The Storm God

Chapter 1534 Frequent Accidents! (Please subscribe!)


Bai Xiaofei's figure suddenly appeared.

Coincidentally, at this time, his shadow clone just came back from the outside, and as soon as he opened the door, he saw Bai Xiaofei flashing out, which made the shadow clone stunned on the spot: "Yo, I'm finally back! My deity, I thought you were reluctant to come back."

In the past time travel, Bai Xiaofei didn't take long time, at most he came back in just over a day, but this time, it lasted about 4 days. It's no wonder that the shadow clone was so surprised, he doubted whether the deity was in time and space What trouble the world is in.


Bai Xiaofei sweated a little.

Being sarcastic in a joking tone by my avatar, it feels a little awkward no matter what.

He pouted angrily, didn't say much about time travel, but changed the subject and said: "During the time I was away, nothing abnormal happened in the real world, right?"

Although the reality is very harmonious, usually nothing will happen in just three to five days, but if you are not afraid of 10,000, you are afraid of what happens. Last time, Shangguan Hong almost fooled his sister, so I should pay more attention to it. good.

"how to say……"

Unexpectedly, after the shadow clone heard the words, it frowned slightly, then tilted its neck and said: "There are a few things, although for us, these are just pediatrics, but for ordinary people, It's a very annoying problem..."

"Besides, Director Zhao called several times regarding the Superstar Alliance and asked me to attend by name. However, I pushed it because of other things. You should pay attention to reply later!"


"Forget it! I'm too lazy to tell you one by one. There are too many messy things, and I can't explain them all. You'd better see for yourself!"


The voice just fell.

The shadow clone automatically dispelled the ninjutsu, and disappeared directly into a puff of white smoke, but it sent all its memories and energy to Bai Xiaofei, the deity.

After a while.

Bai Xiaofei finally sorted out the memory of the shadow clone, and then frowned: "Unexpectedly, something really happened. There are foreign spies who have infiltrated into my Future Time and Space Company. It seems that they want to plot against my universal medical device." Technology!"

In the real world, the most popular technology and invention today is not energy, nor electronics, nor is it the iPhone that is becoming more and more trash, but Bai Xiaofei's universal medical device. The universal medical device, which can almost instantly cure all known diseases, can be said to be the first great invention in the world, and countless people around the world are envious of it.


Because of Bai Xiaofei's personal tendency, hundreds of millions of people around the world cannot use it. Even if they have obtained the universal medical device through a special channel, by virtue of the black technology that surpasses the real world for at least a hundred years, and the field of intelligence, Bai Xiaofei It can also be turned into scrap iron, useless.

Just like the ID activation lock set by Apple, there is no reason at all. If you like it or not, it will force you to replace it with a new one. What the hell! Under such overlord clauses and wild coercion, it is natural that some people will have to use their brains, and the first to sell to Bai Xiaofei's Future Space-Time Technology Company, without exception, is the United States, which is known as the world's hegemon!


Bai Xiaofei's future space-time technology company.

Most of the company's members are made up of various types of terminators. Ordinary spies can't infiltrate them, nor can they buy them. But the reason why human beings can be called the spirit of all things is because their potential is almost infinite. After countless failures, these spies have finally mastered the weak links and loopholes of the future space-time technology company .

In the future space-time technology company, in addition to most of the terminators, about 10% of the members are selected and hired by the indigenous elites in the real world. Although they have all gone through severe tests and screenings, with so many people, it is inevitable that there will be one or two accidents.


American spy agents took their families hostage.

Under such circumstances, even the hypnotized human beings will have a certain probability of "rebellion" under the influence of the most fundamental, heartfelt, and deep soul. That is: between Bai Xiaofei and his family, there will be a certain probability of people who will break through and break free from the shackles of hypnosis, and follow their own instincts and selfishness.

That is to betray Bai Xiaofei.


The loss of Future Space-Time Technology Company in the past few days can be said to be very huge.

With the spread of many program codes, many special password locks, related seal designs, and insurance settings set up for foreigners in universal medical instruments have been cracked on a large scale by foreign technological geniuses based on this. And conquered, so many black market universal medical devices were exported to all over the world, breaking the monopoly and blockade of Bai Xiaofei's only one company in the world.

At the same time, with the popularity of these cracked versions.

Bai Xiaofei's Future Space-Time Technology Company has also been denounced and condemned by people all over the world. They say that they are simply vampires, and a piece of equipment actually costs hundreds of millions of yuan, especially in some foreign countries, which directly buy and sell in their own currency. It's just a scam!

As the US dollar country with the most circulating currency in the world-the United States, and China's greatest enemy-Rijima, they are undoubtedly the most condemned and condemned ones. And with the popularity of the cracked version, these guys actually publicly demonstrated the awesomeness and power of their cracked version.

Its intention is obvious, it is to slap Bai Xiaofei in the face, so that the whole world can see that Bai Xiaofei's blockade has no effect at all.

I can get it in minutes, and it is almost completely cracked!

What can you do to me?


How could Bai Xiaofei tolerate such provocative and job-seeking behavior?

Even if the one left in the real world is only a shadow clone of Bai Xiaofei, not the true self, but he still cannot endure such a great humiliation, so... in the United States, Japan Island and other countries that have always had countless conflicts and problems with China, they are facing the world. In front of him, when he was declaring how awesome he was, the shadow clone immediately made a decisive move.

With the help of artificial intelligence, when all the universal medical devices have been produced, the backdoor programs left behind will be displayed in the United States, Japan and other countries at that time, as well as all the universal medical devices obtained through illegal means. Under the control of the shadow clone, it exploded in front of countless people all over the world!

That's right!

It just exploded!

So what if you cracked the technology? I will blow it up for you directly, making it impossible for you to use it at all, let's see how you can hold it!


Almost everyone in the world.

After seeing such a crazy and unbelievable scene, almost 90% of the people were dumbfounded. They never imagined that the universal medical device that they spent almost astronomical sums of money to buy had such a fatal loophole that the future space-time technology company could manipulate it to explode at any time!

Who can bear this shit!

follow closely……

Almost all the people all over the world who were outraged began to condemn Bai Xiaofei's company.

And at this moment, Bai Xiaofei's shadow clone, risking nothing in the world, did the opposite. Not only did he not give any explanation to the people of the world, but he was also extremely arrogant and overbearing. A statement was issued: "I'm just like this, what's the matter? Don't use it if you don't agree!"


The words are not so direct, but the meaning is not bad.

Then, the countless crowds of people all over the world who were extremely excited and protested were almost all discouraged at that time, and all of them fell down one by one, and they didn't dare to say a word anymore. Indeed, countless people in the United States, Japan and other countries were stunned, with disbelief and bewilderment on their faces.


"It's okay like this? It's just a bully!"

"I'll fuck you MMP!"


No one was furious.

He even couldn't help vomiting three liters of blood on the spot, and died immediately.


Bai Xiaofei's future space-time technology company.

After experiencing this wave of turmoil and denunciation, instead of any loss, reputation and sales have increased by more than ten times. A mentality of being afraid that he would not be able to buy such a heaven-defying medical equipment, and cause himself to miss the treatment, and be missed for life by those idle guys in the world, made the company's turnover skyrocket at a rocket-like speed.

for a while.

The future space-time technology company has almost become the earlier Apple and Microsoft, and the limelight can be said to be the same for a while.

And those foreigners, if they steal the chicken, they will lose the rice!

But even so...

The other party still didn't give up on exploring and stealing Bai Xiaofei's technology.

It's just that, compared to the previous behavior, these guys are all well-educated, and they all understand the principle of making money silently. Even if they get any benefits, they will choose to keep it secret, and then hide in the dark and study secretly, trying to completely crack it , and then become something of its own.


It's all kinds of messy things.

for example……

Various invitations from the Superstar Alliance.

Various urgings and renewals of new orders from Director Li Long of the Ability Control Bureau.

Or Bai Xiaoran's new situation.

Etc., etc.


During the few days when Bai Xiaofei was away.

In the real world, it can be said that there are turbulent winds and clouds, all kinds of accidents and abnormal situations, all gathered together. It's no wonder that the shadow clone with almost the same temper as Bai Xiaofei's main body couldn't stay idle at all, and had to leave the villa and go outside to deal with it, because there were simply too many messy things.

It can't be dealt with!


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