The Storm God

Chapter 1545 Continue shooting classics (seeking subscription!)

"Let's make a scene!"

Bai Xiaofei pondered for a while, then immediately made a decision, saying: "Although I can do better than anyone else in special effects technology, the meaning of scene making is different. Leaving aside other purposes such as profit, the historical significance alone is important. It is very unusual, and it will become a scenic spot in the future, and it will also allow those foreigners to admire the long history of my Chinese history!"

"How about this!"

"On the basis of the previous 1 billion, I will add another 2 billion. How to operate, what scale to build, and other messy things are up to you. As long as it is good, I don't care about the rest!"

"If you don't have enough money for later construction, just come to me! No matter how much the difference is, I will pay it all!"


The last sentence can be said to be domineering, and it shocked Director Zhao and the others on the spot!


First invest 1 billion, and then add 2 billion, one mouth is 3 billion, and you don't participate in the whole process, let you make whatever you want!

My God, how domineering is this!

It's really awesome!

to be honest……

Over the years of working in the industry, it's not that they haven't seen high-ranking officials, wealthy businessmen, tycoons, giants, Zhao Dao and others, on the contrary, they have seen many people, but this is the first time everyone has seen a straightforward and domineering person like Bai Xiaofei!

The most important thing is that Bai Xiaofei gave them so much money, but he didn't mean to intervene at all. It can be said that he gave them absolute creative freedom and trust!

This is what moved and flattered them the most. At the same time, they all felt the deep pressure, fearing that they would disappoint Bai Xiaofei's expectations, so why didn't they handle things well!


Bai Xiaofei naturally also saw what director Zhao and the others were thinking, so he patted the other party's shoulder with a smile, and said, "Director Zhao, don't worry, this money is like a few cents to me, it's all lost I don't feel bad, don't feel any pressure, just do what you want, I don't ask for results, as long as I try my best behind closed doors, it's ok!"


It's good that he didn't say that, but when he said that, they couldn't help being hit even more. Nima! That's 3 billion! How many people have never seen such money in their dreams, but you just see it as a coin thrown away on the street, why don't you pretend to be like this!

But it's right for everyone to think about it carefully, this is not because Bai Xiaofei is deliberately pretending to be aggressive, but because the other party is really not short of money!

To know.

Universal medical instrument is the most popular and heaven-defying medical artifact in the world today. Whether it is medical treatment, health preservation, or even beauty, there is an almost absolute market and demand, and the supply is simply in short supply!


Its price starts at more than 100 million yuan, and it is converted into retail currency units for different countries.

To put it simply, in China, the starting price is 100 million RMB, but if it is sold to the United States, it will be 100 million US dollars!

Converting 100 million U.S. dollars into RMB, there must be at least more than 500 million! This is simply crazier than robbery!

Even so, it still can't stop many other countries in the world from pursuing and yearning for universal medical devices, and even spare no expense of money and other high costs, just to get a universal medical device, its popularity can be seen in general!

Sitting on such a money-absorbing weapon, as well as countless other black technology products that are also igniting the trend and are far ahead of the world today by more than ten or twenty years, will Bai Xiaofei be short of money?


Even leaving aside these things, the order of 10,000 universal medical devices from the state department alone is enough to make Bai Xiaofei the richest man in the world!

One is 100 million, 10,000 is one trillion! This is real personal property!

Let me ask...

Generally, rich and tycoons, who can have such a net worth? If the income from other black technology products of the Future Space-Time Technology Company is added, Bai Xiaofei's worth can only be even higher!

A mere 3 billion!

It is 100% not bragging, to Bai Xiaofei, this is really the same as a coin thrown on the road, there is no difference at all, and he doesn't care at all!

So far.

The pressure in everyone's hearts suddenly dropped, but... a sense of desolation and misery suddenly emerged, and everyone couldn't help but secretly said: "Damn it! Look at others, and then look at yourself, as expected It's people who die compared to people, and goods who compare goods to throw away! This gap is really too big!"


"It should be people like us who can't compare with others. A [pervert] who casually throws 3 billion as coins for fun. How can you compare with others?"

"The two are not of the same magnitude at all!"


This moment.

Director Zhao and the others, who were terrified of thinking carefully, truly realized Bai Xiaofei's terror and strength. It was a Godzilla-level existence that ordinary people could not understand at all!

But it's true, it seems that only such a person can invent and create such a heaven-defying miracle as a universal medical instrument!

Regardless of what Director Zhao and the others thought.


However, Bai Xiaofei changed the topic, and chatted with everyone about other things, such as the sequels of some classic film and television dramas, and what he was most concerned about and anxious about was undoubtedly "The Wind and Cloud" starring Ekin Cheng and Aaron Kwok.

After all, his two mercenaries are the protagonists in it, but because the plot of the movie was only filmed in two parts, Bai Xiaofei couldn't speculate and explore many things, so he wanted to try to see if he could cheat by continuing to shoot in reality. To influence the direction and changes of the space-time world.


Director Zhao and the others are not very familiar with the Fengyun film series, so it is impossible to talk about creation and inspiration!

However, as people in the circle, they can also provide Bai Xiaofei with a lot of advice and help, such as helping to make connections, seeing if they can invite all the original team members back then.

With the current status of Zhao Dao and others, the appeal of the superstar alliance, and Bai Xiaofei's unlimited financial resources, these things are almost certain!

not to mention……

Ekin Cheng and Aaron Kwok are themselves members of the superstar alliance. With them leading the way, the effect will be twice the result with half the effort.

The only thing that makes people more troublesome is Chiba Shinichi, the actor who plays Yuba, because the opponent is from Japan.

And Bai Xiaofei...

There is a lot of opinion and tendency towards Sun Island, and even for this reason, Future Space-Time Technology Company has blocked all sales of Sun Island products.

If Ridao knew about the situation here, they might use it as a bargaining chip to coerce Bai Xiaofei into making concessions, and it would be troublesome then!


Bai Xiaofei didn't pay too much attention to this, because the problem of Xiongba, whether it's a big deal or not, depends on how the script develops later on. Even if there are any memories or innovations, the actor Chiba Shinichi needs to be used. Sometimes Bai Xiaofei also has enough ways to make the other party submit!

Use this to blackmail yourself?


Then they are simply thinking too much. If they don't believe in evil, they will try if they have the guts. If they can't make the other party kneel down and beg for mercy, I, Bai Xiaofei, will write the three words upside down!

In addition to Fengyun, there are many classics that are very regrettable without sequels, such as "The Demon Sect Leader of Yitian Slaying the Dragon", this movie starring Jie Ge, after many years, is still in the hearts of countless people An eternal classic, but unfortunately the follow-up is still far away!

There is also "Tianlong Babu: Tianshan Child Elder", which also brings together many big-name stars. It is also adapted from a classic novel. The movie only shows a part of it, and it has great potential for further development!

after all……

Rejuvenation, flying in the sky, resurrection from the dead, etc. These abilities are far beyond the generalization of martial arts. It is almost the same as being a fairy. If you are lucky enough to be able to pass through them, I believe Bai Xiaofei can also get a lot of benefits from them, such as That extremely buggy Bei Ming's rebirth method made someone jealous.

It's just that although the idea is good, it depends on luck whether you can get what you want and invite all the original crew out!

Because not everyone loves film art like Director Zhao and others. Many of them have long been tired of the prosperity and chaos of the entertainment industry, and chose to take a break from filming and live a normal life. They even have children and grandchildren. Come out, people may not be willing!

You can't use force, right?


Bai Xiaofei also knew the various hardships and factors involved, so after hearing the narration by Director Zhao and others, he couldn't help sighing deeply, and said helplessly: "Do your best! If it doesn't work, you can only buy it from them." The corresponding portrait rights and so on, and then use my technology to carry out post-production synthesis, just like Paul!"

"That's the only way to go!"

Director Zhao and others also nodded in agreement. This is the only best solution at present: "In short, we will do our best to contact them as soon as possible, and then give you an accurate answer!"


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