The Storm God

Chapter 1526 Power of the World! (Please subscribe!)


"You said that I have met the requirements and can refine this space-time world! Are you not mistaken?"

"So fast?"

Bai Xiaofei woke up from the comprehension, quite surprised.

According to his budget, it would take about five years to refine the world of Monster Hunting, but it only took a little over three years, which was really beyond his expectation.


The little kid nodded.

Explained: "Man is not as good as God. If you have not introduced the power of technology into this space-time world and liberated the minds of the human race and the monster race, it will indeed take about five years. This is a great merit and will naturally help. Conquer the hearts of the people faster for you!"

"Now what the people want, your name as the emperor of heaven is already thundering in the ears of both humans and monsters, and you are respected as sacred. Such prestige and fame naturally meet the refining standards!"

"I see!"

Bai Xiaofei is not stupid either, after what the little kid said, he understood everything, and suddenly said: "I wonder why the power of will and fate have suddenly increased so much recently, it's like a spring, I didn't expect it to be from before Behavior!"

"This is really a surprise!"


at the same time.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but start to think about why people in this world understand the power of science and technology, which would have such huge benefits, and there is only one argument that convinces him, and that is the merit of preaching!

This is just like the prehistoric period, when the world was in chaos, all races were ignorant and ignorant all day long, and all the saints established sects one after another to educate all living beings, all of them are epoch-making acts of virtue and goodness, with great merit and great power!


The things Bai Xiaofei did were simply insignificant, and they couldn't be compared with the sage's teaching. However, even so, it also brought huge benefits to the monsters and monsters in the world of Monster Hunting, and led to a brand new path.

This kind of behavior is essentially the same as the teaching and preaching of a sage. That's why the merits and virtues will be lowered, so that Bai Xiaofei can refine the whole world now.

After figuring this out, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but have some ideas in his mind, and he couldn't wait to experiment.


Bai Xiaofei also understood.

This kind of thing is hard to come by, the first time is easy, but if you want to copy it for the second time, it will be a little difficult!

after all……

That is a big event involving the rules of the way of heaven, and not everyone can take advantage of the loopholes casually, otherwise there would not be only seven saints in the original prehistoric era!

But Bai Xiaofei wasn't discouraged either.

This world is not working, we can completely conduct experiments in the next world, even if it is not working, there is still the next world.

All over the world, Bai Xiaofei doesn't believe that he can't succeed even once, but as long as he succeeds once, he will be able to obtain a huge and incomparable power of merit. This is definitely a good deal that is sure to make money!

Closer to home.

After calming down the fantasies and excitement in his heart, Bai Xiaofei began the work of refining this world.

He is now at the Saint level, the world that can be refined cannot exceed the middle level world, and Monster Hunt is barely an intermediate level world, and it does not exceed Bai Xiaofei's limit.


Bai Xiaofei's refining work is not very complicated. As long as Bai Xiaofei can gather the will power of all beings in this world, he can form the seeds of the world and bury them in the core area of ​​the planet, so that this Monster Hunt world can become Bai Xiaofei's personal belonging. up.

And now...

Bai Xiaofei is the Heavenly Emperor of the Monster Hunt world, possessing the power of dragon veins and the willpower and hope of all living beings, his prestige has spread throughout the world, making countless human monsters sincerely admire and admire him.

Therefore, to gather the will power of all beings, for Bai Xiaofei, it is like eating and drinking water, which can be described as extremely easy.

In less than half a day, Bai Xiaofei successfully formed the world seed that contains the infinite power of the Monster Hunt world.


Bai Xiaofei branded his own soul imprint on it, then threw it into the void, and buried it in the core of the planet. The seeds of the world immediately took root and sprouted, and began to absorb the rules and various information of the entire world, and tied them all together with Bai Xiaofei !

When all the rules are accepted and integrated by Bai Xiaofei, this Monster Hunt world officially becomes Bai Xiaofei's small world, and his will is the will of the entire planet!

One thought changes the world!

So far...

Bai Xiaofei now has three small worlds!

The one with the best level and the deepest foundation is undoubtedly the Elysium, followed by the Four Great Catch Worlds, and then the Monster Hunt World.

Although the Four Famous Capture Worlds are at a lower level, just a low-level martial arts world, but because they are well managed, they have a very solid foundation, which is by no means comparable to the current Monster Hunt world.


As time goes by.

As a middle-level world, the Monster Hunting World will definitely come from behind. The one that surpasses the four famous worlds will become the small world that can help Bai Xiaofei the most after the Bliss Space. After all, there is an obvious level gap between the two. As long as Bai Xiaofei It's not that he's a fool, messing around with things. With his current reputation, it's just a matter of time if he wants to lay a solid foundation, and even grow bigger and bigger.

After the refinement of the small world was completed, Bai Xiaofei suddenly had a kind of understanding in his heart. One was that he could control the various rules and powers of this world as he wished. Secondly, Bai Xiaofei suddenly felt that there seemed to be a very special and very powerful inexplicable force that was continuously emerging from the three small worlds, and then injected into his body, making his strength and state , have some slight improvements!

"What is this? What's going on?"

Bai Xiaofei was stunned. He had never encountered this kind of situation before when he was refining or even merging the small world. Why did it suddenly appear this time?


At this time, the little boy jumped out and explained with a smile: "Don't worry, this power is called [Boundary Force], as the name implies, it is the power of the world in the small world. To a certain extent, it is more powerful than merit. Only when the small world is cultivated to a certain level can it be stimulated and emerge. It is very rare that you have just refined three small worlds and let them breed boundary power Things, although the current amount is still pitiful, but in the future, as you refine more small worlds, the foundation will become more and more solid, and the more perfect the cultivation, the stronger the world power it can feed back!"

"Whether the space-time threader can be upgraded in the future, and whether the owner can become a saint, or even break through the confinement, break the shackles, become the primordial primordial being, or even a more powerful existence, all depend on the power of the realm!"

"I go!"

"What kind of world power is this, it's so powerful?"

"It's just a blast!"


After listening to the little boy's explanation, Bai Xiaofei was stunned.

Only then did he know that the weird and special power just now had such a great magical effect, no wonder he just absorbed a little bit, and he was able to fall into a bottleneck, the whole realm of strength that didn't move much, quickly went It has improved a little bit!

It turns out that this thing is actually more powerful than merit to a certain extent, and even saints need to use it to break through the shackles. If one has enough boundary power, one's own strength level and realm, wouldn't it be like a rocket? , Cengcengcengflying up?


Bai Xiaofei was just thinking about it.

Merit is so difficult to obtain, even if you work hard, you can't get much, let alone the realm force that is more powerful than merit? Counting on relying on world power to improve oneself is tantamount to nonsense!

In the final analysis, you still have to rely on your own efforts! Boundary power should be used at the most critical moment and place!

for example……

Break through the bottleneck or something.

Otherwise, relying on boundary force to improve oneself at every turn would be the same as hitting mosquitoes with a laser cannon, which is pure violence!


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