The Storm God

Chapter 1548 Xiaotong Calls! (Please subscribe!)


Hearing this, Bai Xiaofei showed a brilliant smile, and said to General Li Long: "Actually, my condition is very simple. Compared with you, you have heard about the matter of the Superstar Alliance, whether it is the filming of "Wolf Warrior 3" or history. The preparations for the big drama "Spring and Autumn" need great support."

"Although I have money, I am powerless in some respects, so I need your help!"

"for example……"

"Open the door of convenience, so that the shooting of Wolf Warriors will be smoother! Say hello to many local departments, so that our scenery work can go smoothly!"

"If you do this, everything is easy to say!"


After finishing speaking, a pair of eyes stared at Li Long with a smile, waiting for the other party to give him a reply.

If you can't even deal with such a small matter, it would be too dishonest. To improve armaments, develop black technology and so on, there is no need to agree to the other party at all!

It's not a deal, it's respect!

If you treat me well, I will naturally not let you suffer, but if you always want to take advantage of others, others will naturally stop playing with you!

For such a simple truth, Bai Xiaofei believes that General Li Long, who is one of the leaders in the military and political circles, should understand it very well.


But General Li Long was stunned on the spot after listening to Bai Xiaofei's conditions, not because of the shock and difficulty, but because these things were simply too easy for him, just like pediatrics, it was not worth it at all. carry!

Li Long thought that Bai Xiaofei would put forward some exorbitant conditions, but he never expected that it would be such a simple matter. It was beyond his expectation, so much so that he couldn't believe it, so he just stayed there .

However, Li Long is also a boss at any rate, and his psychological quality is very good, and he quickly recovered from the surprise.

He stared blankly at Bai Xiaofei, still not daring to answer: "Xiao Fei, that's all the conditions you mentioned? Nothing else? Is it all because of the Superstar Alliance?"

No wonder he was so surprised, in fact, it would be the same for any other person, because Bai Xiaofei's behavior is really too selfless, no matter how you look at it, it seems that Bai Xiaofei has been giving, there is no What kind of benefit does it look like.

Such a person is just like the legendary saint. In today's cruel society full of intrigues and ghosts everywhere, who would believe that there is a saint?

Anyway, Li Long would never believe it, even Bai Xiaofei was no exception!


The reason why he is so busy is not out of any kind of Madonna mentality, but because he wants to do some things he likes, and by the way, he can also benefit a lot from it!

Like will or something.


It is enough for Bai Xiaofei to know the specific situation, he doesn't care what other love thinks.


Bai Xiaofei nodded, and said: "That's all I have. If you agree to help, I'll help you with the armaments, but it's limited to the armaments. Don't talk about other aspects. I'm not a saint, nor am I omnipotent. My God, I don’t owe you anything, it’s my love to help you, it’s my side if I don’t do anything!”

"There is a limit to everything, don't go too far!"


have to say.

What Bai Xiaofei said later is a bit too serious, but what should be said must be said, lest others think that he has a good temper and is easy to bully, and come to him for everything, and Bai Xiaofei will not be annoyed to death by them ah!


If you want to really push yourself up, you can't just rely on external force and the help of others, the most important thing is to keep improving yourself!

Bai Xiaofei didn't want Huaxia to go astray because of his own sake, if that was the case, then he would not be helping the country, but defrauding the country again!

As the immediate boss of the Ability Control Bureau and one of the bigwigs in the military and political circles, Li Long is naturally not an idiot. I believe he is very clear about what Bai Xiaofei said.

"I see!"

Li Long pondered for a long time after hearing the words, finally gave a wry smile, nodded and said: "Xiao Fei, don't worry, this matter is on my shoulders, you are also contributing to China's domestic film and television industry, the country has no reason not to support you! "

"Later, I will give you instructions to get the relevant departments to give you the green light to assist the rectification and development of the film and television industry as much as possible, and strive to promote our long-standing Chinese culture to the world as soon as possible!"


Bai Xiaofei smiled and said: "Then I will trouble you! I believe that with the support of the country, the development of the Superstar Alliance will definitely achieve twice the result with half the effort, and it will not take long to come up with a satisfactory answer!"

Now that everyone has agreed to his conditions, Bai Xiaofei is too embarrassed to say anything.

After inquiring about Li Longyi's demand types and specific requirements for armaments, he found that the other party did not open his mouth like a lion.


In front of Li Long and Long Wu, Bai Xiaofei waved his hand and directly revealed a space card.

The image of a folder is imprinted on this space card, which is obviously used to store important document information.

The door opened.

A Terminator quickly came out from inside, then bowed to Bai Xiaofei and asked, "Master, what are your orders?"

"Extract the weapon design data numbered between 050 and 092, as well as the No. 56 document of the X series."


The Terminator leads the way.

But soon he went back and forth, came to Bai Xiaofei with two delicate and small USB flash drives, and replied: "Master, all the data has been copied to these two USB flash drives."


Bai Xiaofei waved his hand.

After putting down the USB flash drive, the Terminator obediently returned to the space card, and was taken into the dimensional space by Bai Xiaofei.


Bai Xiaofei began to explain to the stunned Li Long the materials and general information of the weapon design drawings stored in the U disk, its powerful performance and power, and Li Long was excited on the spot!

"Little Fei!"

Li Long's eyes widened, and he said excitedly, "Are the weapons in this USB flash drive really as terrifying as you said?"


Bai Xiaofei nodded proudly, and said in his heart: "These are some top-notch weapons from the world of Elysium, if it weren't for the fact that we are old acquaintances, and you agreed to this matter so readily, and you want to fight against foreign countries." In the case of a human face, I wouldn't give you such a good thing!"


"With these extremely advanced black-tech weapons, our Huaxia will definitely shine in this military competition exhibition, and we will show our face in the world once!"

"We'll see who dares to underestimate us then!"


After getting Bai Xiaofei's affirmative answer, Li Long was not to mention how excited he was, as if he had seen the scene where the Huaxia troops brutally tortured those foreigners, he almost laughed wildly, and then said domineeringly: " Who else?!"


Bai Xiaofei smiled slightly, and didn't say much, because Li Long's fantasies were absolutely certain, and there was no suspense at all. He had 100% confidence in his weapon, after all, it was a black weapon nearly 200 years ahead of the real world. Technology!

"General Lee!"

Bai Xiaofei saw that the matter was almost dealt with, and both of them got what they wanted, so he had no intention of staying any longer, so he said: "If there is nothing else, then I will leave, and I have to talk to Superstar Contact the alliance!"


Li Long nodded and said: "If that's the case, then I won't keep you. Let's drink tea together when we have time!"


The voice did not fall.

Bai Xiaofei disappeared out of thin air, completely disappeared, only Li Long and Long Wu were horrified and envious, and said to himself: "Come and go without a trace, this teleportation ability is really convenient and terrifying ah!"

at the same time.

Bai Xiaofei teleported back to his room, and immediately wanted to make a phone call. He called Wu Jing, Director Zhao, and the others, and informed the other party that the country would vigorously support the rectification and filming plans of the entertainment industry. They were very excited and excited, and expressed their gratitude to Bai Xiaofei.

Bai Xiaofei shied away and said that all of this was a matter of little effort, and there was no need to do so, but he couldn't resist the other party's kind request, so he had no choice but to agree, saying: "Tomorrow I will definitely be there on time!"

hang up the phone.

Bai Xiaofei originally wanted to put away his phone, and then go to his sister Bai Xiaoran to have a good talk about the conflicts and relationship between them. But at this time, the phone rang again.

"Guan Xiaotong?"


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