The Storm God

Chapter 1540 Heaven-defying equipment! (Please subscribe!)


Bai Xiaofei looked at the crowd under the stands.

Seeing that almost everyone's gazes, various cameras, microphones, and flashlights were all aimed at him, he coughed slightly, and then said loudly: "I believe everyone is very concerned about the various phenomena in the film and television entertainment industry." It’s clear, I won’t say any more.”

"Here, I mainly explain my personal meaning. First of all, it is natural to unconditionally support Director Zhao's proposal, to help people with conscience, and to correct this bad trend, but because I am not in the circle, I also It is inconvenient to participate in it, but I can provide a lot of other help!"

"Such as equipment and equipment!"


Speaking of which.

Bai Xiaofei turned his eyes and looked at the fat man beside him.

Fatty is the representative sent by the future space-time technology company, and one of Bai Xiaofei's good brothers and right-hand assistants. After all, matters related to the cooperation with the Superstar Alliance are no small matter. Even if Bai Xiaofei is the boss of the company, it is impossible for him to come here alone, so he must send some people over.

And Fatty is one of them.

"Papa papa!"

Fatty naturally knew what Bai Xiaofei meant.

He clapped his hands crisply and loudly, and a group of technicians (terminators) dressed in employee uniforms of the future space-time technology company came out immediately after the backstage. These technicians all held a box in their hands. The boxes vary in size, and they are obviously the equipment and equipment that Bai Xiaofei mentioned.

"Ka Ka Ka!"

With the emergence of these people.

The media reporters at the scene were all excited immediately, they kept taking pictures one by one, and secretly said in their hearts: "It's finally the climax part, we must not miss any details!"

Regardless of how these media people around them react.

above the main stage.

Under Bai Xiaofei's gesture.

These technicians opened the boxes in their hands one after another and showed the equipment inside.

The scene immediately boiled!


Many people don't know what kind of equipment it is, but they can't support the reputation of Future Space-Time Technology Company. As the saying goes, "Products produced in the future must be high-quality goods". A series of products, almost every one is shocking.

Especially the universal medical device that claims to be able to cure almost all known diseases (except cancer)!

Simply powerful against the sky!


It is said that at today's venue.

In the future, Space-Time Technology Company will also display a new version of the universal medical instrument on the spot, which is definitely big news!

How can you tell them not to be excited?


At this moment, the scene was full of flickering lights, almost blinding the eyes of Bai Xiaofei and others.

And in such an atmosphere, Fatty got up and left his seat, and then began to briefly explain the origin and specific functions of these devices to everyone present. And the equipment that Bai Xiaofei brought out is also very suitable for use in the film and television industry, because most of them are professional-grade equipment that are very suitable.

For example, the intelligent remote control 360 freely retractable electronic rocker.

With it, you can use one machine for multiple purposes, and shoot some shots you want more quickly and effectively. Compared with the original artificial rocker, the 360 ​​electronic telescopic rocker designed and developed by Bai Xiaofei is not only more concise and practical, but also has many functions, which can meet almost any environment and venue.

Most importantly, the operation is also extremely simple, light in weight, stable in operation, easy to carry and does not take up space.

With a variety of accessory equipment, it can also achieve more powerful functions.

It's so powerful that I have no friends!

"Oh My God!"

For others, people in the media may not understand much.

But they must know more or less about photographic equipment. After all, they also rely on these guys for food, so they naturally understand by analogy. Then after listening to Fatty's explanation of the 360 ​​electronic telescopic arm, everyone was dumbfounded and dumbfounded.

"This telescoping arm is amazing!"

"If this thing is put on the market, it is estimated that more than 95% of similar devices on the market today, even devices with little function, will be completely eliminated! And judging by its posture and functions, this level is not enough. Compared to those bullshit guys in Hollywood, it's not much better!"

"As expected of the gadgets produced by the Future Space-Time Technology Company, each one is really simple!"

"It's amazing my brother!"


And not just those in the media.

Most of the people on the scene are well-known figures in the film and television industry, so naturally, they may know more about the peripheral equipment of photography than they do, and in more detail. After all, only by understanding these guys can actors be better Master the location and scale of the camera so that you can adjust your body at any time in a chaotic scene.


They understand the power and awesomeness of these devices far better than outsiders.

Especially for some star giants who have participated in blockbuster performances in Hollywood, as their horizons broaden, their understanding of these equipment will naturally be more profound than those in China. But at a disadvantage at this time, these celebrity giants were surprised to find that the equipment that Bai Xiaofei brought out, even if it was placed in Hollywood, it is definitely the most top-notch existence!

For example, the small aerial photography plane.

Oh My God!

It was only the size of a sparrow.

The noise is low, the definition is high, and the battery life is as high as at least one month. The flexibility and operation ability are even better than the real sparrow. It couldn't be easier to use this kind of equipment to shoot some aerial shots. The most important thing is that it comes with automatic lock and anti-lost, as well as the latest GPS positioning system.

Speaking of aerial photography small aircraft.

To say the most depressing thing, apart from the poor battery life, which has reached the astonishing [charging for 2 hours, flight for 5 minutes], the other is the incomparably controllable range. Not only in the crew, I am afraid that many aerial photography enthusiasts will have this experience-lost contact while flying!

There are many reasons for this phenomenon.

Among them, the signal is affected, and the poor reception is still good. As long as you find the correct position, you can still continue to control the small aircraft. Like other situations, it is much more serious, either the fly is lost, or it is directly pursued. No matter which one it is, it will undoubtedly be a huge loss for the user!

Especially in the crew.

The price of a small aerial photography plane ranges from a few thousand to tens of thousands. This is obviously not a lot of money for a production crew with an investment of tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions, but the materials in it, as well as everyone's shooting time and announcement arrangements, are far from what this amount of money can represent and make up for. of.


There were many similar phenomena at the beginning, but with the continuous upgrading of technology and the continuous development of science and technology, the ability of aerial photography of small aircraft has also been gradually strengthened, and crashes and loss of contact have rarely occurred. But in terms of energy, there has not been much progress.

This, even Hollywood is no exception.


Bai Xiaofei was not the same.

He not only solved the energy problem perfectly, but also eliminated and optimized other various problems and many hidden dangers, especially in terms of body size, which was shrunk to the extreme, almost without affecting other camera positions. The filming work is simply perfect!

If this is put on the market, everyone dares to guarantee that it will definitely cause a wave of frenzied buying frenzy.


It will also set off a new trend and method of aerial photography.

In addition to the two types of equipment introduced above, there are many other super-advanced equipment similar to this in the field, such as the latest mini high-definition camera, zoom lens with super large aperture and different scenes, digital special effects simulation real-time imaging , dynamic CG capture... and so on and so on, but the guys used by the crew can be described as everything!


One of the most eye-catching is the latest universal medical instrument.

This new version of the universal medical instrument not only has stronger functions, faster results, and smaller size, but also has some special powerful functions, such as intelligent management, memory archiving, instant makeup change, micro-adjustment, and fatigue elimination... Wait, wait, wait, it's so considerate to the extreme.

It was as if they were specially made for the crew members, and they immediately caught the attention of the star kings around them, and they were very excited. Especially directors like Director Zhao and other behind-the-scenes personnel, after understanding the specific functions of these functions, couldn't help but secretly said in their hearts: "My God, if the crew has this thing, how much time and money will they have left?" Energy!"


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