The Storm God

Chapter 1550: The Will of a Drunkard! (Please subscribe!)

at the end...

Bai Xiaofei still agreed to Guan Xiaotong's request, agreed to meet her, and accompany her to spend this vacation that was so hard to be free.

It's so good to get together and go away!

After hanging up the phone, Bai Xiaofei dressed up a bit, then left the villa, drove his extremely sturdy big Hummer, and drove all the way to the place that he had agreed with Guan Xiaotong.

The road is a bit congested.

So when Bai Xiaofei arrived, he was a little late, and Guan Xiaotong had been waiting for him for a long time!

"Feel sorry!"

Bai Xiaofei scratched his head embarrassingly, and said apologetically, "I kept you waiting, the traffic conditions in Beijing today are really annoying!"

That's right.

After all, the large-scale weapons exhibition of the international military competition will start soon. During this period, talents from various countries will come to explore and communicate. The security system of Beijing City has naturally been significantly improved!

And these security measures are based on countless extremely strict security checks and review conditions, which will have a certain impact on the already congested traffic.


Bai Xiaofei was really struggling!

"It's okay!"

Guan Xiaotong is still so youthful and beautiful, with big eyes and strange spirits, and looks very aura, especially a pair of long legs. If you are not tall enough, standing with her is really a lot of pressure.

Hearing Bai Xiaofei's apology, she quickly shook her head and said with a smile: "I just arrived, don't worry about it."

It's not very far from Guan Xiaotong's home, so Guan Xiaotong walked here directly on two legs, so naturally he won't be limited by the congested traffic system.


In fact, she has already arrived!

Guan Xiaotong had to wait for Bai Xiaofei for at least half an hour, which made her think that Bai Xiaofei wasn't coming!


Due to the fact that she joked too much before, Guan Xiaotong was too embarrassed to be naughty with Bai Xiaofei, otherwise, with her eccentric personality, she might have started fighting with Bai Xiaofei long ago!

Bai Xiaofei's spiritual sense is extremely keen, and he has the power of mind and mind, so how can he not see Guan Xiaotong's abnormality at this moment and in normal times? But he was only slightly taken aback, and then forgot about it!

after all……

Having already made up his mind that he will gradually distance himself from Guan Xiaotong from now on, Bai Xiaofei naturally doesn't care too much about Guan Xiaotong's state, and just treats her as an ordinary friend.

"let's go!"

After the simple courtesy, Bai Xiaofei invited Guan Xiaotong to get on his big Hummer, and drove all the way to a certain large animal in Beijing City.

This is what the two of you discussed before.

All right……

In particular, it was the result of a discussion between the two, rather it was Guan Xiaotong's idea alone, because today's protagonist is her, and Bai Xiaofei just accompanied her out to play.

Bai Xiaofei has absolutely no opinion on where to go, even if you say you go to the North Pole to see bears, or the Antarctic to see penguins, he won't think too much.


The premise is that everyone has enough time.

Closer to home.

The zoo is still relatively far from the urban area, of course not too far away, unlike some factories, which are directly built to the edge, which is only around the fourth ring road.

It didn't take much time for Bai Xiaofei to drive along the smooth routes given by Bai Cass.


Guan Xiaotong naturally tried his best to chat with Bai Xiaofei, in heaven and earth, domestic and foreign, and all kinds of topics.

But most of the topics are about Bai Xiaofei, such as how did you do it? Are so many anti-sky black technologies invented by yourself? Was it an adventure, or an alien?

Or has it traveled back from the future?

The size of his brain made Bai Xiaofei amazed and admired. He thought that it would be a pity if this brain didn't become a screenwriter or write novels!

Of course, Bai Xiaofei would not tell Guan Xiaotong about his affairs so clearly, after all, even his family members have not enjoyed the treatment, and Guan Xiaotong is no exception.

After some ramblings, the two finally arrived at the zoo, and then began to wander around the zoo of Nuoda University, admiring all kinds of rare animals with Guan Xiaotong, and taking pictures as souvenirs.

I don't know if Guan Xiaotong really likes these animals, or because of Bai Xiaofei, in short, Guan Xiaotong's mood at the moment is extraordinarily high and full of passion.

As for Bai Xiaofei?

All right……

He looked very ordinary, and even said that he had no interest at all, and he looked completely unmotivated, as if he had lost his soul, Guan Xiaotong couldn't help frowning.

"Little Fei!"

After a while, Guan Xiaotong finally couldn't bear it any longer, and asked Bai Xiaofei, "Isn't it boring to be with me?"

A sad expression on his face.


She attributed Bai Xiaofei's lack of motivation and lack of interest to herself, and misunderstood Bai Xiaofei!


Bai Xiaofei was taken aback when he heard the words, and then suddenly realized, he shook his head, laughed and said: "No way! You think too much! The reason why I feel bored is because there is really nothing to see in this zoo. Look at those animals. , all listless, how can there be any aura and spirituality! They are just like puppets. I don’t like them at all anyway. If you want to see them, you have to look at real animals, such as lions, tigers, monkeys, natural wild ones, The kind full of aura is the real animal, these are just human playthings!"

Bai Xiaofei's words did not mean to lie, but his real thoughts and the reason for his dullness.

after all……

Whether it is the world of Elysium or the world of Monster Hunt, Bai Xiaofei has seen too many ferocious beasts and monsters, such as ancient dinosaurs, giant monsters taller than mountains, and so on.

It's like someone who is used to delicacies from mountains and seas, and you suddenly let him eat steamed buns and pickles. Looking at these ordinary animals in the zoo, Bai Xiaofei is naturally indifferent and has no interest at all.


"So you don't like these stupid animals? I thought you really hated me!"

"It's fine if you don't!"


Guan Xiaotong secretly said goodbye psychologically.

Seeing that Bai Xiaofei lacked interest and showed no motivation at all, she suggested, "In this case, why don't we go to other places, such as... watching a movie or something?"


Bai Xiaofei smiled, and said: "I have no objection, you have the final say, anyway, I'm here to accompany you, as long as you're happy, as long as you don't blame me for ruining your elegance!"

"how could be!"

The two talked and laughed all the way, left the zoo, and then went to the largest nearby movie theater.

The sad thing is that the movies released recently are really rubbish, there are no good movies at all, not only Bai Xiaofei is not interested, even Guan Xiaotong has no interest in watching them.


Watching a movie or something is just a pretense, a certain person is a drunkard!

So, in desperation, Guan Xiaotong chose a relatively famous and reliable film.

"The clown's return?"

Looking at the movie ticket in his hand, Bai Xiaofei was stunned, and said in astonishment: "This looks like a horror movie, right? It sounds weird and powerful. Do you like this genre?"


Guan Xiaotong pretended to be calm and nodded, but said in his heart: "I like a ghost! I really like you. I chose this horror movie not because of..."

The movie is about to start.

The two checked the tickets, received 3D glasses, and entered the broadcasting hall. The inside was empty, only three or two big cats and kittens.


This is not to say that this film is not good, but because this film has been released for a long time, and it is working hours now, and other factors, so the attendance rate is so low.

In other words, when it was just released, even if it was not Saturday or Sunday, the attendance rate at night was amazingly full!

Closer to home.

The seats for the two of them were in the corner of the last row. Not long after they were finished, the film started!

With the disappearance of the lights, the whole hall was plunged into darkness, only the faint light on the big screen, and the weird and frightening plot were slowly staged in the dark.


And when the film finally reached the first horror and climax since the beginning, Guan Xiaotong suddenly screamed, and the whole body directly leaned towards Bai Xiaofei.


Looking at Guan Xiaotong who was holding on to him like an octopus, Bai Xiaofei was speechless!

This moment.

He still doesn't understand, he is obviously being tricked by Guan Xiaotong again, why he likes to watch horror movies is simply nonsense, and it is true to take the opportunity to "take advantage" of himself!

He was about to stretch out his hand and push Guan Xiaotong to keep him calm, so as not to be seen by others and have a bad influence.

But at this moment.

Guan Xiaotong, however, was like a naughty little snake, stalking Bai Xiaofei's arms and body directly, and taking advantage of Bai Xiaofei's astonishment and daze, he slammed his soft, sweet, fiery lips, It was firmly printed on Bai Xiaofei's mouth!

Guan Xiaotong's offensive is overbearing and tough, like a peerless general, vowing to take down Bai Xiaofei's "city".


Bai Xiaofei was blindsided by the kiss on the spot!


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