The Storm God

Chapter 1532 The Earth Star! (Please subscribe!)

The world of bliss space.

When he appeared in the space, Bai Xiaofei was in a daze.

Because he saw an extremely amazing picture, outside the huge transparent aviation material glass, there was actually a very huge space station. Moreover, this space station seems to be larger and more indistinct than the Elysium Space. It is surrounded by all kinds of spaceships, shuttling back and forth endlessly.

And those spaceships are also very powerful.

"call out--!"

Just like traveling through a wormhole in a sci-fi blockbuster and jumping through a warped space, it disappears as soon as it flies out. If it wasn't for Bai Xiaofei who could clearly feel that there was an obvious space ripple in the nearby space, he couldn't help but wonder if this spaceship has become a spirit, and it can still teleport!

The most important thing is that there are more than one spaceship like this!

It seems that the general goods.


Just when Bai Xiaofei was astonished and confused.

There was a sudden flash of space around him, but it was the influence of the White Queen, projected here, and this kind of projection technique is also very powerful, if it weren't for Bai Xiaofei's enormous mental power, he would not have felt any breath of life and matter from her body If it existed, he would have thought that the White Queen had also learned teleportation.

"This is……"

Seeing the sudden appearance of Bai Hou, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help being startled again.

At this moment, he suddenly thought of the black technology imaging technology in the world of "Deadly Violet". With the virtual influence that can be projected, he controls the car and runs in front of the big boss, showing off his power and playing tricks on the opponent.

Such a technology, it can be said that it is not awesome!


Originally limited to scientific and technological materials.

Although Bai Xiaofei brought the technology over intact, he still couldn't copy it at all.

Now it seems that after 4 years of development, the technological power of Elysium Space World has been greatly improved. Even spaceships can warp space and jump. This is like a substantial projection technology. Naturally, I will stop talking, and it seems to be more powerful and awesome than the original version in "Deadly Violet"!

"The White Queen!"

Bai Xiaofei shook his head with a wry smile.

Looking at the quiet and sweet Queen Bai, he sighed, and said: "It seems that during the time I was away, something extraordinary happened in the Bliss Space. What's going on with the various spaceships? Could it be that aliens are coming?"

"of course not!"

Bai Hou smiled when he heard this, and explained: "Master, those are all products created by ourselves. In the four years since you were away, we have made earth-shaking improvements and progress in all aspects, especially As for the interstellar project, with the continuous advancement of technology, our background is getting deeper and deeper!"


As soon as Bai Hou thought about it, a detailed information was immediately transmitted to Bai Xiaofei's brain. After sorting out his thoughts a bit, Bai Xiaofei got all the relevant information from it, and then he showed a look of sudden realization, and muttered to himself: "So it's like this!"

According to the data display.

In the second year and three months after Bai Xiaofei left.

The scientific research team in the Elysium Space World, as if they have opened up, have made great improvements and progress in all aspects. Then the whole world ushered in a wave of upgrades of various black technologies, and the first to bear the brunt was naturally the Interstellar Project. After all, the current main source of energy for the Elysium Space World is the Interstellar Project.

With the passage of time, the development of the interstellar project has become more and more smooth, and the lunar base has almost been declared complete. The rest is to transform the surface environment of the moon to make it more comfortable and beautiful. On the other side of Mars, the development is also extremely rapid, and bases are erected one after another, planning to alleviate the population crisis on the earth side.

at the same time……

With the continuous delivery of various scarce materials and energy, the earth has become more and more prosperous. Many plans that could not be implemented due to insufficient materials and energy have also been put on the agenda again, such as further Projects such as the expanded Sky City, the Underwater World, and even the near-Earth space station are all in full swing.

Among the many engineering plans, the construction of Sky City is undoubtedly the most simple and labor-saving, because Bai Xiaofei's normal-temperature superconducting ore is inexhaustible, and with tens of billions of robot craftsmen, it works 24 hours a day It took only a few months for the building and construction of the building to be initially completed.

The second is the construction of the underwater world.

This plan is quite difficult. After all, as the sea area deepens, the sea pressure will increase. Even a robot craftsman cannot withstand all the sea pressure. Once it exceeds the limit, it will also be crushed into waste. Iron fragments, fortunately, the scientific research team has developed a super black technology, which can use room temperature superconducting ore, cooperate with the vibrating gold factor, and supplement with strong energy support to form a special magnetic field.

And the range and strength of this magnetic field can be adjusted at any time according to different situations!

It can be described as awesome!

As a result, the construction plan of the underwater world was able to start smoothly.

After several years of uninterrupted construction and construction, as of now, although the Underwater World Project has not yet reached the expected 30% of the project, it has already built no less than 30,000 people in various sea areas around the world. Many large and small submarine cities have greatly relieved the population pressure on the earth.

at the same time……

The sea also contains rich mineral deposits far beyond the land.

With the continuous seating of submarine cities, the energy mining work, efficiency and productivity of the earth itself have also been greatly improved. However... In order to prevent excessive mining, Baihou strictly restricted and controlled it, so as not to cause another major ecological crisis on the earth.

at last……

It is also the most improved.

Naturally, it is the near-Earth space station project in the interstellar project. Under the rush of countless robots day and night, this large space station, which is no less than the function and use of the Elysium, has finally been perfectly built. It has become the trading port of the earth, and it is extremely hot!

Compared with the beauty and comfort of the Bliss Space, it is a paradise-like paradise world.

This large space station, which has just been built and named [Earth Star] by Empress Bai, undoubtedly looks much simpler, of course... this is only for the luxury of the environment. This is like the difference between a villa and a residential building. The Bliss Space is a villa with extremely luxurious decoration, while the Earth Star is a residential area with a large number of residential buildings.

Although the Bliss Space is good, but after all, the space is limited and cannot accommodate many people.

This is not the case with the Earth Star. In terms of population capacity, it is far more than a hundred times that of the Elysium Space. Not only that, but it is also a super large complex that integrates trade, commerce, residence, port, military manufacturing, scientific experiments... and so on, just like the city of a thousand stars in "Valerian".

Although the star of the earth can't reach the astonishingly vast scale of the city of a thousand stars, although the sparrow is small, it has all the internal organs!

To this day, the Earth Star has replaced the Elysium Space and has become the most important existence on Earth. It is even no exaggeration to say that it is really about to become the core of the world. As for the Bliss Space, although it is extremely important, it is now more like Bai Xiaofei's private villa and back garden.

The focus of the two is almost completely different!

One of them is a public property that is open to the whole world, while the other is a seemingly existing enterprise that is fully responsible to Bai Xiaofei himself.

Although they are related to each other, they do their own thing without interfering with each other.

on this...

Bai Xiaofei didn't have much of an opinion.

He felt that this was pretty good, at least he didn't have to worry about those messy things every time he came back. With the completion of the construction of the Earth Star, a strict and reasonable management system has naturally been formulated there, such as various problems and troubles in major planning projects, and naturally someone will deal with them and headaches.

Bai Xiaofei only needs to sit back and enjoy the benefits, and harvest all kinds of fruits.


when necessary.

He, the Lord of the world, still needs to show his face more, and use his means to come up with some black technology and various good things. This is not only conducive to the absorption of one's own willpower, but also the growth of dragon energy, and it also plays a pivotal role in supporting the development of the entire world of bliss.

But compared to the past, these are simply too easy!

So far.

Bai Xiaofei was hooked immediately, and he was very pleasantly surprised: "It's really great, with the Earth Star to share most of the pressure and all kinds of troublesome problems for me, so that I can be a hands-off shopkeeper with peace of mind. You can do whatever you want. You can be carefree and do whatever you want, such a day is simply not too pleasant!"


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