The Storm God

Chapter 1533 Guarding the two poles! (Please subscribe!)

After the excitement.

Bai Xiaofei calmed down, and started to talk about serious matters with Queen Bai.

This time he stayed in the Monster Hunt world for more than 4 years. Although the time was too long, the gains he gained were quite huge. He formed a Snow Demon team whose combat power was not even stronger than the enhanced version of the Hate Legion. , and even obtained the super treasure such as the stele of heaven and earth, as well as countless treasures of heaven, material and earth.


Among the many benefits.

What Bai Xiaofei cares about and is most interested in is the search design for Miss Dune. Because he saw a trace of the way and ambition to build a chat group similar to the Avenue, although there are many, many difficulties and unknown technical elements, at least Bai Xiaofei has found a trace of direction from it.

Given time.

As Bai Xiaofei's ability gradually strengthened.

There are more and more time and space worlds traveled, maybe one day, a similar technology can be found from a certain world, and this piece of rough jade can be conquered with other stones. If the concept of the chat group can really be turned into reality, then the help to Bai Xiaofei can be said to be incomparably huge.


So get rid of the space-time shuttle.

It is not impossible to travel through time and space and hunt the heavens and worlds with one's own ability.

"I see!"

"I understand. From now on, I will take the research on the sand dunes of longing as my first task, and try to find the key to it. But... Master, this sand dune of longing is the secret of another world. Our place is hindered by the environment of the world. Due to the rules and regulations, the best conditions may not be achieved!"


The White Queen pondered for a while, and then suggested: "I suggest forming a special research team to go to the world of Monster Hunting to conduct local research and investigation!"

"no problem!"

Of course, Bai Xiaofei had no objection to Queen Bai's proposal. In fact, even if Queen Bai didn't say it, he would still order it. After all, it can reduce many unexpected situations, and can research results as soon as possible, saving trouble. Of course, Bai Xiaofei will not make it more complicated and troublesome.

"Just do as you say!"

"It's up to you to decide on the candidates for the research team, and I won't interfere!"


Speaking of this, Bai Xiaofei took out a USB flash drive, handed it to Queen Bai, and then explained: "This is the essence of the skills of celestial masters in the world of Monster Hunting, as well as my understanding and understanding of Longing Dune. With the help of some enlightenment experience, it should save you a lot of detours!"


After taking over the U disk.

Bai Hou said some other things to Bai Xiaofei, and then disappeared, probably busy looking for members of the research team. Facing this familiar yet unfamiliar Paradise of Bliss, Bai Xiaofei smiled wryly and shook his head, then released the Red Queen, Diana and others.

follow closely……

Someone was severely reprimanded.

Who made Bai Xiaofei play a stand-alone game directly in the world of Monster Hunt, and didn't bring them to play together at all.

No wonder everyone has no complaints!

"It's disgusting!"

The red queen, the tiger girl, reacted particularly fiercely.

I was imprisoned by Bai Xiaofei for a long time, I thought I could finally go out to roam around, but in the end, I was locked in the space card all the time, I didn't even have time to breathe, it was like being in prison, how could you make her angry? No, as soon as Hu Niuer came out, she immediately started to fan the flames.

Diana, Xiaoqian, and Xiao Bailei were all incited, and they condemned Bai Xiaofei one after another.

Bai Xiaofei naturally tried his best to defend himself.


People don't like this at all.

Fortunately, Bai Xiaofei wasn't stupid either. Seeing that everyone was in high spirits, he didn't intend to let him go at all. He rolled his eyes, and directly changed the subject, turning his finger on the changes in the Bliss Dimension. This trick really worked. Facing the familiar and unfamiliar environment around them, especially the super-large Earth Star space station opposite, everyone was immediately distracted.


"Finally escaped a catastrophe!"

"so close!"

Seeing that everyone was attracted by the Earth Star and completely put himself aside, Xiao Fei couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief. Then, with oil on the soles of his feet, he slipped away directly, and teleported to the huge ecological park on the earth's Australian continent with a flying thunder god technique, preparing to meet his divine envoy, Saintess Tiya.

Traveling through the world of Monster Hunt this time, among Bai Xiaofei's many harvests, there are also a lot of magical and powerful animals and plants. It is undoubtedly the most appropriate to give these to Tiya, the general manager of the ecological park. Whether it is used for research or to improve the ecological environment of the earth, it is definitely better than in the hands of Bai Xiaofei.

"My God!"

Tiya saluted Bai Xiaofei very respectfully.

Bai Xiaofei waved his hand. She didn't need to be polite about the matter. After asking some questions about the construction and development of the ecological park, and getting a very affirmative and hugely rewarding reply, his mood immediately improved, and he laughed loudly: "That's really true!" That's great, at this rate, the aura of the earth will probably become more and more intense, Tiya, you deserve a lot of credit!"


Tiya smiled modestly and said, "This is all thanks to the glory of my God!"


She also showed Bai Xiaofei some novel plant species, their functions and vitality are extremely powerful, even in the extremely harsh desert environment, they can also dress and grow with incomparable tenacity, the most important thing is that among these species Some plants can also provide great photosynthesis and produce a variety of trace elements that can be absorbed by the human body.


If this kind of plant is planted on the moon, or even in the immigration and mining bases of Mars, it will undoubtedly be an excellent choice. They can not only maintain the balance of the environment, but also improve the ecological quality. Even if the amount is enough, and there is a certain amount of gravitational force and atmospheric protection around them, they can even change the ecological environment of a planet!

Bai Xiaofei collected some of these magical plants.

at the same time……

He also gave Tia more flora and fauna.

Bai Xiaofei said with a smile: "I have tamed all the animals and plants here, and there will be no danger. Even if there are mischievous ones, they probably won't be your opponents. You should study them carefully and see if you can get rid of them." Whether it is difficult to combine with some existing species or combine new species, just tell the above!"

The so-called top is naturally the near-Earth space station.


Tia responded.

For Bai Xiaofei's orders, she naturally did her best without any complaints.

After all, he is her god!


Bai Xiaofei left the ecological park.

Followed by driving the aircraft, they came to the south and north poles of the earth respectively.

With the huge destruction of environmental ecology, the earth's ozone is getting less and less, but nitrogen dioxide is increasing, which leads to global warming and accelerates the deterioration of the environment. The natural cold environment of the north and south poles of the earth is equivalent to the refrigeration system of a refrigerator. It is imperative to completely improve the ecology of the earth and repair the melting of glaciers at the two poles!

Change to before.

Even Bai Xiaofei didn't have a good solution.

It can only be used from time to time to use the power of the ice treasure box to strengthen the glaciers and ultra-low temperature at the two poles, but this method is only a temporary solution, not the root cause, and it is very troublesome. But this time, Bai Xiaofei had an idea. That is to let the Snow Demon clan from the world of Monster Hunting guard the north and south poles.

The snow demon is a half-elf monster, born with very powerful icy power. If they are stationed, it is believed that the melting of the two poles can be greatly alleviated. Coupled with the continuous expansion of global ecological parks, the speed of ecological restoration is getting faster and faster. It is estimated that it will not be long before the earth's regulating system can be restored to its original state.

at the same time……

Take care with regional Gaia awareness.

These snow demons can also get better nourishment and growth, which is completely a win-win situation. But these are simple to say, if you really want to do it well, it will not be done in a short while. For example, if you want to create an environment suitable for the snow monsters to live in, you can't just let them eat and sleep in the open, right? This is too chilling.

And when Bai Xiaofei was almost busy with all these things, it was already a few days later, he thought, after so many days, Diana and the others should have almost eliminated the resentment towards him, so he went Teleported directly back to the Bliss Space.


After coming back.

But Bai Xiaofei didn't see anyone.

Everyone seemed to hide from Bai Xiaofei intentionally. No matter how Bai Xiaofei sensed it, or asked the Queen Bai and the monitoring system, they couldn't get the slightest response. In desperation, Bai Xiaofei had no choice but to give up the plan to find everyone. Their behavior like this, It's clear that I haven't forgiven myself yet, so let's cool off first.

In the next few days, Bai Xiaofei explained many things to the Queen, and at the same time upgraded his own black technology means.


When no one cares.

Someone who was bored and depressed simply returned to the real world.

Bai Xiaofei is going to relax in the real world for a few days.

Then go through.


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