The Storm God

Chapter 1551 When it is broken, it is broken! (Please subscribe!)


Shocked, Bai Xiaofei could clearly feel that although Guan Xiaotong's kiss was extremely enthusiastic, he was not proficient and seemed very unfamiliar, especially for Bai Xiaofei, an old driver.

It is clear.

Guan Xiaotong doesn't have much experience in this regard, it should be because An Nai couldn't hold back the feelings in her heart, that's why she launched an "offensive" against Bai Xiaofei, trying to use this method to keep Bai Xiaofei.

In fact, Bai Xiaofei's guess is pretty much the same. You know, how old is Guan Xiaotong, and he has never been in a relationship before, so how can he have the experience of kissing?

The previous joke had already touched Bai Xiaofei's bottom line. Although the speaker was unintentional, it sounded intentional, causing the relationship between the two to take a turn for the worse. A combination of various reasons made Guan Xiaotong make up his mind to fight it out. Showed love to Bai Xiaofei fiercely.

This moment.

Guan Xiaotong's idea is very simple, it is to let Bai Xiaofei clearly understand his mind, he has no other messy thoughts, he just wants to be with Bai Xiaofei.

The joke before was really just a casual joke, she didn't really want to threaten Bai Xiaofei.


Bai Xiaofei is not an ordinary person.

If it were someone else, such a beautiful woman would throw herself into her arms and offer her passionate kisses, maybe it would be too late for her to be happy.

But Bai Xiaofei was different.

After the initial bewilderment and astonishment, Bai Xiaofei quickly recovered and calmed down, and immediately pushed Guan Xiaotong away.


"What are you doing? I'm not worth it, I'm not as good as you think, and I already have a girlfriend!"

"It's impossible for us!"


Bai Xiaofei said seriously.

How could Bai Xiaofei not know about Guan Xiaotong's love and affection? But feelings are not so simple to calculate, not to mention that Bai Xiaofei already has a girlfriend now, even if he didn't, he wouldn't be with Guan Xiaotong, because Bai Xiaofei doesn't like Guan Xiaotong at all!


This is not to say that Guan Xiaotong is not good. In fact, Guan Xiaotong's conditions are still very good. Although she is not a peerless beauty, she can be regarded as a standard big beauty.

It's just that everyone has their own views on love and ideology. If they are suitable for each other, even if you are not a beautiful woman or a handsome guy, you can get together!

On the contrary, no matter how hard you try, it will be useless!

Bai Xiaofei's situation is like this, he does like Guan Xiaotong very much, but this kind of liking is just a pure liking, similar to the kind of appreciation, which belongs to the love of beauty, it is not love, the two cannot be confused!

Although Bai Xiaofei can do whatever he wants in the space-time world, and hang out with many beauties at the same time, but that is the space-time world after all, and it is divorced from reality.

It's like many men who have female tickets or are married also fantasize about conquering different types of beauties. The biggest difference between Bai Xiaofei and them is that they can turn this fantasy into reality.

But in the real world, Bai Xiaofei still set a strict moral standard for himself, that is, he is only responsible to one person, and that person is Shan Xiaofang!

This is not hypocrisy, but Bai Xiaofei's final bottom line, just like the plot in "Super Body", the male policeman in Paris asked Lucy: "You are so powerful, it seems that you don't need the help of me, an ordinary little policeman Bar?"

And what was Lucy's answer? The little cop can help Lucy stay human, or have some of her humanity!

If even these are lost, then Lucy will no longer be Lucy, but a computer-like existence in the shape of Lucy, heartless, heartless, and desireless!

The same goes for Bai Xiaofei!

He can do whatever he wants in the space-time world, but if it is the same in the real world, he will probably lose himself and become a lawless Boss-level existence!

This is not what Bai Xiaofei wants to see, so in terms of feelings, Bai Xiaofei warned himself that he must strictly restrain himself, so as not to lose himself!


At this moment, even if he can't bear it anymore, he can only ruthlessly reject Guan Xiaotong's love, even if it hurts the other party, long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. What a tragedy!

When Guan Xiaotong is completely involved, you tell others that all this is a misunderstanding. I was just afraid that I would hurt you at that time. That is the real hurt to Guan Xiaotong, and it is a very serious one!

Emotional matters, it's best to speak clearly in person, don't be afraid of this and that, if you stop and stop, you will be disturbed!


Whether Guan Xiaotong can understand Bai Xiaofei's difficulties and intentions is another matter, at least now she really feels hurt!

Seeing what Bai Xiaofei said so bluntly and rejected him decisively, Guan Xiaotong was stunned on the spot, with sadness and pain in his eyes, more disappointment and frustration!

Especially after hearing Bai Xiaofei say that he already had a girlfriend, it was as if he had been hit by a bolt from the blue, his eyes were moist, and he couldn't help but gather together.

"Little Fei!"

"You, you lied to me, right? How could you have a girlfriend? Your sister never told me about it! You must have said that to reject me, didn't you? "

"I do not believe……"

Guan Xiaotong's eyes were filled with tears, as if he might cry at any moment, he whispered tremblingly.

After all, this is a movie theater. As a public figure, it has become her habit to maintain her image at all times and avoid any scandals.


It also depends on the situation. If the situation on the scene exceeds the upper limit, once the emotions reach the peak, no matter whether it is Guan Xiaotong or other celebrities, it is estimated that they will not care so much!

But now, Guan Xiaotong seems to have a faint tendency to go beyond the limit, fearing that if Bai Xiaofei stimulates her again, she will explode on the spot!

This is not to say that Guan Xiaotong's control is not enough, but that in terms of emotions, he is not rational at all, and there are not many people who dare to say that they can control them as they like. As long as they are people, they must lose control sometimes.

"it is true!"

Bai Xiaofei sighed helplessly, seeing Guan Xiaotong crying, to be honest, he really couldn't bear it, but for the sake of Guan Xiaotong's future, he can only calm down now and explain the matter between the two of them clearly !


He took out his mobile phone and called up the photos of himself and Shan Xiaofang when they went out to play, one after another, each one was so happy and sweet, with a look of deep affection, it was not fake at first glance, And there are quite a few videos in it, which can be said to have caused a fatal blow to Guan Xiaotong!


"He, he actually has that girlfriend?"

"How can this be?"


Guan Xiaotong was stunned on the spot!

The whole person stayed there like a wooden carving, motionless, as if he had lost his soul, and he didn't even have the slightest awareness or reaction of what Bai Xiaofei said afterwards or when he left.

When she finally woke up from the sluggishness of shock and shock, Guan Xiaotong was already empty. In the movie theater of Nuo Da, she was the only one sitting alone in the back, except for a few scattered couples. In the corner of the room, it looked so miserable and pitiful.


Tears rolled down from her eyes. Guan Xiaotong hugged her knees with her hands and buried her face in her legs. In the scary and tense movie atmosphere around her, she sat there alone and cried silently!

Regardless of the situation of Guan Xiaotong in the cinema.

the other side.

Bai Xiaofei, who left, was also in a very bad mood at the moment, because Guan Xiaotong's sudden show of love reminded him of Shan Xiaofang and the tragic death of Shan Xiaowei, and he was very depressed.

In order to let everyone calm down, he just left the movie theater, but how could the "turbulent waves" that were set off be calmed down so easily?

Not only Guan Xiaotong can't, even a master as strong as Bai Xiaofei is also very difficult!


Bai Xiaofei frowned fiercely, his heart was full of melancholy and depression, he originally wanted to relax in the world of display for a few days, but he never thought it would turn out like this, really speechless!

Heart depressed.

Coupled with the thought of Shan Xiaofang, Bai Xiaofei didn't bother to stay in the real world any longer. After leaving behind a physical shadow clone, he directly chose to time travel.

Guan Xiaotong's show of love made Bai Xiaofei even more anxious. Before the time travel, he thought to himself: "No matter what, Shan Xiaowei's matter must be resolved as soon as possible! I hope this time travel can find a way to revive her! "


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