The Storm God

Chapter 1535 Invitation from Director Zhao! (Please subscribe!)


"This messy thing is really troublesome!"

"It seems that some people are busy!"


Bai Xiaofei muttered to himself depressedly.

Afterwards, he began to meditate. The things that happened in the real world in the past few days are a bit surprising, but there are priorities. Those are not very important. Let those guys who stole their technology pay the price they deserve!

It doesn't matter if the other party is an individual, a country, an organization or something.


No one can steal my technology!



Follow Bai Xiaofei's words.

Bai Cass, who lived in the Aries pendant on his chest, immediately appeared, standing in front of Bai Xiaofei respectfully, as if waiting to be dispatched. Bai Xiaofei's eyes flickered, and he said coldly: "I'll leave this matter to you to handle. I'll ask you how to do it, and it's up to you!"


"Be sure to make the other party pay a heavy price!"

"Especially the United States and Hishima!"


For Bai Xiaofei's feelings.

Naturally, Baikas knew it well. After listening to Bai Xiaofei's request, he directly used the network in the villa to upload his consciousness to the international network, and then began to carry out what Bai Xiaofei explained. The task, and the first thing he did was to redesign and encrypt all the electronic products in the future space-time technology company.

In this way.

Those various spies who sneaked into China, even if they got some black technology by chance, it is absolutely impossible to crack the technology. Even if they threaten the human employees in the company, it won't work, because those who know the password and unlocking procedures are the terminators who are placed in the company.

It's hard to get the key from the Terminator.


Then Baikas followed the network and went directly to other countries in the world, followed by using his special ability to search for the location of those spies and secret service organizations in the vast and endless data network. base, he will not hesitate to launch revenge.

As for how to get revenge, that's not what Bai Xiaofei cares about, anyway, as long as he doesn't make the other party feel better.


while revenge.

It would be great to get some benefits by the way.

Regardless of what Baikas did.

In the villa.

Bai Xiaofei took out his phone and first called his younger sister Bai Xiaoran. After all, I haven't had much contact with her for four or five days. As an older brother, I'm a little too incompetent. Even if Bai Xiaoran's attitude towards him is still not very good, it is her problem after all, whether he can make a phone call or not is Bai Xiaofei's business and attitude.

The two cannot be confused.

"Beep beep!"

A burst of blind voices came.

As expected, this stubborn girl never answered Bai Xiaofei's call.


Bai Xiaofei shook his head speechlessly.

Then he smiled wryly to himself and said, "Really, I don't know how I offended her. Is there any need to hate me for so many years? I really convinced her!"

Although Bai Xiaofei is used to this kind of behavior.


It's not good after all.

So Bai Xiaofei thought about finding an opportunity to have a good talk with Bai Xiaoran in the future. After all, we are all a family, so why not just sit down and open up about any conflicts? If it really doesn't work, at worst, use mental hints to cheat. In short, Bai Xiaofei had had enough of this situation, and he had to solve this matter no matter what.


Means such as directly reading memory or something are still unusable.

That would be too much.

follow closely……

Bai Xiaofei called his parents again.

Both parents are in the village, not only is there a magic dog by their side, but also there are countless terminators and peerless masters lurking around for protection, so there is naturally no security problem. The purpose of Bai Xiaofei's phone calls is mainly to chat about family affairs, let his parents know about his situation, and feel more at ease.


due to certain factors.

Bai Xiaofei's current situation cannot be fully told to his family.

In order not to be disturbed by many external events and influences, the peaceful life of my parents, if I let my family know that I have opened such a large company, I have also established countless enemies internationally. Mentality, then don't worry about Bai Xiaofei dying, I guess he can have nightmares when he sleeps at night!


own business.

If you can hide it, just hide it first.

When the time is right in the future, I will tell my parents everything. Bai Xiaofei believes that they will understand and forgive him. After hanging up the phone, Bai Xiaofei contacted the Terminator in the town and asked about Shan Xiaofang's family.

Shan Xiaofang is Bai Xiaofei's official girlfriend in the real world.


Because of Shan Xiaowei's death.

Bai Xiaofei had no choice but to seal the memory of the other party, making each other strangers. Only when the secret method is found in the future and Shan Xiaowei can be revived, can the two sides reunite. Otherwise, if this problem is not resolved, there will always be obstacles in Bai Xiaofei's heart, and if it is serious, there will be inner demons, which will affect his own practice.

"Everything is normal here!"

The Terminator who was in charge of protecting Shan Xiaofang's family soon received a reply, saying that there was nothing unusual. Even if Shan Xiaofang's family encountered any trouble in business, they would secretly use various method, to settle it completely without disturbing any outsiders.

And these...

It is also the only one Bai Xiaofei can help them at present.

"It's fine!"

Thinking of Shan Xiaofang and her sister Shan Xiaowei, Bai Xiaofei's mood sank slightly. Shan Xiaowei's soul is still being repaired, and it is not far from returning to the level of a normal person. But her physical body, because there is no complete DNA sample, cannot be cloned and regenerated, and it is extremely difficult to completely resurrect her.

From the incident at the beginning to now, Bai Xiaofei has traveled through several space-time worlds, but he has not found a way to bring him back to life. Even the time-space mall has not refreshed a treasure with this ability. It made Bai Xiaofei a little frustrated, his luck must be bad, right?

According to Bai Xiaofei's analysis, such as the Golden Sun Sutra of the Mummy World, the Black Sutra of the Undead, and the Heavenly Book of Miko Ziyuan; their abilities should all be able to revive Shan Xiaowei. There is also the Shenlong in the Dragon Ball world, which is even more simple and rude, as long as you make a wish.


Ideal is full, the reality is very skinny.

Even if there are many worlds where wishes can be fulfilled, if you are not lucky enough, and you can't go through them all the time, Bai Xiaofei doesn't have the slightest temper! At this moment, he really missed the orienteering time travel before. It's great to go to any world that comes to mind! However, after the upgrade, it turned into a random time travel, which is really cheating!

Sensing Bai Xiaofei's deep evil thoughts, the little kid couldn't help jumping out, and comforted him: "Master, you don't have to be too discouraged, the items in the Time-Space Mall are still one world away from the next complete innovation, by then After the refresh, maybe there will be a [Designated World Shuttle Card], and then you can also enter the time and space world you want to go to!"

"hope so!"

With the cheating nature of the space-time shuttle, Bai Xiaofei didn't have any hope at all.

In the final analysis, you still have to rely on yourself.

"Ring ring ring!"

Just when Bai Xiaofei was trying to calm down, his phone rang suddenly.

Taking a closer look, it turned out to be Director Zhao.


Bai Xiaofei answered the phone without any hesitation.

Director Zhao's intention for coming here was not what Bai Xiaofei expected, he was here to ask him to participate in the dinner. According to the memory of the shadow clone, this seems to be the thirtieth invitation from Director Zhao. As soon as he thought of this, Bai Xiaofei immediately dismissed his intention to refuse, and said to himself: "Anyway, I don't have anything important right now, so I might as well agree to Director Zhao!"


"No problem, I have time today!"

"so be it!"


After a while.

Bai Xiaofei hung up the phone.

The reason why he agreed to Director Zhao's invitation just now was that he was embarrassed to refuse him again, and he was really free, but also had a very important purpose, which was to confirm a guess and experiment in his heart. That is: Let the original cast in the real world continue to shoot some classic films, such as Fengyun, Journey to the West and so on.

After the film and television filming is successful, released smoothly, and won the approval of countless people, then maybe the situation in the world of time and space will change because of it.

This is tantamount to cheating on himself in a disguised form.


Can it be successful.

Bai Xiaofei himself didn't know, and he wasn't even sure.

But how do you know if you don't try? Even if it fails, it's nothing more than a loss of money, time, and energy. This is what Bai Xiaofei doesn't lack the most. But...if he really succeeds, the benefits Bai Xiaofei will gain will be beyond imagination.

This kind of bargain that is almost empty-handed, would you not do it if it were you?

Anyway, Bai Xiaofei is sitting down!


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