The Storm God

Chapter 1546 Hot Boiling! (Please subscribe!)

the next day.

Early in the morning.

The Chinese people who have just woken up from their sleep, when they habitually took out their mobile phones, searched for hot news, checked Weibo updates, or their circle of friends, they were surprised to find that their mobile phones turned out to be The screen is swiped, whether it is Weibo, QQ, WeChat, or news, headlines, circle of friends...

Almost all channels are telling the same thing!

"The Superstar Alliance is established!"

"Master Xing is coming back! Brother Fa is coming back! Brother Jie is going to make a movie too!"

"A super earthquake in the entertainment industry!"

"The sky has changed!"


In an instant, countless fans were all excited.

One by one, they stopped doing anything, and immediately began to leave messages and comments under the information on the front page headlines, Weibo dynamics, circle of friends and other channels, like, and actively repost, doing their best to share this day. Big good news, forward it to more friends to share your joy and excitement.

It was so popular that it even overwhelmed the servers of all major platforms in a short while!

This can make countless fans, as well as people who follow this incident, extremely bad. What if there is no platform? On the bus, at the place of work, and even on the streets where people come and go, countless itchy people are sharing and talking about the superstar alliance.


The whole of China has become boiling because of this.

But it's right to think about it, after all, they are all kinds of film and television figures who have been popular for a whole era. From the 1980s to the 2000s, those former kings and superstars, I don't know how many fans they have gained. Nowadays, the chaos is in chaos, the production is uneven, and all kinds of rubbish movies and TV shows are so eye-catching. People will undoubtedly miss the classics of the year even more.

Nowadays, many Uranus superstars have united to form a superstar alliance, determined to promote Chinese culture, resist outflows, and correct bad trends in the entertainment industry.

How can you not be surprised and excited by calling countless fans and the public?

Especially some of the giants.

Such as Master Xing!

For example, Jack!

For example, Fa Ge!


This is simply the conscience and benchmark of the industry!

As long as there are film and television dramas they star in, there is no one that is not popular (of course, those exceptions in the early days of his debut, Fa Ge was once hailed as box office poison.) Unfortunately, due to various reasons, these giants, All of them have gradually faded out of the screen, either stopped acting, or switched careers to work behind the scenes.

Such as Master Xing!

How many box office records has a "Mermaid" broken!

It also created the spring of domestic films and ushered in the golden age of billions of dollars. It's a pity that the leading actor in the film is not Master Xing himself, otherwise... This film is made by Master Xing full of feelings. The box office, I'm afraid it will only be higher, maybe more than 5 billion, reaching the same level as "Wolf Warrior 2", or even exceeding it, is also very possible!

Now, with the help of the new version of the universal medical device, Master Xing finally got to leave the country as he wished, and is active on the big screen again. This has excited countless fans who love Wulito and Master Xing!

Not only Master Xing, but the stars of other dramas are also the same!

For example, Jack!

Back then, Kung Fu Emperor Fang Shiyu, Guangdong Ten Tigers Huang Feihong, and other classic characters played by Brother Jie also left an indelible impression on everyone. It's just that with the increase of years, more and more ailments and unmentionable diseases on the body, and now that he is getting older, he had to withdraw from the screen.

It is really a great regret in the hearts of countless people.


Same as Master Xing.

With the help of the products of the future space-time technology company, Jiege's physical illnesses and illnesses have almost completely disappeared, and his physical fitness has almost returned to the peak state of the year. On the day when the Superstar Alliance was established, he announced that he would continue his film and television career, which surprised countless fans and fans who liked Jie Ge.

Everyone left messages and replied: "As long as the plot is not too rubbish, we are willing to support you unconditionally, domestic movies, Up!"

There are many, many similar examples!

after all……

Man is a very strange animal.

A person, while liking someone, can like other people at the same time. Countless people can become fans and supporters of countless people! It is precisely because of these lovely people that Huaxia's irreplaceable position in the world's huge ticket warehouse has been supported, making countless foreigners greedy, and they have tried their best to get a piece of it here!

And among the many foreigners.

The most successful is undoubtedly Hollywood. The advanced production team and the professionalism of art have allowed them to create countless classics. Indestructible giant status, such as Marvel!

Since 2008, ten years of meticulous layout have swept the world!

Simply overwhelming!

in addition……

It's India's Bollywood.

Don't look at other people's Ah San who sings and dances, it's too noisy, it seriously wastes the pitiful limited time of the movie, but it can't stand the core of other people's movies! Among other things, Aamir Khan alone is enough to beat countless bad actors and creators in China.

Because there is a fundamental difference between the two!

People are really making movies, and they want to express their cognition and perception of certain things through movies, so that more people can understand their own country and thoughts. At the same time, it is natural to learn and understand many things that I have never heard of.

And what about us in China?


Stir-fried rice that sells feelings!

It's simply challenging the limits of the public's patience over and over again!

To put it bluntly, it is simply fooling people!

Compared with those foreigners...


The rhythm of going berserk every minute!

The reason for this is that countless people are indifferent to domestic film and television, and love breeds hatred!

As the saying goes, the deep responsibility of love is the truth!

Let me ask...

Who else.

Don't you want your country's film and television industry to get better and better, and become the No. 1 that the whole world pays attention to and applauds?

In the past, there was no way, because there was no particularly powerful force or person who could lead domestic film and television to the right track and the pinnacle of prosperity, and people could only let it go, and even become numb and indifferent. But... With the emergence of all kinds of news on the headlines today, the common people of Huaxia are completely boiling.

Because they finally saw the hope of the rise of domestic film and television from the boundless darkness!

This is like seeing a huge oasis suddenly in the desert. This kind of great happiness that fell from the sky instantly wiped away all the unbearable discouragement and disappointment of people. All that remains is the slow passion and yearning, like a soldier ready to go, always ready to contribute to the domestic film and television!

And these heavenly kings and superstars of the superstar alliance are like generals and marshals who lead them!

Like a sleeping lion about to wake up.

this moment.

Countless Chinese people are all boiling!

While expressing their support for the heavenly kings and superstars, they did not forget Bai Xiaofei, the mysterious boss who played a role that cannot be ignored, because without Bai Xiaofei's help, all of the above could only be empty talk, or daydreaming, almost forever It's just a vague fantasy that can't be realized.

Although everyone didn't know Bai Xiaofei's real identity, they knew clearly where the universal medical device came from!

Future space-time technology company!

for a while.

Among the various hot news on the front page.

Bai Xiaofei's pseudonym "Daytime" and the company under his name, under the influence of countless people's gratitude, support, admiration, likes, etc., directly climbed to the top three at an astonishing speed like a rocket. The position even goes beyond the number one and replaces it!

after all……

Before that, universal medical instruments were extremely popular.

Coupled with the awesomeness and strength of other black technologies of the Future Space-Time Technology Company, it has already harvested countless fans and solid supporters. Now that it has done such a great thing that benefits the country and the people, people are naturally extremely recognized and respected. Agree, even many people who are backward and haven't heard about the future space-time technology company, because of this, passers-by turn to fans one after another, and completely like this company.

Of course, there is Bai Xiaofei who received great praise, attention, and love!


To say that the one who has gained the most is simply him.

Although Bai Xiaofei was wearing a mask at that time, so that countless people did not know his specific appearance and identity, but this did not affect Bai Xiaofei's ability to harvest fans. Even Bai Xiaofei added a deep sense of mystery to himself because of wearing a mask, which made his popularity soar all the way, almost reaching the popularity level of several superstars!

But these are not the point.

The point is, Bai Xiaofei has gained a large wave of new will power because of this, roughly counting it, it must be more than a billion!

It's a lot of money!


Seeing that his wish power was still increasing at an astonishing speed, the smile on the corner of Bai Xiaofei's mouth almost went behind his ears, it can be seen that he is in an unprecedented mood now! And at this moment, the phone in his hand rang suddenly.

The caller ID shows that the number is the immediate boss of the Ability Control Bureau——

General Lee Long!


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