The Storm God

Chapter 1542 Declaration of Wolf Warriors! (Please subscribe!)

"Mr. Bai!"

A female reporter asked in great surprise, "Are these changes permanent or temporary?"

Her words also expressed the feelings of many people.

"What do you say!"

Bai Xiaofei shook his head with a wry smile, and said: "Of course the effects are temporary, and the duration will not exceed two hours at most. At that time, these effects will disappear automatically, allowing the user to return to the original state. If I really Do you think I will still be sitting here after mastering the technology that can rejuvenate people?"


The female reporter was startled when she heard this.

With embarrassment all over his face, he said with a sneer: "It seems that I am thinking too much, but Mr. Bai is such a genius, maybe in the future he can really research the technology that can make people rejuvenate!"

In the end, he didn't forget to flatter Bai Xiaofei.

As everyone knows...

Bai Xiaofei now has that kind of technology.

It's just that due to various factors, he didn't announce it, otherwise the world would definitely be in chaos, and it might even cause World War III.

Closer to home.

After the personal experience of several giants.

The products of the future space-time technology company have undoubtedly been recognized and praised by everyone, and there is no longer any doubt. Many jealous investors even expressed their strong desire to buy on the spot, but Bai Xiaofei simply ignored them, leaving a sentence: "These are specially designed for the Superstar Alliance!"


Except for the Superstar Alliance, don't even think about it.

Those investors didn't dare to offend Bai Xiaofei, they could only shake their heads helplessly and left depressed.


The banquet began to enter the final signing ceremony.

Before that, it was the declaration of joining the alliance by all the big shots and superstars headed by Director Zhao.

Director Zhao's meaning is quite firm, that is, he is determined to get rid of the unhealthy trends in the entertainment industry, renew the Chinese film and television industry, and produce better, more sophisticated, and more popular movies, even like "Game of Thrones" "The kind of classic works that people all over the world like!


See this situation.

Bai Xiaofei thought to himself: "All directors have the same dream!"

Immediately, he couldn't help turning his head to look at Wu Jing.


This is the first person in China!

If Director Zhao is still in the fantasy stage, then Wu Jing has already realized this dream with his own practical actions. Regardless of the reason, his "Wolf Warrior 2" got a box office of 5.7 billion, at least it left an extremely strong mark in Hollywood and in the history of global film!

That's a great start!


Sure enough, it was Wu Jing's turn to declare.

And he is worthy of being the most outstanding new director today, with quite enough momentum: "Originally, I didn't have much confidence in "Wolf Warrior 3" to surpass "Wolf Warrior 2". Phenomena are not so easy to come across, but with Mr. Bai's funding and support, I dare to say such a sentence unceremoniously..."

"Even without the above three elements, our upcoming "Wolf Warrior 3" will definitely not be worse than "Wolf Warrior 2"! This is my declaration, and it is also my guarantee to Mr. Bai and all fans who like our works ! If I can’t do it, I will voluntarily withdraw from the Superstar League!”


As soon as Wu Jing said this, everyone was boiling instantly.

Even Bai Xiaofei was deeply shocked by Brother Jing's hard work and ruthlessness. When he looked at Wu Jing's eyes, double images could not help appearing, as if seeing Leng Feng who once fought side by side, he couldn't help but secretly said in his heart: "Hahaha! Very good! This kind of momentum and madness are worthy of the Wolf Warriors. name!"

Bai Xiaofei was like this, and the others, needless to say, were immediately stunned by Wu Jing's declaration.

After a period of intense frantic photoshoots and interviews, it was finally the turn of Jackie Chan and others to speak. However, compared to Wu Jing's declaration, even if the rest are very good, they are obviously inferior. Only Zhou Xingchi's sentence, as long as it is a film and television project invested by Bai Xiaofei, will not charge any fees, it is purely voluntary labor, which once again attracted people's attention.


Thinking of Master Xing's maverick temper, everyone was relieved.

Of course, this is not the main reason, the key is that Bai Xiaofei paid too much, and these heaven-defying equipment alone are priceless. They will give you these devices for free, so that you can return to the top, and your career will go to a higher level. When the time comes to invest in a film and television, you still have to worry about people asking for money?

This is too much, right?

Think here.

The rest of the obvious giants also reflected it all. Then they spoke one after another, just like Master Xing, as long as Bai Xiaofei invests in film and television, he will not get a cent. Seeing that everyone is so generous, Bai Xiaofei, as the biggest beneficiary, didn't want to keep silent, so he immediately said that more than 60% of the film remuneration and box office proceeds will be used for charity .

The remaining 40% or so will be used for the development and exploration of new technologies. This behavior of Bai Xiaofei naturally caused an uproar, as well as countless applause and applause, which made everyone who admired and admired Bai Xiaofei extremely impressed and admired him even more.

After the declaration.

It's the official signing ceremony.

Everyone left their names on a huge white panel. All kinds of artistic signatures are dazzling, they can be described as strange and strange, and they have everything that one expects to find, but Bai Xiaofei uses a brush, and then with extremely strong wrist strength, he left his fake name on it in regular script - Bai Tian.

"What a domineering calligraphy!"

And Bai Xiaofei's move immediately attracted the attention of many people.

One of them is Director Zhao. Director Zhao is usually busy with the filming of the crew, and his biggest hobby is to like magic arts and calligraphy and painting. Although he is not unstoppable, he is also a small achievement. But at this moment, after seeing Bai Xiaofei's technique, he was surprised to find that Bai Xiaofei's skill seemed to be far superior to his own!

Not just him.

Most of the rest of the people who also love calligraphy and have deep research and skills are also like this. They only felt that Bai Xiaofei's handwriting was vigorous, powerful, full of domineering, and the pen was like a snake, resplendent and majestic, faintly carrying the air of an emperor, which made people feel sad and awe-inspiring. Looking at the works of various literary masters that they have seen for so many years, it is the first time that everyone has seen such a special work.

Even people who don't know calligraphy very well.

At this moment, after seeing Bai Xiaofei's signature, they all felt a sense of ignorance.

Some reporters even gave several close-ups.

"Good calligraphy!"

"Mr. Bai really hides his secrets. Not only is he a genius in technology, but even his calligraphy realm is extraordinary!"

"It really makes me admire it!"


Everyone praised from the bottom of their hearts.

"Where, where!"

Bai Xiaofei waved his hands again and again, with a humble look, but in fact, he was extremely proud and proud in his heart. After all, this calligraphy was something he spent more than 4 years in the world of Monster Hunting, and honed it carefully in his spare time. from. Combining calligraphy with its own imperial dragon spirit, it can be said to be a school of its own.

Now that someone has finally seen the extraordinary and imposing manner of his calligraphy, and praised him again and again, almost to the limit, someone is naturally very happy in his heart.

With the completion of the signing ceremony, the Superstar Alliance was officially established today. Among them, Dao Zhao was the first chairman of the alliance, and the most influential Jackie Chan, Zhou Xingchi, Wu Jing, and Jet Li were the vice-chairmen. Bai Xiaofei was not in the circle, so he made a guest-like position.


Bai Xiaofei is also the biggest sponsor and behind-the-scenes operator of the league.

From now on, all the film and television works that the alliance needs to shoot or complete, any help needed, whether it is technical, personnel, or post-production work, releases, etc., will all be provided by Bai Xiaofei's future time and space. Contracted by technology companies.

on this...

Many people have raised questions.

Although Bai Xiaofei has a strong status and ability in technology, but after all, this is a matter of the film and television entertainment industry, it seems to be separated like a mountain, right? Bai Xiaofei intervened so rashly, and with an attitude of taking care of everything, is this really all right? Are these superstars not afraid that the works they have worked so hard to shoot will be in vain?


It was only the media reporters who were puzzled.

People like Director Zhao will never be worried. Director Zhao doesn't have a comprehensive understanding of Bai Xiaofei's strength, but based on what he knows, he is sure that Bai Xiaofei's ability is definitely not something that ordinary people can have and do, and he will leave all these things to Bai Xiaofei to handle , that is definitely the most suitable!

Handing it over to anyone else will definitely not achieve the best results handing it over to Bai Xiaofei!


Not even half.

Regardless of what others think and doubt about this plan.

After signing the contract, this symposium summit is considered to be completely over, and then it is time for many superstars to be besieged by media reporters and ask all kinds of gossip and gossip. As the absolute protagonist of the scene, Bai Xiaofei naturally received the most violent and crazy "bombardment".

"No comment!"

"I have to rush to other things, everyone please make room!"


Bai Xiaofei didn't want to waste time with these people.

After a few perfunctory sentences, he immediately gave Wu Jing a look, and then they both broke through the siege and interception of the reporters, and left the banquet scene quickly.


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