The Storm God

Chapter 1547: Acupuncture in the sky! (Please subscribe!)

"Did you really call?"

Seeing the caller ID, Bai Xiaofei immediately showed an expression that was as expected, and said in his heart: "This speed is much faster than I imagined, but it's okay! I just happen to have something to talk to him about. Talk, now that he calls over on his own initiative, it saves me from looking for him!"

to be honest.

If there were no special circumstances, Bai Xiaofei didn't want to meet Li Long. After all, the other party is in the political world, and his mind is not pure. Every time he meets with the other party, he must be cautious, otherwise, maybe something will happen, and he will be tricked by the other party. It is really troublesome.

Simply put, it is too much trouble!


Generally speaking, Bai Xiaofei would leave it to Mu Mu and others to take care of it for him. Li Long naturally understood what Bai Xiaofei meant, so if it wasn't something particularly important, he wouldn't take the initiative to contact Bai Xiaofei. Now that the other party has called, it means that the things that need to be handled are far beyond the scope of Mu Mu and others.

"Let's see what he means first!"

After making up his mind, Bai Xiaofei answered Li Long's call decisively.

"Xiao Fei!"

Li Long really deserves to be Li Long.

With this opening of the mouth, let’s not talk about business or anything else, just started to get close to Bai Xiaofei, and on the other end of the phone, he said to Bai Xiaofei with a smile: "Congratulations! You are now a famous person in the whole of China, the winner of the limelight, It even directly overwhelmed those Uranus superstars, amazing!"


"It's so-so, just play casually!"

"What do you want from me?"


Bai Xiaofei didn't like inkblots.

After a few polite words with the other party, he cut straight to the point and got to the point. After all, there are still many things that he needs to deal with later, such as director Zhao's "Spring and Autumn". A high degree of freedom, but money and other matters still have to be taken care of by Bai Xiaofei.

for example……

Director Zhao took a fancy to a certain location.

But due to the lack of connections, even if you have money, you can't sell it, what should you do? At this time, Bai Xiaofei needs to step out.

There are many, many more similar examples.


That is very busy!

Li Long was also aware of Bai Xiaofei's temper, so he didn't say anything else when he heard the words, and went straight to the point: "Xiao Fei, I saw news on the Internet that you have specially created a universal medical device for the superstar alliance. , and various equipment and equipment dedicated to other crews, I don’t know if it’s true or not?”


Bai Xiaofei answered very simply.

At the same time, he also vaguely guessed the main purpose of Li Long calling him. If there is no accident, he probably wants to let himself and the army, especially the super fighters of the Supernatural Control Bureau, develop some black technology Equipment, in order to improve the training of troops and the abilities of soldiers.

as expected.

In the following conversation, Li Long really meant this.


The other party's appetite was far greater than Bai Xiaofei expected. Li Long asked Bai Xiaofei to develop all kinds of professional black technology equipment for the troops, and even other aspects, such as armored vehicles, tanks, helicopters, fighter jets, bombers, and even military satellites, etc., are all listed!

This is simply the lion's big mouth.


Bai Xiaofei was speechless at that moment.

Angrily, he said to Li Long in a cold voice: "General Li, you are trying to treat me like a cow and a horse, and you are not treating me like a human being at all!"

"No no!"

Li Long's tone changed when he heard Bai Xiaofei's words, and he quickly explained: "Xiao Fei! I didn't intend to make things difficult for you, but I really have no other choice, because the military competition exhibition held every few years is about to start. And our international level of new weapon development is indeed not very ideal, so I can only ask you for help!"

Later, he said something blah blah.


It's just pouring bitter waters on Bai Xiaofei, trying to win and gain, talking about why you can't tolerate it, how the country is in trouble, and as a member of Huaxia, since you have the ability, you should share a little pressure for the country, etc., that eloquence He has no friends at all, he is indeed a big boss in the military and political circles!

Fortunately, Bai Xiaofei had gotten used to it long ago, so even though the other party talked about it, he didn't fall into the trap easily.

"Okay, put away your set!"

In the end, Bai Xiaofei couldn't stand the other party's nagging anymore, so he interrupted directly: "I don't know what the army is like yet! If you have anything to do in the future, just tell me directly, and stop playing with those goofs, maybe I can agree to it." , if you continue to engage in political tricks, I'll just hang up the phone!"


"I'll listen to you. I'll tell you directly if I have something to say in the future, and I won't beat around the bush again!"

"Then this time, you agreed?"


Li Long is also not stupid.

Although Bai Xiaofei's tone was impatient, it was obvious that there was something to be said.

So he immediately showed a smug smile, intending to go one step further and finalize this matter directly, so as to avoid many twists and turns from long nights and dreams. Li Longdao: "Xiao Fei! I don't have anything to do now, how about... let's sit down and have a good talk?"


Bai Xiaofei didn't refuse, and said with a smile: "It just so happens that I'm free now, why not just now!"


Someone directly opened the mind power.

The huge sea-like mental power instantly covered and scanned a certain area of ​​Beijing City B like a tide, and soon found Li Long's location. Then Bai Xiaofei said to Li Long: "General Li, I have found your position, I will rush over there immediately, I hope I won't scare you!"


Li Long was stunned when he heard that.

Before he could react to Bai Xiaofei's words, he suddenly realized that the situation around him seemed a little abnormal. He looked intently, but was horrified to find that Bai Xiaofei was sitting on the sofa next to him at this moment, and was about to reach out to fetch the premium Longjing tea brewed on the coffee table, looking familiar.

But Long Wu, the peerless master who was in charge of protecting himself, was stunned at this moment, standing there motionless, not only emerged from the hidden darkness, but also seemed to have suffered some blow, his face was bitter, and the whole body His face was almost wrinkled, as if he was constipated.

"I go!"

"when did you come?!"


Li Long was startled on the spot.

Although he knew that Bai Xiaofei was elusive, and his strength was so strong that it was impossible to prevent Bai Xiaofei's intrusion with Long Wu's strength alone, but the current situation is really too terrifying, right? I was on the phone just now, and in the next second, I immediately appeared beside me, and I lost Long Wu in an instant, this damn is too perverted!

"What did you do to Long Wu?"

He glanced blankly at Long Wu, seeing that the other party was like a statue at the moment, not moving at all, Li Long was suddenly full of curiosity, and couldn't help but speak.


Bai Xiaofei picked up the tea on the table.

I poured myself a glass, tasted it elegantly and comfortably, and then said with a smile: "It's nothing, I just made a joke with him, I used the method of volley acupuncture, and directly hit him That's why it doesn't move like a statue, so I'll untie it for him!"


Bai Xiaofei snapped his fingers casually.


After a soft sound.

Long Wu, who had an extremely ugly face, immediately "lived" over.

At the same time, the other party looked at Bai Xiaofei, full of awe and fear, and said in his heart: "Fuck! What kind of trick is this? I think my majestic supreme master, in front of Bai Xiaofei, is like a toy, and he is rubbed by the other party at will." Rubbing the flat, and you don’t even have to do it yourself, you can directly decide your own life and death just by your thoughts, isn’t this too terrifying?”

Regardless of Long Wu's thoughts and reactions at the moment.

On the opposite side, seeing that Long Wu had resumed his actions, and he didn't seem to have suffered any injuries on his body, Li Long was relieved immediately, and at the same time, he became more deeply and fearful of Bai Xiaofei's strength and perverted methods. Immediately, he quickly put on a smiling face and took the initiative to chat with Bai Xiaofei.

Bai Xiaofei didn't talk nonsense.

He directly expressed his attitude to Li Long: "It's no problem if you want me to help, but I have some conditions!"

"What conditions, just say it!"

Hearing this, Li Long was overjoyed immediately, and immediately patted his chest to promise: "As long as I can do it, I will never be ambiguous! As long as you can improve our equipment, develop more military-grade black technology, and help us in the military world. At the exhibition, it’s easy to frighten those foreigners, especially the arrogant and domineering American country!”

In order to fight against foreigners, Li Long also worked hard!


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