The Storm God

Chapter 1539 Heartfelt Words! (Please subscribe!)


There was an uproar at the scene.

The people in the venue were quite excited at the moment.

The legendary boss of the mysterious future space-time technology company is finally going to show up today. We need to do a good interview and try to win tomorrow's headlines! It's just... After the excitement, they quickly made voices of doubt. There is no other reason, it is because Bai Xiaofei wears a mask full of strange lines!

"I go!"

"You're still wearing a mask? What kind of plane are you doing!"

"This is too deceitful!"


The fake mask completely covered half of the face above the nose, which made it impossible for others to see Bai Xiaofei's real face.

Those Uranus superstars are better, at least they have already had a clear understanding of Bai Xiaofei's mystery in their hearts, so when they saw Bai Xiaofei appearing in a mask, they were only slightly taken aback, and then they were relieved up. However, the reporters of the news media felt bad on the spot.


The reason they are here.

A large part of it is because there are nearly a hundred film and television superstars and social celebrities gathered here. No matter who can be interviewed, or who can't be interviewed, as long as they come today, they will definitely not make this trip. But in fact, what they are more interested in is the boss of the future space-time technology company.

after all……

The universal medical instrument produced by the company is extremely popular.

This is known as the greatest invention of the 21st century. The unique universal medical device has been priceless since it came out, and it immediately attracted the attention and buying frenzy of the whole world.

In addition, other black technology products of Future Space Technology Company are also quite awesome, whether it is product performance or quality, they are far beyond the world's leading level for many years. For example, in terms of special effects, the Edifier series far exceeds the ace production of the United States-Industrial Light and Magic.

With this black technology alone, Huaxia has its own special effects production industry, which has shocked countless film and television professionals.

But what is even more unbelievable is that who the boss of the company is has always been a mystery. Countless spies and agents have tried their best to obtain even a little bit of information and materials about the boss. People's curiosity is all attracted.


After finally having the opportunity to meet this boss of the company who has never seen the end of the dragon, but Nima is wearing a mask of the boss! You can see a pair of eyes and mouth clearly, as for other features, let alone mention, because there is no recognition at all!

This moment.

Countless news media feel as if they have been ravaged ten thousand times by a million animals.

That's miserable and messy!


"Is there any difference between wearing a mask and not seeing the real person?!"

"It's a scam!"


Countless people are full of anger.

The gaze that originally looked at Bai Xiaofei with infinite yearning and respect seemed to change in an instant.

The scene was full of speechlessness and resentment!


Bai Xiaofei doesn't care what other people think.

Following Director Zhao, he walked all the way from the gate to the venue, and soon came to the main seat of the banquet hall, where he sat with a dozen former veteran superstars, heavenly kings, and famous film and television investors, And it's the most central position, like surrounded by stars!

And Huo Lanfeng.

On the other hand, he quickly ordered someone to make up Bai Xiaofei's fake name, and placed it on Bai Xiaofei's table.


After seeing the name.

Many news media couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

Because these two words are too common, it is obviously unbelievable for the boss of Tangtang Future Space-Time Technology Company to have such a name. Many of them even began to doubt on the spot, secretly said: "This name is so casual, I think it is probably fake!"

no way!

Who let Bai Xiaofei wear a mask to cover up his true appearance, which really provoked too much resentment.

It is human nature for people to be so skeptical.


No matter what the media reporters think.

The "long guns and short cannons" in their hands, as well as countless flash lights, still greeted frantically, especially at Bai Xiaofei!

It is worth mentioning that because of Bai Xiaofei's special request, this forum summit was not broadcast live. At the same time, it was also specially ordered that mobile phones are not allowed to post Weibo, Moments, etc., in order to avoid any messy things. Like traffic jams or something.

Closer to home.

After Bai Xiaofei was seated, under the arrangement of Director Zhao, a dozen or so representatives around greeted Bai Xiaofei briefly, which was regarded as a greeting. And these representatives are all extremely important talents, such as the action superstar Jet Li, the nonsensical Stephen Chow, the internationally renowned Jackie Chan, the cutting-edge director Wu Jing, the well-known Andy Lau...

Etc., etc.

In addition, there are some investors.

Of course, apart from being investors, these people are also leaders in the film and television industry themselves, and their influence is very huge. Otherwise, Bai Xiaofei, who is not short of money, would not agree to let the other party participate in this superstar alliance. And among these people, Bai Xiaofei is most familiar with only one person, and that is——

Xiang Qiang!

It is very likely that everyone will not know who it is by name.

But when it comes to the "God of Gamblers" series, there are very few shots, but the Dragon Five who left an extremely deep impression on people, I think everyone is very familiar with it.

This person is not simple. It is said that he has a rather thick black background. Almost all the popular movie stars in the 1990s have intersected with him. Including the Great Heavenly King, it can be said to be very awesome!


Right now in front of Bai Xiaofei.

No matter how awesome he is, he can only obediently accompany him with a smiling face, his eyes full of awe and horror. In addition to his identity, it was more because of Bai Xiaofei's strength. Xiang Qiang is not an ordinary person, he seems to have practiced martial arts since childhood, and the level is not low, his eyes are even more vicious, and he is very accurate in seeing people.

But his first feeling when he saw Bai Xiaofei was horror!

That's right!

It's scary!

It's like an ant looking at a prehistoric Tyrannosaurus rex.

That kind of trembling that comes from instinct and deep in the soul will never lie. Xiang Qiang's intuition told himself that the young man in front of him was absolutely extraordinary! If the two of them started fighting, I'm afraid they would have been completely killed by the other party before they realized what was going on!

After traveling for so many years, this is the first time he has encountered such a terrifying and unfathomable strong man. Just for a moment. He was full of fear and awe towards Bai Xiaofei, and even the other party was definitely something he could not afford to provoke. Naturally, Xiang Qiang's attitude towards Bai Xiaofei also had a very obvious change.

Bai Xiaofei, who is proficient in the power of mind, naturally sensed Xiang Qiang's psychological changes, but he just smiled lightly and didn't take it seriously.

Although the other party did have some energy, but in front of Bai Xiaofei, it was just like that.

To put it bluntly.

Xiang Qiang wanted to get into Bai Xiaofei's eyes.

With his current status, he is really not qualified. After all, Bai Xiaofei is the emperor who owns several small worlds. His own strength, financial resources, ability and means are even more against the sky. Even the country of America was almost wiped out by Bai Xiaofei. After entering Area 51, I can only endure it. What is a small blackhead? !

Closer to home.

After a simple courtesy and opening introduction, the symposium summit of the Superstar Alliance officially opened.

As the main contact person and initiator of this symposium summit, Director Zhao stood up and spoke first without hesitation. He realistically described Huaxia's current film industry and some unhealthy phenomena, and then he expressed his wishes and the core gist of holding this symposium.

To put it simply, it is determined to improve the unhealthy trends in the current entertainment and film industry, and establish correct three views and rules and regulations for it, so that China's film and television industry can go further and more smoothly, and promote China's traditional culture and spirit , and strive to catch up with Hollywood in the United States as soon as possible, and become an oriental film and television holy land that attracts the attention and yearning of the world!


Director Zhao's words.

Much sharper, even straight to the point.

He directly pointed out many former rules in the entertainment circle and film and television industry, which shocked many audiences and looked sideways at them, secretly said: "Director Zhao really went all out this time, even such inside stories and words Dare to say it, aren't you afraid of offending people because of it, and making yourself [betrayal], making it difficult to move an inch?"


People with this kind of thinking.

Most of them are short-sighted, and the news media.

The many veteran superstars present were very clear and understood that if they really boarded Bai Xiaofei's boat, then they would be the real successes. So what if there are people playing tricks and banning them? Bai Xiaofei's strength alone is enough to hold up a large area of ​​the sky for them, allowing himself and others to roam about!


They themselves also represent a certain strength.

With so many superstars united, the power is not ordinary, and how can they be ordinary people, who will be banned when they say they are banned? It would be very good not to be blocked by the loyal fans of these superstars, and you still want to make trouble? That's pure death!

after all……

Some of the current film and television dramas are really too much!

Countless moviegoers and fans with discerning eyes and aspirations of the people, if they are really mobilized, there is almost no suspense about who they will help at that time.

The probability of the superstar alliance being born is almost 100%!

And after Director Zhao.

It's time for the speeches of several Uranus superstars, and they are all unsurprising. They are all like Director Zhao. They denounced the current bad trend, and then made a wish here. They must contribute to China's film and television industry. The industry, contributing their strength, and the impassioned words immediately won the applause and applause of the audience.

at last……

Finally it was Bai Xiaofei's turn to speak.


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