The Storm God

Chapter 1541 The stars are shining! (Please subscribe!)

well known.

The most time-consuming part of the crew's filming, apart from the journey for everyone to set out, is the layout of the venue. The venue layout is divided into lighting and scenery, as well as the location of the camera. Secondly, the makeup and costumes of the actors are also very time-consuming. These bits and pieces add up to at least 70% of the time.

In fact, the actual acting time of actors is not very much.

not to mention……

There are also various substitutes and so on.

This is only a relatively common situation. If a sci-fi action blockbuster like Hollywood, where all kinds of explosion scenes and special effects are released in turn, the situation will undoubtedly become more complicated. This is not only a great test for the director and others, but also a good test for the acting skills of the actors.

after all……

No matter how bad Little Fresh Meat is, at least there is a counterplay.

If you put it in Hollywood, you will be surrounded by green cloth and blue cloth, and the rest will depend on your own imagination, talking to yourself like a crazy person, and making all kinds of actions and actions. The expression, really makes people feel funny when you think about it, and you can't test whether your acting is good or not, it all depends on what the director says.


Filming is not as simple as everyone thinks.

However, Bai Xiaofei's black technology equipment has overcome all kinds of difficulties and hidden dangers, and greatly shortened the time of various processes, so that the director, lighting, photography, makeup, actors, etc. can all be put into the ideal as soon as possible. It can be said that it has created a precedent for filming by a crew in history.

Especially that universal medicine!


That is simply a bug!

Instant make-up change, memory archiving, fatigue recovery, micro-adjustment... These various functions against the sky are simply born for the crew. With it, from now on, the crew will not only save a lot of budget and staffing, but also have more shooting time, and it will also allow the actors to hone their acting skills better!

at the same time……

With the memory archiving function of intelligent management words.

Similar to actors' makeup, costumes that don't match front and back, various goofy shots, and embarrassing scenes that make people play every minute will also be reduced to a minimum. In this way, leaving aside the plot and acting skills, at least the domestic production level has reached or even surpassed the level of Hollywood in the United States.

Everyone present, except for the news media reporters, the rest are almost all figures in the film and television entertainment industry. Seeing the powerful functions of Bai Xiaofei's equipment, they naturally immediately realized the various benefits of filming in the future, and at the same time The gratitude and admiration towards Bai Xiaofei has also risen to another level.

"Mr. Bai!"

At this time, a female reporter asked: "I wonder if we can demonstrate the new functions of this universal medical device?"

Following her question, the other media reporters around also nodded.

A posture of wanting to open his eyes.

"Why not!"

Bai Xiaofei said confidently.

Immediately, without his orders, Fatty immediately walked up to the new version of the universal medical device, and after a while of operations, he unsealed and unlocked it, and entered the state of official use. Then he turned around and looked at the many celebrity giants present, and asked with a smile: "Everyone, I have already adjusted the equipment, so who wants to be the first to try it?"

As soon as this statement came out.

Everyone at the scene couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

I saw them, you look at me, I look at yours, they all seem to be hesitating. Even if someone really wants to come up and try it, but because of various factors, they dare not take the lead easily, for fear that it will strengthen the limelight of others and cause unnecessary trouble for themselves.

"I come!"

An unusually thick voice suddenly sounded on the stage.

Everyone looked intently, but found that the one who spoke was actually a tall, handsome and very familiar famous person——Chow Yun-fat. Fa Ge was born in 1955 and is now in his 60s. Although the years have not left too many traces on his face, he is no longer the little brother he was back then.

Especially Fa Ge's physical condition is far from what it used to be.

There are many similar characters, such as action superstar Sammo Hung, international superstar Jackie Chan, Jet Li, Stephen Chow, Maggie Cheung, Tony Leung, etc., these shining characters who have left an indelible impression on countless people, under the ravages of time , are no longer what they used to be, and they don't accept the past.


Many people have passed away due to physical reasons.

For example, Uncle Ying forever!

Closer to home.

With Brother Fa's name, popularity, and status, he was the first to stand up and want to try it out. The miraculous effect of the new version of the universal medical device is naturally enough, and no one will say anything more. Immediately afterwards... Amid the eager eyes and warm applause of the crowd, Brother Fa came to Fatty.


Fa Ge shook hands with Fatty first.

Then he asked with a blank face, "Mr. Yuan, what should I do now?"

"It's easy!"

The fat man smiled slightly and said, "Brother Fa, you just need to stand in front of the new version of the universal medical device and say what image you want to change. Its intelligent management system will automatically search the Internet for all information about the image you want to change." The information you want, and the predicted results are given for you to choose, after confirming, it is time to witness the miracle!"

This kind of operation can be described as simple and clear, even children can play it very well!


Fa Ge made his request.

Immediately afterwards, in less than ten seconds, the universal medical instrument searched for the answer and gave the result.

This speed is simply incredible.

"it's him!"

Brother Fa was slightly taken aback.

Immediately, after seeing that the prediction plan given by the system was indeed the result he wanted, he made a decision without hesitation. Then... a layer of misty light film was suddenly released from the universal medical device, and in the astonished eyes of everyone, Brother Fa was completely enveloped.

"Don't worry, everyone!"

Fatty explained to everyone in a timely manner: "This is an instrument for repairing and adjusting Fa Ge, and there will be no danger. At the same time, this technology uses the most advanced micro-nano technology of our company, so the effect is very good." Strong, the whole process, the longest will not be sung for two minutes!"

The voice did not fall.

The hazy light film around Fa Ge's body suddenly began to dissipate.

Seeing this situation, the fat man quickly changed the subject, and began to vigorously promote the power and awesomeness of the universal medical device: "Everyone, please keep your eyes open, throw away all distracting thoughts, and focus on this place, because next, This is the moment to witness a miracle, now we invite our God of Gamblers——Gao Jin to come on stage!"

"Dang Dang Dang!"

A BGM that everyone is very familiar with suddenly sounded with Fatty's voice.

At the same time, the light film of the universal medical instrument also completely dissipated at this time, revealing Fa Ge after makeup and adjustment. And its current appearance is exactly the image of Gao Jin, the God of Gamblers in the classic movie "God of Gamblers" - a black windbreaker, a shiny back hair, a ring on the little finger, and chocolate chewing very rhythmically in his mouth!

"I rely on it!"

"It's really the God of Gamblers, it's exactly the same as in the movie!"

"It's incredible!"


As soon as the God of Gamblers appeared, he instantly stunned everyone present.

There were even a few friends in the circle who were close to Fa Ge, couldn't help but leave their seats, went forward to study Fa Ge, and then these people, without exception, found out in shock that Fa Ge had really returned to his former peak state , It’s not drawn with any makeup, even if you use the most powerful camera in the world, you can’t shoot any fakes!

"I go!"

"If it weren't for so many people around, I almost thought I had crossed over!"

"This God of Gamblers phenomenon is simply perfect!"


Everyone was shocked.

Bringing people back to the peak, this ability is simply against the sky!

At this moment, everyone was shocked by the power of this new version of the universal medical instrument, and they couldn't help but have a very clear understanding and positioning - what kind of medical instrument is this, it is clearly a god-defying artifact that can rejuvenate people OK! Used in the crew, it is pure waste!

"I'll try it too!"

With the living example of Fa Ge.

Afterwards, everyone went crazy, and several film and television tycoons couldn't hold back their curiosity and desire to try, and immediately expressed that they wanted to try it too. Fatty naturally wouldn't refuse, and happily activated the universal medical device for them. What's more, it's more than one machine, and it's doing makeup and adjustments on several big guys at the same time.

In the crew, there are not many other things, but there are many people. Whether it is behind-the-scenes personnel or various actors, they may need the help of universal medical equipment, so at the beginning of the design, Bai Xiaofei took this aspect into consideration. It has added multi-threaded simultaneous work procedures separately to save more time.


The makeup and adjustments of several big guys are also finished. Then, classic characters that everyone was familiar with and liked appeared on the stage one after another. For example, the Supreme Treasure in Journey to the West, Xu Zhengyang in Zhong+Nanhai Bodyguard, Meng Bo in Full-time Hunter, Partridge in Five Lucky Stars...

this moment.

It can be said that the stars are shining, extremely bright.

Everyone present, after seeing so many classic characters, couldn't help but vaguely returned to the 90s when Hong Kong Island movies were booming. In addition, it is absolutely shocking and admiring, and I am amazed in my heart. This new version of the universal medical instrument launched by Future Space-Time Technology Company is really too heaven-defying!

With the Superstar Alliance and such a heaven-defying artifact, China's film and television entertainment industry is probably about to usher in earth-shaking changes!


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