasts, it just wrote "four ancient beasts" on it.

For other people, seeing such words, they would definitely think that if they were to draw this one, they would get a total of four ancient beasts, but Bai Xiaofei did not. According to the cheating nature of the system, he guessed that it should be just one of the four beasts. As for what it is, it depends on personal luck.


The premise is that you have to be able to draw it.

Regarding this, Bai Xiaofei had no hope at all, because someone knew the probability of winning the lottery very well.

Unless you are the emperor of Europe, your luck is against the sky!


Just think about it.

Except for the strongest four ancient beasts, the rest of the creatures are all kinds of strange things, with various abilities and types, such as ancient parasites, god dog Xiaoqi, Martian beasts, and mutant chapters. Sharks, chrysanthemum beasts, and in the end, even aliens, predators, and robots, and other sci-fi stuff have emerged.

The quality is so complex, it's no wonder that Bai Xiaofei doesn't have any hope.

It's really hanging!


The extraction results will come out soon.

And what made Bai Xiaofei feel unbelievable was that his luck this time was such that he could draw the most top-notch best—the ancient four fierce beasts.

"It's incredible!"

Bai Xiaofei's eyes widened, and he read it several times carefully.

He found that he hadn't dreamed, nor read wrongly, but had really drawn the best award. It's a bit funny to say, in the four ancient beasts twice, they are ancient parasites and aliens. When seeing the pointer stop in this area, Bai Xiaofei was completely heartbroken. He secretly thought that this lottery draw is useless. up.

never thought...

The pointer unexpectedly moved forward a little bit, and just this little bit turned Bai Xiaofei's trashy prize into the top existence. This change was full of luck, and it was hard to guard against. It took Bai Xiaofei a long time to come back to his senses.

"What a surprise!"

Bai Xiaofei smiled with emotion.

Afterwards, he clicked on the option of the extracted four ancient beasts, and as expected, a prompt popped up immediately from this option: "The four ancient beasts are Chaos, Qiongqi, Yuwu, and Taotie; after selecting , will choose one of the four as a reward, do you want to draw it immediately?"

"Draw it!"

Bai Xiaofei thought to himself, sure enough, he chose to draw without hesitation. None of the ancient four fierce beasts are kind, and they are all extremely powerful. No matter which one you draw, it is a very good deal, and you are not worthy of it at all, so there is nothing worth hesitating and considering, just draw it directly.


"Congratulations, you have won Taotie, one of the four ancient beasts!"

"The reward has been issued!"


The results came out quickly.

Looking at the display results popped up by the system, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help being slightly taken aback, and secretly said: "I actually got a glutton! It is rumored that this glutton is the most edible one, and even his own body was eaten, leaving only a big head and Big mouth, don’t know if it’s true or not?”


Bai Xiaofei thought of another possibility.

In the movie "The Great Wall", the ancient monster gluttony also appeared, but compared with the legendary strength, this gluttony seems to be incomparably tasteless. The so-called endless gluttonous army, even the walls of the Great Wall However, he was killed a lot by ancient humans. With this kind of strength, even the aliens can't match it!

"I hope that what I draw won't be such rubbish stuff!"


Bai Xiaofei sighed.

No longer thinking about anything, but ordered the surrounding snow demons to leave the place of origin silently.

Although he wanted to see what the gluttony that had been drawn looked like, but the place right now was obviously not suitable. If Taotie is really that kind of garbage in the Great Wall, it's fine, Bai Xiaofei can kill him easily. But if it is a peerless fierce beast in myths and legends, then the origin may suffer.


Bai Xiaofei decided to find a remote place and extract Taotie.

As the Heavenly Emperor of the human race, Bai Xiaofei can be regarded as the most honored guest on the land of the Snow Demon Clan. If he wants to go anywhere, he doesn't need to inform anyone or any monsters. That's called doing whatever he wants. After swiping back a few waves of snow demons who were about to follow him and dispatch them after listening, he finally came to a glacier field that deviated.


Bai Xiaofei began to set up the formation.

Although he won Taotie, the system did not explain that Taotie had already recognized Bai Xiaofei as the master. So after extracting it, the possibility of being regarded as an enemy or something by the other party is not impossible, and it is even very high. So Bai Xiaofei had to set it up to avoid accidents.

Of course.

With Bai Xiaofei's current strength.

A mere glutton, no matter how powerful he is, cannot defeat Bai Xiaofei easily. The only thing Bai Xiaofei was worried about was that Taotie would turn around and run away when he saw that he was defeated. If he really let the other party go, with Taotie's incomparably terrifying devouring ability, the whole world might suffer disaster.


The array arrangement was successful.

Without further ado, Bai Xiaofei immediately released the Taotie that had been drawn. But seeing a flash of black light in front of his eyes, followed by a green murderer whose shape was like a sheep's body and a human face, with eyes in his armpit, tiger teeth and hands, and a figure as big as an ancient mammoth, suddenly appeared in the formation.


As soon as the glutton came out, he immediately raised his head to the sky and roared.

Its voice was like thunder, its roar was like a tiger's, it shook the sky and the earth, and it was domineering. The coldness and extreme cold of the extreme north seemed to have completely lost its effect on it. .


It stared greedily at Bai Xiaofei.

The fierce eyes born under the armpit are full of ferocity and wildness. At this moment, Taotie felt as if he had been hungry for a long time and suddenly saw an incomparably delicious food, drooling, as if he regarded Bai Xiaofei as his own delicacy. He just jumped up and rushed towards Bai Xiaofei.


"Sure enough, as I expected, this guy not only didn't recognize the master, but also wanted to eat me!"

"Fortunately, my master, I was prepared!"


Following Bai Xiaofei's order.

The icy storm formation around here broke out suddenly, and the rolling icy power formed an endless storm torrent, which directly blasted the Taotie who was rushing towards Bai Xiaofei. This gluttonous beast is worthy of being one of the four ancient beasts. As expected, it has thick skin and thick flesh. When it was hit by the force of the formation, not only did it not turn into an ice sculpture on the spot, it didn't even have any scratches or anything.

It's just a little embarrassing, but it seems to be very strong.


Taotie rolled a few times in embarrassment.

He quickly stabilized his figure, followed closely, and under Bai Xiaofei's astonished eyes, he roared violently, then opened his bloody mouth, and sucked it directly, like a vacuum cleaner with super invincible horsepower, Dazed, he swallowed all the endless icy storms aroused in the formation into his own mouth.


Taotie's body suddenly mutated.

In a blink of an eye, the original clear color turned into a crystal like ice crystal diamond, and the whole body exuded endless power of ice cold, despite all kinds of attacks from the ice storm blasting on his body , just like scratching an itch, not only did it not cause any harm to him, but it also served him very comfortably, showing a very enjoyable expression.

"What the hell!"

Seeing such a strange scene, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help being startled immediately, and secretly shocked: "Is this the power of Taotie? Not only can it devour everything in the world, but it can also use the swallowed things to change them. My own physique, such too perverted!"

His words were full of excitement and excitement.

No wonder...

With Bai Xiaofei's current strength.

It's not that just anyone can become his younger brother. As one of the four ancient beasts, this Taotie has a special physique and abnormal abilities, so he can naturally fall into Bai Xiaofei's eyes. Especially the other party's ability to change itself based on the devoured objects, just like the Mystique in "X-Men", it's a bug!

If you can absorb it, make use of it, and even integrate it into your own DNA, that would be amazing!

The Sentinel that almost destroyed the world is the best example!


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