The Storm God

Chapter 1525 Animal Puppet! (Please subscribe!)

In the palace.

The shadow clone is comprehending the heavenly stele comfortably.

Today, many major problems in the outside world have been almost solved by him. Even if there are still many messy things that need to be done by others, they will naturally be handled by the civil and military officials of the court, and there is no need for him, the emperor, to do it himself. In his spare time, he comprehended the Heavenly Dao Stele and wanted to improve himself.


The deity's figure suddenly appeared.

Seeing that the shadow clone was comprehending, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help showing a smile, and secretly said: "As expected of me, I will never be lazy, and I should be praised!"


someone who is narcissistic.

The technique of multiple shadow clones had to be lifted.

With the return of the avatar, everything he experienced during this period, as well as the insights gained from comprehending the stele of the way of heaven, also flooded into Bai Xiaofei's mind. Because there was too much information, Bai Xiaofei took a moment to buffer and organize, and finally sorted out all the memories.


Bai Xiaofei's spirit, as well as the state of strength, have been slightly improved because of comprehension of the Heavenly Way Stele, especially the spiritual aspect, which has become more solid and concise under the tempering of the Heavenly Way Stele. It is estimated that the current level is already comparable to the bald professor in the X-Men.

Secondly, Bai Xiaofei also knew and understood some things that the shadow clone did during the time he was away.

For example, propose new policies and laws and so on.


Under the ruling management of the shadow clone.

This human dynasty, which has just been restored and established not long ago, has been on the right track so far and can completely operate independently. Instead, Bai Xiaofei, who is used to being a hands-off shopkeeper, saved a lot of trouble. The only remaining work in this world at present is nothing more than recovery and reconstruction.

The situation is the same regardless of whether it is the human race or the monster race. Because of the war, both sides have suffered heavy losses, and it is far from being able to recover in a short time.

not to mention……

Still under the premise of continuous innovation of New Deal laws.

In this regard, the method adopted by the shadow clone is to prescribe strong medicine for serious diseases, in order to change the world as soon as possible and achieve a harmonious society where + humans and demons coexist. This human emperor launched no less than a thousand new policies and laws in a row. Although there was a lot of resistance at the beginning, as time went by, the effect was surprisingly good.

Especially in some key experimental cities, the concept and lifestyle of the coexistence of humans and monsters have been fully proved and achieved good results. Based on this basis and publicity, I believe it won't take long for the surrounding towns to be infected and summarized one by one.

And there are a total of twenty-four such experimental cities.

According to their special deployment and arrangement, they form a huge network in different directions across the country. Although the holes in this network were relatively large at the beginning, it is believed that as time goes by, these meshes will become more and more It was small, and eventually became an extremely dense super large net, covering all regions of the country.

According to the current progress, this plan and goal will take at least 3 to 5 years to be initially completed.

on this...

Bai Xiaofei didn't care.

For him, 5 years is only 5 days in the real world.

In order to refine this world of time and space and make it his own small world, Bai Xiaofei can afford to wait, and... taking advantage of this period of time, Bai Xiaofei can also take advantage of this period of time to comprehend the stele of the way of heaven and make this world a good one. Reason and explore, so as to fully tap its potential and maximize your own interests.

After making up my mind.

Bai Xiaofei began to formulate plans and arrangements for these five years.

time flies.

In a blink of an eye, a year has passed like this.

During this year, Bai Xiaofei's new policies and laws have been recognized by more and more people, as well as the Yaozu. The relationship between the two parties, as well as the humanities around the world, have also been greatly improved. The destruction and influence caused by the Great War, the Demon War, has gradually disappeared, and people have begun to forget about it and rush to a new life.

at the same time……

Bai Xiaofei's strength has also been further improved.

It doesn't matter whether it's his main body or the three avatars, it's the same, and the one with the greatest improvement is undoubtedly the Mu Dun avatar. Because the level of aura in this world is too strong, and such an environment seems to have a very special bonus effect on the clone of Mu Dun, so that the speed of improvement is astonishingly incomparable.

And in the second year.

Bai Xiaofei began to popularize some technological knowledge and ideas, intending to influence and change the world more quickly.

The prestige and fame of the Emperor of Heaven are now at the peak of the sky, so Bai Xiaofei's idea was quickly promoted, and it was recognized and accepted by countless people. And the final effect is also very good. With the opening up of scientific and technological knowledge and ideas, many amazing talents have emerged from all over the country, no matter people or monsters.

From this year onwards, the style and direction of the world of Monster Hunt began to deviate.


This is a good phenomenon.

Bai Xiaofei has absorbed many lessons from history. Although he has opened up scientific and technological knowledge and ideas, he has also retained some ancient cultural traditions and systems. Special attention is paid to the protection of natural ecological balance. Lest this world, like the real world, become a planet of Mofa.

Another year passed in a blink of an eye.

Halfway through the third year, the pattern and tone of the entire world had basically been fixed. The social concept of the coexistence of humans and demons has been basically popularized. More and more human races and demon races have begun to let go of the bonds and hatred in their hearts and make each other friends, neighbors, and even lovers.

But in such an environment.

Using the DNA of general Chi Tianba, demon king Ling Tianzun and other monsters, Bai Xiaofei finally successfully fused a clone with the strongest abilities of both sides. And transform it, refining it into the third six-path puppet of Mu Dun's avatar——Beast Dao.

The Beast Dao puppet not only inherited Ling Tianzun's ability to move in space, but also perfectly integrated Chi Tianba's devouring buff, which can restore and enhance its own strength by devouring monsters. Coupled with the special psychic summoning technique bestowed by the eyes of reincarnation, the strength can be described as quite powerful.

Especially in the value-added spirit technique, after the summoned beast is attacked, it will increase in value by itself, and the more you hit, the more it is like a bug.

Cooperating with many summoned beasts in the sea, land and air, it is extremely difficult to deal with!

Bai Xiaofei named it——

Ling Tianba!

That is: the combination of Ling Tianzun and Chi Tianba.

Although the name is a bit old-fashioned, it is easy to understand, easy to remember, and very imposing.

So far, Bai Xiaofei's main body has three major avatars, which are the Zhenjin avatar, the Mudun avatar, and the Xuanbing avatar; the strongest Mudun avatar also has the three puppets of the Six Paths of the Samsara Eye, which are respectively Heavenly Dao Xiongba, Humane Sword Master, and Animal Dao Ling Tianba.

Coupled with the many golden holy clothes and the bonuses of other hole cards, if Bai Xiaofei fully fires and uses all means, he will probably be able to torture Thanos to his knees and sing conquer!


Bai Xiaofei did not become complacent and negligent because of this, because he knew very well that there are countless strong men in the heavens and myriad worlds, and Thanos is just a small fish among them. There are as many strong men as there are stars , if he is complacent about this, he will definitely suffer a big loss in the future.

Say nothing else.

It's just a strong person who is more powerful in terms of soul.

With Bai Xiaofei's current level, he doesn't have any temper at all. Although in the past two years, with the help of the stele of heaven, Bai Xiaofei's soul power and the progress of "Nine Spirits and Stars Art" are very good, and he has faintly touched it. The threshold of the third spirit has greatly improved his own soul power, but overall, it is still too inferior.

Compared with the ability of the deity, Bai Xiaofei's soul can exert about 60% of it, which is already a high incense. And... this is just pure physical strength, as well as spirit, spirit, etc., and does not involve incomparably powerful special abilities such as infinite rampage, elemental power, and myriad demon pupils.


at a later time.

Bai Xiaofei put the core of cultivation, focusing on the soul.

In this way, another half year has passed. About three years have passed since the original five-year plan. And with Bai Xiaofei's efforts, the world of Monster Hunting has finally been basically completely changed by Bai Xiaofei. Not only are the two races of humans and monsters coexisting in harmony, but he has even introduced the power of technology into this world, providing countless human races and demon races. , bringing a lot of convenience.

this day.

Bai Xiaofei is currently cultivating the "Nine Spirits and Stars Jue", trying to guide the soul power of fate and strength to hit the threshold of courage, so that the third soul can be completely melted, so as to enhance his soul power. At this time... the little kid suddenly jumped out, and said to him with a smile: "Master, congratulations, you have now reached the minimum requirements for refining this space-time world!"


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