The Storm God

Chapter 1536 Discussion Summit! (Please subscribe!)

Time passed.

In a blink of an eye, night began to fall.

Bai Xiaofei glanced at the black nano-technology watch on his wrist, and seeing that it was almost time for the appointment with Director Zhao, he immediately put down the work at hand. This afternoon, he didn't do anything else. After dealing with some messy things in the real world, Bai Xiaofei plunged into the writing and modification of artificial intelligence programs.

This smart program is the flagship product of Bai Xiaofei's technology company in the future, so it must keep improving.


different from normal.

Everyone else is trying to make their product as powerful as possible.

Bai Xiaofei, on the other hand, is just the opposite. The artificial intelligence program he designed at the beginning is really too strong for this era. Bai Xiaofei had to revise again and again, reducing and castrating him again and again.

up to now.

The smart program in Bai Xiaofei's hands has already been reduced to about one percent of its original level.

But he is still a little dissatisfied!

To know……

Even if it is only one percent level.

But compared to the real world, it is undoubtedly an extremely advanced super black technology! Let’s use an analogy: In the 1990s, mobile phones were just developed, and they were still in the early days of the brick-and-mortar era, yet you created a smartphone that was more than ten times stronger than the Apple X. Isn’t that too much? Shocked?

Bai Xiaofei's expected goal is to turn the smart program in his hand into a product similar to "4S".

Even if it is leading, it is not too much.


Now he's out of time.

It was less than ten minutes before Director Zhao's banquet started. Bai Xiaofei had to tidy up, and then immediately rushed to the most luxurious hotel in Beijing, Zhujiang Dijing, for the banquet. Almost all the well-known Uranus superstars in China gathered there today, Bai Xiaofei didn't want to be late for the first time meeting someone.

That would be too out of style.


Bai Xiaofei washed himself up and changed his clothes.

Of course, as he owns the krypton gold magic suit, he doesn’t have to worry about clothes at all. Just think about what style he wants. The smart chip in the clothes will control the nanotechnology of the krypton gold magic suit, It is also a breeze to make it instantly combine into any form Bai Xiaofei wants, or even directly turn it into armor or something.

Looking in the mirror, he found that he looked very good, so Bai Xiaofei nodded in satisfaction.


He closed his eyes slightly.

With enormous mental power, he began to search and locate the Pearl River Royal View Hotel where Director Zhao was staying.

Bai Xiaofei is now at the realm and strength of the Saint-level. Whether it is physical strength or spiritual strength, it is unimaginably powerful and heaven-defying. Although the capital of B is not small, in front of Bai Xiaofei, it is at best comparable to a queen. The garden is almost the same. It is trivial to search for the location of the Pearl River Emperor View.

"found it!"

"Hey! There are so many luxury cars, such a huge number, almost enough to hold a large-scale auto show, how many people are here? But it's right to think about it, after all, they are all famous figures in the film and television entertainment industry, even There are also many people standing at the top of the pyramid, so it is not surprising that there are such shocking scenes!"

"Don't worry about that much, find a place where no one is there!"


Bai Xiaofei's mental power was swept away.

He quickly found an empty corner, and without saying a word, he directly used his space flash ability and teleported to the Pearl River Royal View.


Pearl River Royal View.

As a five-star hotel that has been famous in Beijing for many years, the directors and managers of the hotel are undoubtedly very proud. Especially at this moment, seeing a group of superstars and celebrities who are bigger than the other, chatting and laughing endlessly from outside, their inner emotions instantly turned into infinite excitement and excitement.

"Be good!"

"Such a huge battle is comparable to a foreign red carpet!"

"What an honor!"


This moment.

The directors of the hotel can be said to be so excited that they are dying.

Movie stars and celebrities in the past, not to mention the superstar level, even those who are slightly worse, it is difficult to see one. But now, dozens of people came to our hotel all of a sudden, and all of them are top-notch bigwigs, such as kung fu superstar Jet Li, new director and superstar Wu Jing, internationally renowned Jackie Chan...

Etc., etc.

Either one is a superstar with a red head and half the sky!

And now...

They all gathered here!


Such a huge honor.

It's not something that can be obtained from any hotel, without enough popularity and tone, even if the sky falls, it's not my turn!

Thinking of this, the directors of the hotel couldn't help but feel lucky, and secretly said: "Fortunately, Huo Lanfeng was not fired at the beginning, otherwise without his relationship, Director Zhao would hold the chief discussion summit and public ceremony of the Superstar Alliance. It will not fall on the head of our Pearl River Emperor!"

"At the same time, thanks to Lao Dong's good daughter, Huo Lanfeng was subdued. Otherwise, with his current fame and prestige, our little Pearl River Emperor might not be able to keep him. But the most important thing right now is to take good care of these guests, otherwise if something happens, it will be over!"


Considering the incomparable importance of the matter.

The faces of the directors and managers of the hotel sank immediately, and then they hurriedly told the subordinates around them to cheer up, do things seriously, keep their eyes bright, and there must be no sloppyness. Otherwise, if you really want to make some kind of moth and mess up this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, the bosses will really kill people!

After a while.

Almost all the celebrities and movie stars are in place.

A total of about one hundred veteran superstars, led by the hotel waiter, all gathered in the super large banquet hall on the eighteenth floor. In order to ensure the smooth progress of the superstar alliance forum and summit without any accidents, the hotel has already been closed down. Except for some special floors, the rest of the hotel is almost all closed today.

Strive to be foolproof!

"Block it!"

Seeing that there are not many cars in time.

Those who should arrive have almost arrived, and there are no more vehicles entering outside. The hotel waiter at the gate, after reporting the situation here, immediately received such an order. And then... the entire Pearl River Imperial Scenery was almost completely sealed off, and those who didn't have an invitation would not be able to fool around!


That's just for the average person.

Just like Bai Xiaofei, such a blockade is useless at all.

"Shua, Shua, Shua!"

Somewhere on the stairs of the seventeenth floor of the hotel.

A circle of flame-colored spatial doors suddenly flashed, followed closely by Bai Xiaofei's figure, jumped out from the other end, and arrived at the Pearl River Royal View in an instant. Then... Bai Xiaofei closed the space door, took two quick steps and came to the staircase door on the 18th floor. Without even thinking about it, he stretched out his hand and planned to push the door and enter directly.


There was a soft sound.

Looking at the entire gate that he had brought down, Bai Xiaofei blinked and froze on the spot. After a while, he murmured in a speechless voice: "I'll go! What's the situation? Why is the door still locked? I didn't pay attention for a while, but I used too much force and broke the door directly!"


There was no one around, so after Bai Xiaofei came to his senses, he didn't feel too embarrassed or entangled, he just put the door aside, and then quickly walked towards the banquet scene. Now almost all the ones over there are in place, except that Bai Xiaofei hasn't appeared yet.

If he is not hurrying, he will be late.


Bai Xiaofei just walked a few steps.

Two hotel security guards and a waitress who were on patrol, who looked very smart, spotted his whereabouts, and then ran over quickly like an eagle that spotted a rabbit. All three of them showed a very vigilant look. He squinted his eyes and looked Bai Xiaofei up and down, and then asked him for the invitation to the banquet.

The meaning couldn't be more obvious, without an invitation, don't even think about it!


Hearing this, Bai Xiaofei was startled on the spot, and said in astonishment: "What invitation? Do you still need an invitation to participate in this banquet?"


"Don't even look at what kind of banquet this is. This is a super forum summit where almost all the old superstars in China gather together. Not just anyone is eligible to participate! Looking at you like this, it seems that there is no invitation card? What if If that's the case, then I'm sorry!"

"Sir, please come with us!"


The voice did not fall.

The three of them surrounded Bai Xiaofei.

It looked like he was afraid that he would run away.


Seeing such a situation.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help shaking his head and gave a wry smile, and said awkwardly, "Well... can I make a phone call?"


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