The Storm God

Chapter 1524 Infinite Devour! (Please subscribe!)


After Taotie changed his physique, the effect of the ice storm formation on it had almost no effect. Therefore, it immediately started to act fiercely again, roaring at Bai Xiaofei non-stop, and tried to pounce over and swallow Bai Xiaofei in one gulp, but was blocked by Bai Xiaofei's mind and thoughts. It cannot be deposited.


Feeling the continuous impact of the spiritual power, even Bai Xiaofei's huge mental power felt tricky at this moment. This gluttony is indeed one of the four ancient beasts. The power is also extraordinarily powerful.

Based on preliminary estimates.

The power of this glutton must be at least tens of tons, comparable to an enhanced version of abomination.

"Try your defense!"


Bai Xiaofei made a big move.

The next moment, the sword formed by the incomparably rich Heaven Slashing Sword Intent and Sword Qi shot towards it like a convenient arrow.


There was a soft sound.

I saw that the sword pierced directly through the upper part of Taotie's forelegs, passing through the body, and the dark green blood immediately splashed and flowed all over the ground. But this action also angered Taotie, the strength of the roar and impact became more wild and domineering, making Bai Xiaofei have to strengthen his mental strength to resist the sound waves and impact of Taotie.


Bai Xiaofei frowned.

Staring carefully at Taotie's forelimb wound pierced by the sword, he secretly analyzed in his heart: "You can't dodge such a rate of fire. It seems that in terms of speed and defense, it is not satisfactory! But the recovery speed is really good, more than ten centimeters The huge wound healed with ice in just a few seconds, and with the fierceness, the strength also increased by a few points!"

With the sudden increase in Taotie's strength, Bai Xiaofei also became serious.


Being serious doesn't mean doing your best.

Otherwise, with Taotie's ability, I'm afraid Bai Xiaofei would have been completely played to death before the experiment was completed. And after a series of various experiments and analysis, Bai Xiaofei finally had a very detailed and comprehensive understanding of the gluttonous lottery. To put it simply, the initial ability of this product is not very high, it is just stronger than the enhanced version of Abomination.


Taotie can be hailed as one of the four ancient murderers.

Naturally, it is also particularly commendable, and its most powerful ability is undoubtedly the devour known to the public. But different from what ordinary people know to be able to eat, gluttonous devouring is not simply eating, but can rely on devouring to continuously improve and evolve. It is completely unknown what state it will eventually reach.

That is.

As long as the gluttonous food is devoured continuously, it can grow infinitely.

it's not...

After a series of experiments just now.

After devouring many of Bai Xiaofei's means and equipment, the current Taotie has increased several times compared to when he was just summoned, and his strength has reached nearly a hundred tons, whether it is speed, defense, or Stamina has also been enhanced a lot, at least Bai Xiaofei's sword condensed by sword intent and sword energy can no longer penetrate Taotie's defense.

Moreover, this is when Bai Xiaofei didn't use many high-quality materials.

Such as Ulu Metal, such as vibrating gold...


God knows how strong this guy will be.

In short, the Taotie in front of me is still very good, well-deserved of its reputation, and it is indeed worthy of its name. It is far from what the second-hand Taotie in "The Great Wall" can compare to. He was killed incomparably, and the prestige of the four ancient beasts was in vain.


Bai Xiaofei explained the experiment.

He directly bought a top-quality beast ring at the Time and Space Mall, and beat Taotie to the ground three times and two times.


Being ridden on the head, Taotie felt aggrieved and angry. It's a pity that no matter how much it tosses, it can't get rid of Bai Xiaofei's control. Bai Xiaofei's feet are like growing on its head, and he doesn't move at all. head on.

follow closely……

It didn't take a few seconds.

Under the divine power of the beast ring, Taotie completely calmed down.

As cute as a puppy.


And see this situation.

Bai Xiaofei immediately showed a very satisfied smile, and secretly said: "Although the price of this top-quality beast-monitoring ring is ten times that of ordinary beast-monitoring rings, its function and power are indeed incomparable. Even the four ancient beasts One of them, Taotie, couldn't hold back even a few times, and he was cowarded almost instantly, and the money was well spent!"


Spend a huge amount of money to buy the best beast ring.

Bai Xiaofei is not only because of curiosity, but more because of Taotie's ability.

With the addition of devouring body, Taotie's strength will also become more powerful and against the sky. If some extraordinary measures are not used, it is inevitable that there will be backlash in the future. Bai Xiaofei didn't want to see such a situation discovered, so he was willing to pay a little more, and also bought peace of mind.

Although the top-grade beast ring is expensive, its effect is very good. At least below the saint level, it is impossible to break free from its shackles and control.

And Taotie's current strength is at most around mid-level Transcendent.

Want to reach the strength of the holy level...

It's not even close!


While it is constantly devouring and improving.

Bai Xiaofei is not a dead person, he can travel through the heavens and worlds, as long as he is not too lazy or stupid, the speed of his strength improvement should be far faster than that of Taotie. In this way, as long as Bai Xiaofei maintains a powerful strength far superior to Taotie, even if Taotie really breaks free from the shackles and control of the beast ring, Bai Xiaofei can easily suppress him!

With Taotie's surrender and recognition of his master, Bai Xiaofei undoubtedly has another powerful fighter under his command.

Now that he has become his little brother, the master can't be too stingy. In order to improve Taotie's ability, Bai Xiaofei directly took out a large piece of ultra-black metal, and threw it to it like a bone, saying: "This It is the most powerful metal alloy I have so far, can you see if you can swallow it and absorb it?"

Taotie claims to be able to devour everything, but it is a legendary thing after all. Whether it can actually devour metals, and it is a super alloy that combines Ulu metal and vibrating gold factors. To be honest, Bai Xiaofei has no idea. If not, then he I can only think of another way, I dare not say anything else, Bai Xiaofei will definitely take care of things like natural talents and earthly treasures!

Since coming to the world of Monster Hunting, Bai Xiaofei has spent a lot of time collecting treasures from heaven and earth. Regardless of the type, as long as the treasures reach a certain age or have special effects, someone will never refuse them. Especially in this extreme northern land, there are countless natural materials and earthly treasures that have lasted thousands of years, which made him a lot of money.

Such a large amount of natural materials and earthly treasures is definitely more than enough to support a glutton!


According to Bai Xiaofei's wish, Taotie shrunk down in size. Then he stepped forward and smelled the Chaowu Zhenjin thrown by Bai Xiaofei, as if he was analyzing whether he could devour it. After waiting for a while, it nodded at Bai Xiaofei, "said" with excitement and excitement: "Master, this metal is the best for me!"


"Because my current strength is still a bit low, so even if I can swallow it, it will take a lot of time to digest and fuse it, at least half a year. And during the digestion and fusion period, I can't show up as the master It works. Do you think I should devour it now, or save it for later?"


While talking.

Taotie looked at Bai Xiaofei eagerly.

His eyes kept aiming at Chaowuzhenjin, without hiding his greedy desire at all.

"Swallow it directly!"

Bai Xiaofei was speechless for a while.

However, considering that I have already completed the special mission released by the space-time shuttle, it is only a matter of time before I become the master of the world and refine this space-time into my own small world. The place where the Taotie is held, so I don't care about the mere problem of not being able to summon it for half a year.

At worst, just throw Taotie into the small world, and then speed up the flow of time. In this way, not to mention half a year, even a whole year, for Bai Xiaofei, it will only take a day and a half at most. There is no need to care about it at all, and it will definitely not delay Bai Xiaofei's affairs.

"Thank you master!"

Taotie is not polite to Bai Xiaofei, and this guy is notoriously a big foodie, he has never been polite when it comes to food. Since Bai Xiaofei said that he could swallow it directly, how could it refuse? Immediately, he swallowed the not-so-small piece of Chao Wuzhen Gold into his stomach.


Bai Xiaofei summoned an empty card.

Then he told Taotie: "From now on, this is your room, go in!"


Taotie responded.

Then obediently walked into the space card, lay down inside and began to comfortably digest and fuse the Super Wuzhen Gold in his body. When the complete fusion is over, it estimates that its own strength must be improved by at least several levels, especially in terms of defense, which will definitely be qualitatively improved because of this special metal.

this moment.

Taotie suddenly felt that following such a generous master seemed pretty good.

And no matter how foodie gluttony thinks.

outside world……

Bai Xiaofei collected the space card.

Afterwards, the technique of Flying Thunder God teleported directly to the palace of the human capital. After such a long delay, since the special task has been completed, the next step is to consider unifying all forces as soon as possible, making myself the master of the world, and completely refining this time and space into my own small world.


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