The Storm God

Chapter 1529 Nian Lian of the Heart! (Please subscribe!)

Queen's bedroom.

A graceful figure, sitting cross-legged on the bed at the moment, is meditating and concentrating, practicing the profound meaning of mind energy.

This person is the queen of China's Dragon Dynasty—Wu Qing.

Since the practice has been successful.

Ruthless hardly slept much.

Because every time she closes her eyes, she can't help but say a song - Bai Xiaofei. Especially when he thought that Bai Xiaofei had been away for several years without any news, and there were two or even more stunning women beside him who wanted to accompany him, his heart felt very uncomfortable, and he couldn't fall asleep anymore.

In order to calm her emotions, she could only divert her attention by practicing exercises.


God rewards hard work.

Since Nianqi Profound Truth entered the realm of development.

The ruthless strength has already stepped into the realm of the unity of heaven and man, and his own mind power has also been greatly enhanced. His own physique has also become more and more powerful under the nourishment and tempering of mind energy, even after ten days. I don't sleep for half a month, and I don't feel any fatigue and sleepiness.

Especially after awakening the profound meaning of Nianqi, Rurui's strength has ushered in an earth-shaking qualitative change. Even if she didn't sleep for a whole month, she didn't feel any discomfort. On the contrary, as her cultivation deepened, her ruthless mental state would become more full, making her feel like she was about to become a fairy.

If this is put on someone else, they will definitely be overjoyed.


Ruthless is not.

Because she knows very well that although her own strength can be regarded as number one in this world, in front of Bai Xiaofei, especially in front of all kinds of powerhouses and powers from the heavens and myriad worlds, she is nothing Nothing, maybe not even a tiny ant.

If you want to be with Bai Xiaofei, you can't be satisfied with the status quo.

She needs to get stronger!



Ruthlessly opened his eyes, a pair of cold and domineering eyes locked on a certain direction in the room.

And there, there was a figure of a man staring at Wu Qing in a daze.

This person is naturally Bai Xiaofei.

"Yu Yu!"

"Little Fei!"

After seeing each other's appearance clearly, the two almost spoke in unison.

follow closely……

Their faces were moved, and they ran towards each other with great joy, and hugged each other fiercely. At this moment, there was no words between the two of them, all the words and feelings, guilt and self-blame, complaints and grievances...all the acetylene were integrated into their respective actions.

The two of them are like dry wood and fire, once they touch each other, they will burn blazingly, irresistibly.

In an instant, the house is full of spring scenery, full of romance!


the next day.

The sky is clear and the sky is blue.

Bai Xiaofei and Wu Qing hugged and slept together, a harmonious picture of love and sweetness, immersed in long-lost happiness.


There was a sudden knock on the door outside.

"My deity!"

"It's already three poles high in the sun, it's almost noon, you should wake up, right?"

"Come out, I have something to do with you!"

"Boom boom boom boom!"


The knock on the door is called a rhythm.

" # ——!"

Bai Xiaofei was woken up almost immediately.

Not only him, but Wuqing is no exception. After all, they are all powerful people. Even in deep sleep, they can sense the wind and grass around them. Door, not to mention strong people like them, even ordinary people have already been woken up.

on this...

Ruthless is a face of shyness.

Bai Xiaofei, on the other hand, was full of anger and depression, almost thinking about dismantling the Terminator clone.

"Get out!"

"What's the matter, let's talk about it later, let's talk about it..."

"Believe it or not, I will tear you apart!"


Bai Xiaofei lost his temper on the spot. If it wasn't for the ruthless efforts to stop him, someone would have rushed out long ago and beat the blind Terminator clone into a pile of scrap iron. The avatar also seemed to know that he had caused trouble, and when he heard this, he shrank his neck in fright, and then ran away in a hurry.

"Let's get up!"

After this incident, the two of them couldn't sleep at all. Immediately, Bai Xiaofei and Wuqing got dressed, made a bunch of delicacies, ate a meal with you and me, told each other a lot of love stories, introduced each other's encounters and experiences, and finally put this The estrangement of the past four years has been completely smoothed over.

"Yu Yu!"

Bai Xiaofei suddenly said: "I heard that you have awakened the profound meaning of mind energy, can you let me have a look and experience it?"


Ruthlessly and proudly raised his neck.

Following happily, he came to the garden outside, looking eager to try and show his skills, he said to Bai Xiaofei: "Hey! Xiaofei, what's the point just to see, why don't you... experience it yourself, but But let’s say it first, you can only use the same level of strength as me!”


How could Bai Xiaofei refuse an invitation from a beauty?

He nodded immediately, and came to Wuqing with great interest, and then sealed his own strength, so that his thoughts and cultivation bases were all kept at the same level as Wuqing. Following that, he put on a classic Huang Feihong stance to meet the enemy, and said with a smile: "Yayu, I'm ready, just let the horse come over!"


With a ruthless smile, he said, "Then you can be careful!"

As soon as the words fell, an unidentified extraordinary aura, like ripples, suddenly surged out from Wuqing's body, sweeping the entire scene, including Bai Xiaofei. At the same time, after being swept by this breath, Bai Xiaofei clearly felt that a certain ability of his own was suppressed to an extremely low level in an instant.

And the opposite is ruthless.

However, under the blessing of this breath, whether it is one's own physical fitness or other aspects, it is like taking medicine, and it rises slowly. In just a few seconds, it suddenly increased to nearly twice the level of Bai Xiaofei. Such an increase and speed are simply terrifying!

Not only that.

With the help of breath, a small blazing white ball unexpectedly appeared out of thin air above the ruthless head. This small ball is not an ordinary entity, but is condensed by the incomparable pure power of heaven and earth. Bai Xiaofei was also surprised to feel that there seems to be an extremely overbearing thunder power inside!

"This is……"

Seeing this scene, Bai Xiaofei was extremely surprised.

Looking in disbelief at the Nianqi ball above Wuqing's head, which became bigger and more solid with the passage of time, and the power breath became more and more domineering and terrifying, Bai Xiaofei widened his eyes and said: "Yayu, the thought energy ball above your head, could it be..."

"That's right!"

Hearing this, the Wuqing on the opposite side smiled sweetly, nodded proudly, and explained to Bai Xiaofei triumphantly: "This is the profound meaning of my awakened Nianqi, which is similar to the female qigong you told me before. The master's awakening ability is very similar, but there are some differences, I named it - the mind of the lotus!"

"Be careful, I'm going to make a move!"

"Nian Qi wave!"


The voice did not fall.

Wu Qing put his palms together, forming a classic Kame-style qigong pose, and then pushed forward violently. The next moment, a mass of substantive mind energy the size of a car, carrying a billowing power, bombarded towards Bai Xiaofei like a cannonball, as fast as lightning!


"What a speed!"

"I flash!"

Bai Xiaofei was surprised again.

Immediately, he hurriedly used Lingbo microsteps, narrowly dodging the ruthless commemorative air wave at the very moment, and followed by an explosion with very terrifying momentum and impact. Bai Xiaofei was safe and sound, but because of this, Ruthless took the lead, restrained almost everywhere, and was like a fortress, constantly releasing waves of thoughts, and the whole field was bombarded by Wuqing!


"Unexpectedly, after awakening the profound meaning of Nianqi, Rurui's strength is so terrifying. It seems that it will be impossible if you don't show some real skills!"

"Her thoughts must be stopped!"


After making up my mind.

Bai Xiaofei's Lingbo micro-steps were directly replaced by Fengshen legs, and he rushed towards Wuqing extremely fast, intending to fight close to him, not giving her a chance to use Nian Qibo, otherwise he would always be chased and beaten by Nian Qibo, and followed Without the power to fight back, sooner or later, his physical strength will be exhausted, and he will eventually lose.


Ruthless had expected him to be like this.

But she smiled slightly, her eyes were full of brilliance and pride, and said, "Xiao Fei, want to play close combat with me? It's not that easy!"


Ruthless words should just fall.

He saw an incomparably bright golden light bursting out of his body suddenly, so blinding Bai Xiaofei's eyes. And when he finally recovered from the momentary blindness, he looked intently, but was surprised to find that within three feet of the ruthless body, a huge golden transparent energy barrier had formed.


"Crackling~ crackling!"


The billowing thunder and lightning danced like a dragon and a snake, wrapping layers upon layers around the golden Nirvana Shield, looking like a central protector, very hard to mess with. Seeing such a scene, Bai Xiaofei's jaw almost dropped, his eyes widened, and he didn't dare to say anything: "I'll go! Isn't it true that the ultimate thought qi mask of female qigong has been developed?"

"Whether it's true or not, it won't be in vain, right?"

"It doesn't matter, try it first!"

"Nian Qi wave!"


Aside from being shocked, Bai Xiaofei didn't stay idle, and just a wave of remembrance blasted over him.


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