The Storm God

Chapter 1549 Touching the bottom line! (Please subscribe!)

"Guan Xiaotong?"

Looking at the caller ID on the phone, Bai Xiaofei was stunned.

After these few months, although Guan Xiaotong has not broken contact with Bai Xiaofei, but because of various things, Bai Xiaofei doesn't talk to him much anymore. It's not that he looks down on him, but that Bai Xiaofei is too busy, even if he replies occasionally, it's just a simple courtesy.

after all……

Back then Guan Xiaotong liked Bai Xiaofei, everyone knew Sima Zhao's heart!

Bai Xiaofei already had Shan Xiaofang at that time, so naturally he couldn't accept Guan Xiaotong anymore, and because of the martial arts court and the remnants of the Ximen family, Bai Xiaofei had no other intentions at all, and even Shan Xiaofang was ignored for a while. Time, let alone Guan Xiaotong?


There are various reasons.

This directly led to the further estrangement between Bai Xiaofei and Guan Xiaotong. However, this kind of estrangement is only limited to the emotional aspect, and it does not mean that there is less contact. The two are no longer friends, but Bai Xiaofei never expected that Guan Xiaotong would call him at this time?

"Could it be that you have encountered some trouble?"

Bai Xiaofei raised his brows slightly, and said in his heart: "Forget it, since the other party has called, it's not good if you don't answer. It just so happens that I don't have any important matters right now, so let's see what she finds first! No matter what difficulty, as a friend, you can't ignore it!"


He answered Guan Xiaotong's call.

Immediately, Guan Xiaotong's surprised and unexpected voice came from the phone: "Oh my god! I didn't expect to get through in one go this time, Xiaofei, do you think I should buy a lottery ticket?"

Bai Xiaofei: "..."

All right.

Guan Xiaotong is still the same Guan Xiaotong as expected.

He is full of energy, eccentric, and very spooky. Hearing this teasing tone, it doesn't look like there is something wrong?

Obviously it's a good way to play with boredom.


Bai Xiaofei coughed lightly, and then said: "Well... I was busy with various things before, and I happened to have nothing to do today, so..."

The words are not finished.

Guan Xiaotong on the opposite side directly interrupted Bai Xiaofei's speech. Hearing her say: "Understood! I know that you are always a busy person. I have read all the news headlines. I didn't mean to blame you. I just said it casually. But I really didn't expect it. In less than half a year, you can achieve such an achievement, it is simply unbelievable!"

"What are you talking about, why can't I understand at all?"

Bai Xiaofei realized that something was wrong, frowned, and quickly pretended to be stupid and said in a daze.


Guan Xiaotong doesn't like this at all.

In a very affirmative tone, she said firmly: "Pretend! Keep pretending! If I didn't know you so well, I could even remember the light mole behind your left earlobe clearly, the mask you were wearing, I'm afraid that you really deceived me too, Xiao Fei, your trick is to hide from the sky and turn into a daytime drama, but it's really 6!"

Bai Xiaofei: "..."


Can you spot this?

At this moment, what else can Bai Xiaofei say?

Dazzlingly exposed, that person froze in place, depressed and speechless, he couldn't help blaming himself for being careless. A simple mask may be able to hide countless people, but for those who are very familiar with themselves, or know themselves, it is useless!

it's not...

Even Guan Xiaotong found out.

What about my parents who are far away in the countryside, and my younger sister Bai Xiaoran in my company? Or other very close relatives and friends.

Shouldn't they all be discovered?


Seeing Bai Xiaofei's silence, Guan Xiaotong on the opposite side let out a very proud laugh, and said, "What? You can't say anything after being exposed by me, right? But don't worry, I don't know why you want to hide it. My own identity, but I still respect your behavior very much!"

"This secret, I haven't told anyone else yet!"

"Only I know!"


hear this.

Bai Xiaofei was even more speechless: "What is present?"


Are you coercing me?

But I think you are thinking too much, thinking of me, Bai Xiaofei, the majestic Lord of the World and the Emperor, how could I easily bow to threats...

Someone was thinking so.

at this time……

"Little Fei!"

Guan Xiaotong suddenly said, "Bai Xiaoran seems to be your sister, right?"

Bai Xiaofei immediately withered!

"I go!"

"How did Guan Xiaotong know about my sister Bai Xiaoran?"

"Is it possible to investigate me?"


For this rather capricious little girl.

To be honest, Bai Xiaofei still has a very headache, not to mention that he still has a crush on him, no, it should be him who is clearly in love. In addition, the relationship between the two is still very good, so now he can only compromise, because he is the boss of the future space-time technology company, and Bai Xiaoran must not let him know at the moment.


Bai Xiaofei will definitely explode on the spot.

At that time, not only Bai Xiaoran will make trouble, but even the parents at home will probably be terrified by it. Even many countries, forces, and organizations in the world will pay attention to Bai Xiaofei's family, which is not what Bai Xiaofei wants to see!

That's why.

He chose to hide his identity.

He planned to find a suitable time to tell his family everything, but unexpectedly Guan Xiaotong appeared...

Thinking about it, Bai Xiaofei was also drunk: "Could it be that I owed her in my previous life?"

If it were someone else...


Bai Xiaofei has long thought about how to kill people and silence them.

But in the face of the eccentric and very likable Guan Xiaotong, he has nothing to do, it's like Superman meeting kryptonite.

"Say it!"

"You called today, what exactly do you want?"

"It's not to deceive me, is it?"


In the end, Bai Xiaofei sighed dejectedly, and said helplessly: "It happens that I have time now, and I'm not very busy. Just tell me what you want to do. As long as it's not too much, I can promise you, but only this time! In the future I believe you can understand the name of Space-Time Technology Company and all the covetousness behind it, and I don't want my family to be affected by it!"

The implication is: This is the last time you use this matter to blackmail yourself, otherwise everyone will not even be friends in the future, but can only be strangers.

Guan Xiaotong is a well-known academic bully, and Bai Xiaofei believes that she should understand what he means.

as expected.

Guan Xiaotong on the other end of the phone fell silent immediately after hearing the words.

Immediately afterwards, she quickly explained to Bai Xiaofei: "Xiao Fei, don't get me wrong, I don't mean anything else, I was just joking with you, in fact... I just want you to sit with me and chat It's just chatting, there is really nothing else, even if you don't promise me, I won't tell your sister about it!"


"I didn't deliberately investigate your sister's matter!"

"That's a complete coincidence!"


A flustered and anxious tone.

Obviously, Guan Xiaotong was startled by Bai Xiaofei's change of attitude. She never expected that what she just said as a joke caused such a huge reaction from Bai Xiaofei, that she almost couldn't even make friends. Could it be that she touched Bai Xiaofei's reverse scale?

As everyone knows...

Her treatment is considered good.

If it was someone else, he would have been blacklisted by Bai Xiaofei a long time ago, and he was going to kill him soon, so as to avoid future troubles forever.


There are words and things.

Once done wrong, it is wrong.

The damage has already been done, no matter how much you recover, it will never be possible to return to the previous state.

Unless you can turn back time, which is obviously impossible.

Just like now!


No matter how Guan Xiaotong explained it.

The impression she had in Bai Xiaofei's mind was no longer what it used to be, because this incident involved his family, not just Bai Xiaofei himself. For the sake of his family's safety, he could only gradually alienate Guan Xiaotong from his heart until he finally became ordinary friends, even casual acquaintances.

It's like nesting dolls.

The innermost layer symbolizes the deepest secrets of human beings. If you can't help being curious, dig them out one by one, and open them completely, then the devil will be waiting for you! Although Bai Xiaofei didn't release his demons, he withdrew his trust and goodwill towards Guan Xiaotong.


The other party has touched his bottom line.

Whether it's for his own good or for the safety of the other party, Bai Xiaofei can only choose to distance himself.

Otherwise, it will be a kind of harm to everyone!


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