The Storm God

Chapter 1543 Stay with me to the end! (Please subscribe!)

Bai Xiaofei dragged Wu Jing away, there was nothing else to do, of course it was to discuss about the filming of Wolf Warrior 3!

After all, the manifesto has already been issued. Neither Wu Jing nor Bai Xiaofei can remain indifferent to it. If we want to do it, we should make it big, and strive to make "Wolf Warrior 3" the most shocking screen classic. , severely hit the momentum of Hollywood in the United States, and then strive to reach a new high in the history of global film, and enter the top five.

In a certain luxury suite in Pearl River Royal View, at this moment, Bai Xiaofei was discussing with Wu Jing about the filming of "Wolf Warrior 3".

at first……

For Bai Xiaofei's participation, Wu Jing refused. Even if Bai Xiaofei's status is special and he has the grace to rebuild him, that's the same. Wu Jing doesn't want a layman to dictate his "Wolf Warrior 3".

There are still many examples of similar things in the entertainment industry. It is because of the intervention of some unscrupulous profiteers that a film and television masterpiece that could have become a classic was abruptly ruined into a horrible garbage drama .

Wu Jing doesn't want his wolf warrior to turn into anticlimactic garbage because of some people after reaching almost the peak!


After some in-depth exchanges and discussions, Wu Jing realized that he was wrong. Bai Xiaofei was not only very familiar with the filming of the crew, but also had a different experience and unique insights into the plot and context of the entire Wolf Warrior!


On some ideas and future development issues, Bai Xiaofei's opinions are far better than what he expected!

As if Bai Xiaofei was really a member of the Wolf Warriors Squadron, everything in Bai Xiaofei's behavior and speech revealed a certain deep feeling for the Wolf Warriors!

"What's wrong?"

Seeing Wu Jing staring at him blankly, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but pause a little, and asked curiously, "Did I say something wrong? Why are you looking at me so strangely?"

at this time……

In front of Wu Jing, Bai Xiaofei had already removed his mask, revealing his true colors. For people like Wu Jing, Bai Xiaofei doesn't need to hide his identity, and I believe the other party won't go out and talk nonsense.


"Brother Jing has a strange look in his eyes!"

Bai Xiaofei was full of astonishment: "Could it be because I said too much? It's true that I said too much. It seems that since just now, I was the only one talking here, and Brother Jing didn't say much!"

Think here.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help showing embarrassment on his face, he hurriedly smiled at Wu Jing, and apologized: "Brother Jing, it seems that I am a little too loud, don't mind it!"


Wu Jing shook his head when he heard the words, and said with a smile: "I don't think you mean that. The opinions and ideas you said are very good, even far better than I originally thought!"

"I'm just curious..."


Speaking of which.

Wu Jing paused, as if he was thinking about his words, and then said: "Mr. Bai, are you a soldier? I vaguely saw something special in you, um... a kind of war against the army, really against the wolf, very Feelings of nostalgia! Did Mr. Bai have a similar experience?"

As expected of someone who has been in the army.

Brother Jing's observation and sense of smell are really extraordinary. Bai Xiaofei heard the words and didn't explain his situation much, after all, he really stayed in Wolf Warriors. And this kind of experience, even if Bai Xiaofei is willing to tell Wu Jing, the other party probably won't believe it.


shook his head.

Bai Xiaofei smiled and lied, and said: "Brother Jing, I just like Wolf Warriors very much. I also fantasized about being a soldier when I was a child, but I couldn't realize my wish later. I feel a little regretful in my heart. I added an idea to Wolf Warriors, I hope you don't mind and misunderstand!"

Speaking of which.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but recall the scene of fighting side by side with Leng Feng and others in Wolf Warriors, and thought to himself: "I don't know if I will have a chance to meet them again in the future? I guess it's impossible to die? Even if I do, I guess they will be separated." long time!"

Bai Xiaofei's current strength has reached the holy level, in the eyes of mortals, he is a real fairy!

With such strength, if he traveled to the world of wolf warriors, he would definitely beat everyone. At that time, let alone mere mercenaries, even a world power as powerful as the United States, Bai Xiaofei can easily destroy it by himself.

Although the travel of the space-time shuttle is random, it also has certain restrictions, that is, it cannot exceed its own strength too much. Of course... this exceeding means thinking about it!

That is not too low!

At least……

This is the case so far, even if some worlds have lower forces, but due to world rules, or special missions and other reasons, Bai Xiaofei will be given certain restrictions, so as to maximize the benefits of the time travel!

Otherwise, a time-traveling opportunity would be wasted for nothing, and countless energy would be consumed, but no benefits would be gained, so it would be a shame to die!

And the world of wolf warriors.

It is undoubtedly this kind of very low-level world. If Bai Xiaofei travels to the past, if there is no accident, he can only lose his money. Even if Bai Xiaofei doesn't care, it is estimated that the space-time shuttle will not agree!


When discussing the plot of the third part of Wolf Warriors, Bai Xiaofei only showed such emotion, but Wu Jing felt it keenly, and this is the reason for the current dialogue.

"It's okay!"

Wu Jing shook his head with a smile, and said to Bai Xiaofei: "Mr. Bai, your ideas and suggestions are very good, and I like them very much, but this will increase the cost by nearly 2 to 3 times, or even more. I'm afraid that when the time comes..."

The shooting cost of Wolf Warrior 2 has already exceeded 200 million, and with its fire, the investment of Wolf Warrior 3 is bound to be even more.

Preliminary estimates are less than 3 or more!

This suddenly soared to 3 times, or even more... Oh boy, that's over 1 billion, converted into US dollars, it's more than 300 million. Such a budget cost, even in Hollywood in the United States, is a very rare super-large investment.

To be honest, with such a huge investment cost, Wu Jing is still very stressed, for fear of crushing himself!

"Do not worry!"

Before he finished speaking, Bai Xiaofei interrupted directly: "Brother Jing, what you worry about will never happen. I'm not afraid to keep telling you that I have people in the army. Just say what you want, and I promise to let you know." You are satisfied!"

"As for other start-up funds, shooting costs, post-production, publicity and distribution, etc., it goes without saying. Our company covers all of them, and it will definitely not be worse than others!"

"In short, you can do whatever you want. You want people to give, you want money for money, you want technology for technology, and it's okay to spend more time. I just ask you to make it a classic masterpiece, don't let it be entrusted to you. Countless people's hopes and dreams of Wolf Warrior 3 have been buried because of these small things in reality!"


After listening to this.

Wu Jing was speechless on the spot!

Seeing Bai Xiaofei's serious face, which didn't look like he was joking at all, Wu Jing couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Brother! You are really my brother! What you are talking about is also a small matter? If it is all a small matter, It seems that filming is really not a big deal. And I am afraid that only a master like you can say such domineering and leaky words in such a relaxed tone!"

"It's such a happy decision!"

Seeing that Wu Jing was silent, Bai Xiaofei suddenly laughed, then patted Wu Jing's shoulder heavily, and said with a smile: "Brother Jing, you are solely responsible for the shooting, you can shoot as you want, as for other things, all are up to you." Give me, no matter what kind of problem you encounter, I will help you solve it!"


Bai Xiaofei has made a final decision, what else can Wu Jing do? Of course, go all out and go crazy with Bai Xiaofei!


"Since Mr. Bai has said so, then I will go all out and go crazy with you!"

"It's a big deal to start all over again!"

"well said!"

What he said was so bold and passionate, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help nodding his head, he laughed loudly and said, "Fearless, this is Brother Jing and Wolf Warrior Leng Feng I know!"

"That's how a man should be, if he refuses to accept it, he will do it!"



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