The Storm God

Chapter 1537 Scaring off the security guards! (Please subscribe!)

"Call up?"

Hearing this, the waitress hesitated for a moment.

Is it to call someone? Immediately, she took a closer look at Bai Xiaofei, and found that the other person seemed to be dressed very well, and her temperament was definitely not something that ordinary people can possess, so she couldn't help but muttered in her heart: "Didn't this person sneak in and ask for it?" signed?"

The participating members of this banquet were all the hottest Uranus superstars in the past. Naturally, there were many fans who broke their heads and tried every means to get in. They either took pictures with their idols or asked for their autographs. In just a short time just now, she stopped no less than a hundred people.

The first time she saw Bai Xiaofei, the waitress regarded Bai Xiaofei as one of those people.

"All right!"

He pondered for a while.

She finally chose to be on the safe side and agreed to Bai Xiaofei's request.

"Thank you!"

Bai Xiaofei said.

Then he took out his mobile phone and called Director Zhao.

During this period, the security guards of the two nearby hotels did not leave Bai Xiaofei, and were still vigilant, in case Bai Xiaofei would cheat and escape. If the other party is really allowed to run into the venue, it will be difficult for them to go in and arrest people, otherwise it will definitely affect the banquet.

But after the meeting is over, it is hard to guarantee that people will not have opinions. If this is the case, then I will be out of luck.


For their own future.

All three of them seemed to be very careful and careful, they would rather miss it than let it go!

"Beep beep!"

Bai Xiaofei's phone buzzed for a while.

But there were only bursts of calls coming from the mobile phone, followed by a mix of Chinese and English customer service prompts, showing that no one answered.

Someone was embarrassing at the time.


He opened his mind and scanned, and found that Director Zhao was in the venue, busy greeting the guests and celebrities around him. In addition, there were hundreds of people in the venue. Lively, and the ringtones of ordinary mobile phones, in such an atmosphere, it is difficult to play any role.

"I'm really speechless!"


Just when Bai Xiaofei was depressed, and was about to use his mind power to remind Director Zhao to come to the rescue. The waitress on the opposite side saw that Bai Xiaofei had been on the phone for a long time, but no one answered, and the walkie-talkie in her hand was constantly sending inquiries and orders from her boss, she immediately became a little impatient.

"Sir, have you got through?"


Bai Xiaofei shook his head with a wry smile, and explained: "Director Zhao is busy inside, I can't hear the phone, why don't I try again?"


The waitress sneered.

Although he still kept his usual smile on his face, his eyes turned away in an instant: "I'm sorry, according to the hotel's regulations, no one without an invitation card will be allowed to go. I asked you to call. This is already a Very good, please leave here with us! Otherwise, it will be very difficult for me..."

The words are not finished.

From the walkie-talkie in the hands of the waitress, the manager's growling voice came again: "Hey, Li Ya, what's going on with you? The venue inside is about to start, what are you still doing? That person is Who? Is there an invitation card? If not, hurry away, at such a critical moment, we must not have any troubles in Pearl River Emperor Scenic!"


"Manager, I see, I'll take him away now!"

"Sir, please!"


After the waitress named Li Ya hung up the walkie-talkie, she immediately showed a very helpless expression to Bai Xiaofei, and said with a wry smile: "Here, you have also seen that, I also listen to others, if you don't leave, I'm also very embarrassed, maybe the leader is not happy, and the job I found so hard is gone!"


Next to a hotel security.

Hearing this, he couldn't help but said, "I said girl, why are you talking so much to him? There is no invitation card, and the phone can't get through. This person is obviously a paparazzi who sneaked in, or a fanatical fan of a certain superstar. Run into the venue to find the idols who want to sign, just blow away!"


Another hotel security guard.

It's almost the same meaning, but his personality is obviously more stable than the one just now. Hearing this, he just nodded silently, but took a step forward, and said to Bai Xiaofei very politely: "Sir, we dare not disobey the orders from above, please leave with us!"

"Please wait a little longer!"

Naturally, Bai Xiaofei wouldn't know these people as ordinary people, after all, they were just doing their duty. Besides, with his status and realm, there was really no need to be serious with these people. And taking advantage of the effort just now, Bai Xiaofei has already notified Director Zhao with his mental power that the other party has left the venue and came out to find him, and I believe he will arrive soon.

Regarding Bai Xiaofei's remarks.

The waitress was okay, after all, she was a woman, and her heart was relatively soft. Seeing that Bai Xiaofei had an extraordinary temperament, he didn't seem to have mixed in, and she also spoke politely, without the slightest timidity or flickering, so she believed Bai Xiaofei for no reason. She nodded, and decided to give Bai Xiaofei one more chance, and if it didn't work, she would just pull him away at that time.

"Okay, I'll give you another minute!"

"Give me what!"

However, the hotel security guard who spoke more aggressively quit on the spot and said coldly: "Sister Ya, this person is obviously not reciprocating the kindness. You heard the manager's order just now. If we delay like this, I'm afraid I will be criticized in the future, and maybe the bonus will be deducted!"

"We'd better blow him away!"

"Look at me!"

While talking.

The hotel security also extended his hand.

Judging by this posture, it is obvious that he intends to forcibly drag Bai Xiaofei away from here.


See this situation.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help frowning.

Although he didn't want to be as knowledgeable as these people, it would be different if the other party attacked him without any explanation. Notice... Tianwei cannot be violated! As the master of several small worlds, Bai Xiaofei's aura of an imperial dragon shakes the heavens and earth, and he has killed countless people, monsters, and beasts. He is an absolute hero and strong man, how could he let a small The security guards are so contemptuous?


Bai Xiaofei just let go of his momentum a little.

The hotel security guard immediately seemed to see a peerless evil spirit, his face turned pale with fright on the spot, and he couldn't stop backing away. Even... in the process of retreating, because his legs and feet trembled too much, he became uneasy and tripped himself.


Now he is being forced by Bai Xiaofei's aura, how can he care about these things.

It doesn't matter if you fall down, even if you are crawling, you have to stay away from Bai Xiaofei, an incomparably terrifying humanoid monster, otherwise you will be brutally killed by the other party!


"Don't come here! I was wrong! I won't dare again!"

"Please let me go!"


And saw the weird behavior of the hotel security guard.

The waitress and another hotel security guard next to him were dumbfounded on the spot, with bewildered and puzzled faces, and secretly said: "Damn it! What's going on? It was fine just now, why suddenly it's like seeing a ghost? You’re so scared that you’re about to pee your pants? Could it be that you’re insane?”

Bai Xiaofei's aura just now was only aimed at the hotel security guard who dared to do something to him, so only the other party could sense it, like the waitress next to him and another hotel security guard, they didn't notice it, so for his companion Both of them were extremely astonished and unbelievable by the strange behavior.


The two are not stupid.

It almost immediately occurred to him that the reason why his companion behaved like this was probably due to some manipulation by Bai Xiaofei.

They looked at Bai Xiaofei, and were about to ask a question.

Just then.

"Little Fei!"

Suddenly there was a sound of surprise behind the two, but Director Zhao finally arrived. And behind Director Zhao, there was a young man in a suit and leather shoes. He looked very energetic and imposing, and the light in his eyes kept flickering. He looked like he was not a mortal.

"Director Zhao!"

Bai Xiaofei smiled lightly, and said: "You're finally here, if it's any later, I'll be driven away!"

while speaking.

Someone also glanced at the hotel security guard.

"Mr. Huo!"

The waitress and hotel security seemed to know the man, they were startled when they saw this, and they let out a terrified cry.

Then, like quail, the two of them lowered their heads.

The look of doing something wrong.


Mr. Huo ignored them at all.

Instead, he followed Director Zhao and came straight to Bai Xiaofei, with a respectful smile on his face, like a commoner seeing a prince, bowed and said: "Mr. .Beside Director Zhao, I have heard of Mr. Bai's name, but now that I see him, he really deserves his reputation!"


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