The Storm God

Chapter 1530 Thunder Dragon Goes to Sea! (Please subscribe!)

Compared with the ruthless Nian Qi wave, Bai Xiaofei's Nian Qi wave is undoubtedly bigger and more violent. If the ruthless Nian Qi wave is compared to a docile and round balloon, then Bai Xiaofei's is a wild hedgehog, full of domineering and aggressive sex!


Because Bai Xiaofei's mental strength and internal energy are far above Wuqing's, so the cultivation base and purity of Nian Qi are also far beyond Wuqing's. The only thing he lacks is that he has not awakened his own profound meaning, and attached it to him. It's nothing more than the strength of its characteristics.


The distance between the two was not far at all, and coupled with the extremely fast speed of the mind energy wave, Bai Xiaofei's attack quickly hit the ruthless ultimate mind energy shield.


There was an incomparably crisp sound.

Just like an egg hitting a stone, Bai Xiaofei's thought energy wave, which looked extremely violent and far more powerful than ruthless, shattered on the spot, and was almost instantly transformed by the electric snake thunder dragon cruising on the ultimate thought energy shield. Shattered to pieces!

"Sure enough!"

Seeing this, Bai Xiaofei frowned immediately, and thought to himself: "It's just like the one in the game. While defending invincible, it also has considerable attack power. It's worthy of the ultimate mind mask. It's really powerful!"


"If you want me to give up just like that, it would be contemptuous of others, Yayu, you have to be careful next time, I haven't been lazy in the past four years!"

"Look at the big balls I made!"


Bai Xiaofei's figure flashed with lightning.

The speed was fast, and when he came to the ruthless ultimate mind mask in the blink of an eye, a super-large mind balloon was condensed in his hand at an impossible speed.

This thought balloon is the ultimate move that Bai Xiaofei developed based on the structure principle of the spiral pill in Naruto and combined with some characteristics of the thought energy. Whether it is appearance, effect or power, it is very similar to the ultimate move of male qigong in DNF. .

Although the ultimate mind mask is awesome, it claims to be invincible in defense, and it also integrates offense and defense, but it must not last forever. It must have its upper limit. As long as it exceeds the limit, it will be broken on the spot.

Bai Xiaofei casts the Nianqi Spiral Pill at this moment, because he wants to use the extreme destructive power of its high-speed rotation to break the surface, instantly let the ultimate Nianqi cover reach the upper limit of defense, and then break it.


"Crack, click!"


Bai Xiaofei's spiral pill and the ruthless mind mask finally collided together, the situation was a bit like hitting a balloon with an egg, one big and one small, the image is too different!

However, the power of the special skills of the two sides is almost the same. Although Wuqing is higher than Bai Xiaofei in terms of realm, but in terms of the purity of mind energy, Bai Xiaofei is several times stronger than Wuqing, or even more.

It is also because of this that the two sides are barely evenly matched, but... Bai Xiaofei's spiral pill has endless energy as the source of power, as long as Bai Xiaofei can persist, he can always maintain an offensive posture, but the ruthless energy But not so.

after all……

Its scope is simply too large!

Moreover, it also integrates offense and defense, among other things, in terms of single-round consumption, it is far above Helix Wan, so if it continues like this, Ruthless will definitely lose.

Fortunately, after casting the ultimate psychic mask, Wuqing is not like Bai Xiaofei, who has to stay there and release the psychic energy, otherwise the spiral pill will disappear, and she can take actions freely, even hiding in the psychic mask Continuing to release other stunts!


Seeing that Bai Xiaofei's Helix Pill was so powerful that it was evenly matched with her own Ultimate Psychic Mask, and even had a faint upper hand, she couldn't help it.

Then she frowned, looked at Bai Xiaofei and said, "Xiao Fei, I didn't expect your thought energy to be so pure, a simple wave of thought energy made you play tricks, if that's the case, then I will I'm not being polite to you anymore, I was just playing around with you before, but now I'm going to get real!"

"A thousand lotuses come to the world!"

As soon as the ruthless words fell, he unceremoniously shook his hands and threw countless balls of laughing air balls. The speed of these air balls flying out was not fast, but slowly, without any rules at all, like falling leaves. It was random and landed near the vicinity of the Ultimate Nian Qi Mask.

Bai Xiaofei was still holding on to the Nianqi mask, trying to find out where the upper limit of this ultimate Nianqi mask was, but he didn't move a single step, so he was soon enveloped by such a Nianqi mass.

Seeing so.

Wuqing suddenly showed a bright smile, and said: "Xiao Fei, you didn't hide, hum! You will regret it later!"

"Thunder Dragon goes to sea!"


The powerful and incomparable Nian Qi surged out again, but this time, the Nian Qi also mixed with the power of infinite thunder and lightning turned into a lifelike huge thunder dragon in an extremely solid form!

Thunder Dragon howled ferociously and was extremely domineering. As soon as it was born, under the control of ruthless thoughts, it rushed towards Bai Xiaofei head-on, as if it wanted to devour him.

"Thunder clone!"

Of course, Bai Xiaofei wouldn't sit still and wait for death. With a thought, more than a dozen thunder avatars formed by combining the shadow avatars with the aura, simultaneously appeared all over Bai Xiaofei's body, protecting them airtightly in the center.


Thunder Dragon didn't care about Bai Xiaofei's reaction, just went on a rampage and bit his head, and as soon as he touched Bai Xiaofei's Thunder clone, his face was blurred by the powerful thunderstorm!

Thunder Dragon, who was still full of arrogance just now, was blown into a disfigured face in an instant, what a mess!

Not only that.

The dozen or so thunderbolt clones around them also detonated at the same time. Before the thunder dragon could react and couldn't stop, under the effect of inertia, at the critical moment when it was still rushing headlong, it exploded loudly, forming a large The special space superimposed by the explosion completely enveloped and submerged the hard-pressed brontosaurus!

When the bursting thunder light dissipated and everything returned to calm, there was still a thunder dragon at the scene! On the contrary, there is a bitter little snake like a bamboo pole.

It is clear.

This little snake is the Thunder Dragon just now, but it was badly bombed, and now it has shrunk seriously, which is why it is so embarrassing.


Even so, the ruthless person on the other side did not show any tension and depression, but the whiteness of the corners of his mouth became more intense. She glanced around Bai Xiaofei with burning eyes, then laughed and said: "Xiao Fei, you are doomed now, because you have already been surrounded by my Qianlian!"


Hearing this, Bai Xiaofei's expression suddenly became bewildered, he didn't understand what Wuqing was talking about, he just threw a lot of thought energy bombs, how could there be Qianlian?

I am in doubt.


Bai Xiaofei widened his eyes in astonishment, looked at Wuqing with an incredulous expression, and said in shock: "That's... what's going on here? When did that ball of thought energy on your head turn into a lotus flower! Could it be that Is it its true form?"

"That's right!"

"Otherwise, why would it be called the Mind Lotus? When it absorbs enough power, it will gradually transform into a lotus shape, and then burst into bloom. While improving my various abilities, it will also have a great impact on the enemy and suppression!"

"And they'll explode!"


The ruthlessness at this time, the smile is like a treacherous little fox, it is evil and charming, only to see Bai Xiaofei's index finger twitch, almost lost control.


Bai Xiaofei discovered the key point, and then he seemed to think of something, and immediately turned his head to look around, but he was shocked to find that the thought energy bombs that fell around him before seemed to grow on the ground at this moment, and then The blossoming lotuses of thought energy are devouring the natural forces around them at an astonishing speed, and they are competing to bloom one after another.

at the same time.

As they absorbed and devoured more and more natural forces, some of them were almost all in full bloom, layers of extremely terrifying and violent forces, just like irrational wild beasts, after thousands of thoughts Lian's body was on a rampage, as if it might explode at any time!

"I rely on it!"

Seeing this situation, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help being startled on the spot, and blurted out: "This...isn't this the ultimate awakening move of a female qigong master...Is Qianlian blooming? How dare you even give this to me?" It's done!"


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