The Storm God

Chapter 1527 Dare to succeed! (Please subscribe!)

"Little brat!"

When he came back to his senses, Bai Xiaofei hurriedly asked: "How to speed up the production and utilization of this world power?"

to this day.

Bai Xiaofei's virtuous power can be regarded as a small deposit, but the world power that has just emerged is also pitifully small. It's fine if you don't know its function, but now that it's more powerful than the power of merit, Bai Xiaofei naturally attaches great importance to it!


The little brat seemed to see through Bai Xiaofei's thoughts, shook his head, and then said: "First of all, I want to correct one point, Jieli is only stronger than the power of merit to a certain extent, not all aspects are stronger than merit!"

"Give me the simplest example!"

"If the power of merit is compared to electric energy, then the boundary force is like nuclear energy. Although nuclear energy is more powerful, it has very high limitations. It is not as popular as electric energy, and can be used in almost all aspects!"

A persuasive look.


Bai Xiaofei gave him a speechless look, and said angrily: "Of course I understand this truth. As the most direct user of world power, I can still handle this point. What you mean is nothing more than telling me not to walk away with the sword. Pian Feng, focus on the power of merit!"


Seeing what Bai Xiaofei said, the little boy was immediately embarrassed. It turned out that he had misunderstood him, so he smiled coyly, and hurriedly changed the subject: "Master is worthy of being the master, so I am overthinking! Okay! Now that the master understands the difference between the two relationship, then I won’t talk too much!”

"If you want to talk about the accelerated acquisition of this world power, the method is actually very simple, as long as the master manages his own small world to flourish, and constantly improve and evolve towards a higher realm!"

"Especially when the world level of the small world is raised, it will generate great boundary power. In the past, when the Elysium Space and the Vajra World merged, the reason why there was no boundary power was because the master was not strong enough."

"But now, the master is already a saint-level existence. Although the realm is still very low, at least it meets the requirements. Therefore, when refining the time and space of Monster Hunting, which is also a world in China, the last time the two small worlds merged The generated boundary force was re-extracted and activated."

Speaking of which.

The little brat suddenly changed the subject, and said: "However... because it is the middle world promoted by the fusion of the lower worlds, and it has been delayed for so long, there are not many world forces produced, and most of them are not. It was absorbed by the small world itself, so that the master finally got only one or two tenths!"

The voice just fell.

A line of data was presented in front of Bai Xiaofei, which was his total assets. In addition to the energy value, power of fate, and power of merit that he was familiar with in the past, there was now another boundary power.


The balance of Jieli's savings is so pitifully low that Bai Xiaofei wants to hit someone immediately after seeing it!

"I rely on it!"

Bai Xiaofei stared wide-eyed and didn't dare to say anything: "I have all the world power now, but I only have 191?"

Not even 200!

Nima! Did you make a mistake!

Is this the boundary force produced after the fusion of the Ultimate Bliss Space and the Vajra World? It's too cheating, right?

"Um, yes!"

The little kid was also extremely embarrassed at the moment, and quickly explained: "It wasn't so small originally, although it was only about one-twelfth of what it was at the beginning, but no matter what, it must be about seven or eight hundred, mainly because you just unintentionally used the world power I came to improve myself, so I consumed a lot..."


This is directly throwing the blame on Bai Xiaofei!

Bai Xiaofei rolled his eyes speechlessly, curled his lips and said, "Blame me, I didn't know it would consume so much! But having said that, this world power is really useful, and now the bottleneck on my body has been completely broken , even Huangtu Overbearing has entered the fifth-level realm, so the hundreds of points of world power are quite a bargain!"

Bai Xiaofei's current strength is at the holy level, and most of the exercises he cultivates are super cheats at the Haoyue level and even the Lieyang level. The energy required for each improvement is definitely a terrifying figure, especially when he is at a bottleneck , the demand is several times, even dozens of times more than usual!

Even with such a terrifying family background as Bai Xiaofei, he couldn't easily break through the bottleneck. Going a step further shows how difficult it is.


These problems were a piece of cake in front of Jie Li, and Bai Xiaofei cleaned them up in minutes, which is nothing short of awesome!

This is not just as simple as replacing the astronomical amount of energy consumption, the most important thing is that they helped Bai Xiaofei enlighten his head, and instantly realized the key point!

This is the most terrifying place in the world!


Even if Bai Xiaofei has enough foundation, but he can't realize it, he will also be pinched there, as if 99.999999...%, just a little bit away, he will never be able to improve and enter a higher level!

So far.

Bai Xiaofei immediately stopped being entangled!

He rolled his eyes, and directly shifted his mind to how to make the small world generate boundary power faster. Although the general method has been explained in detail by the little brat, it is not so easy to do it in detail, after all, it is a planet and a world! With a population of tens of billions and different species, cultures, inheritances, beliefs, and civilization systems, how can it be improved simply by improving?

After thinking hard for a long time, Bai Xiaofei couldn't come up with any good solution, so Bai Xiaofei couldn't help being disappointed, and secretly said: "Damn it! It is indeed a power that is more difficult to deal with than the power of merit. This power is really not that easy to obtain Yes, forget it, since you can't force it, let's just let it happen!"

Bai Xiaofei's character is like this, if you can't figure it out, don't think about it, if you come, you will be at ease, very optimistic!


Bai Xiaofei did not give up on the pursuit of other powers, especially the power of merit. After all, this is related to his own development and improvement, and Bai Xiaofei can't help but pay attention to it!

In the following six months, Bai Xiaofei quietly cultivated "Nine Spirits and Stars Jue" to gather his soul power, intending to form a spirit pill to enhance his soul strength.

on the other hand.

In the world of Monster Hunting, Bai Xiaofei is promoting new policies, constantly introducing new ones, allowing more and more policies and products that benefit the people to come out, which can be said to have greatly improved the quality of life and way of thinking of the people. Similarly, His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor has also gained the admiration and admiration of countless people and demons, and his reputation and prestige around the world has increased day by day, and has even far surpassed the previous three generations of human emperors, becoming the greatest emperor of the human race!

Not only that……

Even among the demon clan, Bai Xiaofei's name is like a thunderbolt, anyone who mentions it can't help stretching out his thumb, and say from the bottom of his heart: "Submit".

Bai Xiaofei's name as Emperor of Heaven can be said to be at the height of the sun, and he has truly achieved the heart of all people, reaching an unprecedented peak!

this day.

After finishing his two-month closed-door training, Bai Xiaofei finally formed his own Power Pill as he wished, which made his soul strength increase several times again.

Moreover, the formation of life, strength, and spirit, the three pills, also made Bai Xiaofei's soul power increase all the time, as if he had applied a spirit gathering array, making his future soul cultivation more effective with half the effort!

If he can enter a high-level world with more soul power, with Bai Xiaofei's current cultivation speed, it may not take many years before his soul can be tempered to be as solid and powerful as his physical body!

But Bai Xiaofei also knows that cultivation is not a car behind closed doors, it requires a combination of work and rest, a lot of practice, especially after life and death, in order to obtain the greatest improvement and tempering.

And in this small world of Monster Hunting, Bai Xiaofei is already the most well-deserved number one, there is no one who can be his training partner, and there is no way to test and refine his improved strength.

This is very bad!


After about half a month of arrangement and negotiation, and leaving behind a Terminator clone to replace Guanli Chaozheng, Bai Xiaofei decisively left Monster Hunt and returned to the real world.


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