The Storm God

Chapter 1531 Comprehending the Stele! (Please subscribe!)

this moment.

Bai Xiaofei was extremely depressed!

In the cultivation of mind energy profound meaning, he thinks his comprehension is still very good, plus he also integrated other abilities in it, Bai Xiaofei originally thought that even if he hadn't awakened, it should be enough to deal with Ruthless!

How can I think...

He was slapped in the face straight away!

The ruthless tricks can be described as one after another, until now the awakening skills of female qigong have been developed!

Simply terribly scary!

"I block!"

Bai Xiaofei was horrified, but he didn't dare to be negligent. The power of Nian Qi was already terrifying. In addition, Wu Qing had already awakened the esoteric art, and the special power of lightning in the attack was also a big move of the awakening skill. The effect can be imagined. Absolutely not easy!

If you carelessly underestimate the enemy, you will definitely be beaten into a pig's head. In front of his own woman, Bai Xiaofei doesn't want to lose this man.


Bai Xiaofei has also cultivated the unique skill of the invincible defense Nianqi Mask. Although its execution and effect are far inferior to the ruthless Ultimate Nianqi Mask, it is incomparably tenacious and tenacious, and its defense power is far superior to that of the Ultimate Nianqi Mask. over the hood!

This is not to say that the Nian Qi Mask developed by Bai Xiaofei is more powerful than the ruthless one, this is mainly due to Bai Xiaofei's powerful spiritual power and terrifying cultivation base, as well as the Naruto Ninja World Hinata Clan's known as the absolute defense [Hui Tian] 】How to release the secret technique!

To put it simply, Bai Xiaofei is more pure than Wuqing in all aspects. If it is converted into a game, it means that the skill is full, and the master contract is used to make this ability reach the current top limit.

Although the ruthless ultimate mental energy mask has amazing basic attributes and special powers, it has only just been comprehended and developed, and it is still in the first level state.

Comparing the two, the power is naturally clear at a glance.

"Boom boom boom!"

Hundreds of Nian Qi lotuses relentlessly thrown out were detonated almost simultaneously, and the chain explosion impacted one after another, covering almost any place where Bai Xiaofei was.

Pity the back garden in the palace, no one has provoked anyone, but now it has suffered an indiscriminate disaster, it was blown up to pieces on the spot, countless flowers and plants, and even some of the surrounding palace walls were all affected, instantly destroyed Destroy everything!

Seeing so.

Wuqing immediately withdrew his thoughts and fighting consciousness, and was in the same state, having endured such a terrifying attack and explosion, Wuqing dared to conclude that even Bai Xiaofei would definitely not be much better!

"Little Fei!"

"See, this is the result of my hard work for the past four years. It shouldn't disappoint you, right?"

"I also have the power to protect myself!"


Wuqing said secretly in his heart, looking at the eyes full of dust and smoke, it was full of light and determination: "From now on, I can also be with you and travel the world!"


When the enveloping billowing dust and smoke finally dissipated, seeing Bai Xiaofei standing there safe and sound, looking calm and breezy, Ruthless was stunned on the spot!


"Such a terrifying explosion bombardment, you have no effect at all? How is this possible?"

"Are you cheating?"


His eyes widened ruthlessly, with an expression of disbelief, and at the end, he pursed his lips suspiciously.

"of course not!"

Bai Xiaofei shook his head resolutely and said: "I promised to compete with the same level of strength, how can I break my promise?"

"Then how did you do it?"

Ruthless is full of disbelief. The power of Qianlian's full bloom is extremely terrifying, she doesn't believe that anyone at the same level can guard against it, not even Bai Xiaofei!

"Use the mind mask!"

Bai Xiaofei took it for granted. As he spoke, with a thought in his mind, he saw a very miniature, transparent air shield that could tightly wrap Bai Xiaofei himself rise up in an instant.

Its size is exactly the same as the land under Bai Xiaofei's feet that has not been impacted by the explosion at all, without any deviation.

Bai Xiaofei looked at Wuqing with a smile on his face, and said proudly: "Yayu, you are not the only one who has comprehended the ability of the Nian Qi Mask, I am not bad either! It is still much worse in terms of attack power, but it is better in pure toughness, and its defense is invincible!"

"Your Qianlian's blooming power is indeed terrifying, but it's still not enough to look at in front of my mind mask. If it can be a little bit stronger, it will probably completely smash my mind mask!"

"come on!"

Facing Bai Xiaofei's encouragement, he rolled his eyes ruthlessly and angrily, and said depressedly: "Hmph! I can't do anything about you, stop beating me!"


He left angrily!

Of course, Bai Xiaofei would not let Wuqing leave, he hurriedly chased after him, and slammed him with sweet words without hesitation, finally made Wuqing happy!

at the end...

Bai Xiaofei looked at Wuqing seriously, and said sternly: "Yayu, in fact, your progress has been quite good. If it were me, I might not be able to achieve your achievements under the same conditions. The reason why I am better than you is that That's because I have a profound background and all kinds of cheating blessings, so you don't have to mind at all, if you were any other ordinary person, you would definitely have been abused by you long ago!"


Hearing this, Wuqing suddenly became in a good mood, then blinked and blinked at Bai Xiaofei, and said, "In that case, then give me some tricks too! I don't want to fall too far behind you, lest I can't help you at critical moments , can only become your burden and cause you to worry!"

Of course, Bai Xiaofei would not refuse Wu Qing's request, but he had too many means, at this moment, Bai Xiaofei didn't know what to give Wu Qing.

After pondering for a while, Bai Xiaofei finally decided to just let Wuqing comprehend the Heavenly Way Stele.

It's not that Bai Xiaofei is reluctant to give Wu Qing good things, but that Wu Qing's situation is different from other people.


Ruthless is an ancient person, and he also possesses a certain degree of mind power, and he has refined various martial arts and hidden weapon techniques. What he is practicing now is a super power technique of Lieyang level, with unlimited potential!

As the saying goes, "you can't chew too much!", although the ruthless talent is high, it is limited after all. I don't want Bai Xiaofei, who has extraordinary blood and divine body, and giving her some messy things may backfire.

Instead of letting Wuqing be distracted by other things, it is better to let him focus on practicing the profound meaning of mind energy, and thoroughly study this technique!

The most important thing is that Wuqing has now awakened his own profound meaning of mind energy, and he is only one step away from concluding the Eucharist. Of course, Bai Xiaofei doesn't want any accidents to happen at this juncture.


The Stele of Heavenly Dao is not a mortal thing, no matter what your aptitude or talent, as long as you persist in comprehending it, even a fool can find a destiny that suits you, let alone a ruthless one who has awakened thoughts and energy?

Bai Xiaofei believes that with the help of the Heavenly Way Stele, Ruthless will definitely be able to accelerate the speed of awakening the Eucharist, so that he can transcend the world as soon as possible, and basically be the same as Xiaoqian and Diana.


After listening to Bai Xiaofei's explanation of how powerful the stele of the way of heaven is, Wuqing was fascinated immediately, agreed immediately, nodded and said: "Just do as you said, give me the stele of the way of heaven, and I will start to comprehend and practice right away!"

A look of can't wait.


Bai Xiaofei couldn't help being stunned when he heard the words, and said in astonishment: "Isn't this too fast? Anyway, I have nothing to worry about right now, you're not in such a hurry..."

The words are not finished.

His words were interrupted by Wuqing on the spot: "You are not in a hurry, but I am! Do you think that everyone has such perverted understanding and talent like you! I am called a stupid bird to fly first... No! Hard work can make up for one's weakness!"

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and get the Heavenly Dao Stone Tablet!"

"All right!"

Bai Xiaofei sighed helplessly, then handed the space card containing the stele of heaven to Wuqing, and at the same time gave her some treasures from the world of Monster Hunt that have been obtained for more than a thousand years, and said: "You can also use these medicines." Take it! I have used Hunyuan Iron Pot to refine it, it should be of great benefit to you!"


Ruthless is not polite to Bai Xiaofei, no matter what, they are a couple, Bai Xiaofei's is hers, there is nothing embarrassing about it, after taking the set, he just left Bai Xiaofei where he was, and went to find a place to retreat and study the heavenly stele.

And Bai Xiaofei shook his head with a wry smile, then dealt with some serious business, left Zhuge Zhengwo and other masters with some natural talents and treasures, then left the small world and returned to the real world.

follow closely……

Without any lingering, he directly crossed over again and entered the world of Paradise of Elysium.


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