The Storm God

Chapter 1552 Prepare for a rainy day! (Please subscribe!)

The world of bliss space.

After Bai Xiaofei entered, he didn't waste too much time.

After finding the location of Xiaoqian and Diana by using Queen Bai's powerful search ability, they teleported there. Then tell the two of you that you want to time travel again. The meaning is very simple, if you plan to continue to make trouble, then this time travelling, my buddy will go alone.

"go together!"

Of course the two would not refuse.

Maybe in normal times, the two girls would quarrel with Bai Xiaofei, play petty temper and so on, but in the critical moment, they will never lose the chain. What's more, it's a new time-traveling trip, the two of them have been looking forward to it for a long time, how could they not go!


To say that the most anticipated one is naturally the Red Queen.

The last time Bai Xiaofei traveled through time, he didn't let them out at all. He played a "stand-alone game" directly, but he was very angry with the little tiger girl, the red queen. Of course, she won't quarrel with Bai Xiaofei anymore, and the questioner immediately appeared next to Bai Xiaofei with a flattering look on her face.

Little Bai Lei was among them.


But she pouted her cute little mouth, and her face was full of vigilance and seriousness: "We forgive you for what happened last time, but for this time travel, you can no longer lock us in the space card and not let us out." .Otherwise I will... I will... ignore you for a year, hum!"


Bai Xiaofei smiled and hugged Xiao Bailei, took two bites hard, and then promised: "Don't worry, Leilei, this time I will definitely not break my promise, even if there is any danger, I will bear it by myself. It won't hurt you in any way, how?"


Hearing this, Xiao Bailei nodded in satisfaction.

Then he happily kissed Bai Xiaofei's cheek, the cute pink smile turned from cloudy to sunny in an instant, and he looked like he was too cute to die for! Seeing that little Bailei was so cute, Bai Xiaofei's originally depressed and depressed mood improved a lot in an instant, and he was no longer so heavy and depressed.

After 4 years in the world of Monster Hunting, Xiao Bailei is now almost 10 years old, thanks to the excellent genes of her parents (the mother is the queen of red, the most fundamental is the black widow, and the father is Thor) Well, the little girl is much taller than the average girl of the same age, with a pair of long legs, and a delicate and lovely doll-like smiling face, she is simply a standard beauty embryo.

I don't know which man will have such good luck in the future to get Xiao Bailei, the precious princess who is loved by thousands of people.

Besides her appearance and body shape, what changed little Bailei the most was her strength and divine power. You know, her DNA is half of the Aesir lineage, and she inherited the powerful gene of Thor, the god of thunder. As time goes by, her divine power and strength will also increase exponentially.

The current little Bailei, thanks to the nourishment of Bai Xiaofei's countless treasures of heaven and earth, as well as the assistance of many gods, her strength and divine power, has already reached the peak of Thor! Of course... this so-called peak is only relative to the level in Thor 1.

Compared with Thor 3, especially Thor in Avengers 3, Xiao Bai Lei, who has not really awakened the power of thunder, is much worse. But even so, that is not a weak strength. The most important thing is the huge potential. When Thor is as big as Little Bai Lei, he is probably still a brat playing with mud, right?

As long as she is given enough time and training, Xiao Bai Lei's future achievements will definitely be far above Thor!


Xiaoqian and the others began to clean up.

After all, no one knows what they will face in this crossing, so necessary preparations and precautions are still very much needed. Moreover, the development of the world of Elysium is at a critical moment of rapid progress. Before Bai Xiaofei leaves, he has to inspect it, arrange and explain some work and plans.

And the homework left by Bai Xiaofei to the scientific research team this time, besides missing the sand dunes, is the matter of the battle dolls.

As for the development of battle dolls, the Atlantis family actually had sufficient research and achievements a long time ago, but the core technologies they rely on are different. One is a puppet warlord who uses the power of magnetite, that is, crystal, as the energy core and power system to fight. The other one is a battle doll powered by a forbidden tattoo.

Both have their own advantages and disadvantages.

And Bai Xiaofei's goal is to fuse the two into one, forming a more powerful puppet, and even forming a puppet fighting army!


if you can.

It would be best to port that technology to the Terminator.

As one of Bai Xiaofei's earliest combat armies, considering Bai Xiaofei's current strength, the Terminator's ability seems to be a bit behind the times, too backward, even if it is equipped with a lot of black technology and vibration gold materials. Because Vibranium is not truly invincible, as long as its energy-absorbing molecular bonds can be broken, Vibranium creations can be destroyed.

at this point.

In Marvel's movie "Black Panther", it's all shown.

In all the heavens and worlds, there are countless powerful creatures with incredible abilities and perverted strength. Maybe the other party can easily find the weak point of the Zhenjin atom. So... as his strength grew, Bai Xiaofei also became more and more aware of his own insignificance and lack of strength, so he urgently wanted to further improve himself, as well as the methods and trump cards in his hands.

The Xuanbing avatar created in the world of Monster Hunt and the Virgo Golden Saint Cloth were his first attempts.

Although the effect is very gratifying, this method is difficult to replicate, so this second attempt, Bai Xiaofei can only be handed over to the scientific research team of the Elysium Space World. I hope they can find a breakthrough during the time they are away, and give themselves a great surprise, so that their equipment can be upgraded again.

Everyone's actions were very fast.

Not long after, Xiaoqing and the others were all ready to set off at any time. And this trip, apart from Bai Xiaofei's family members, there is also Saintess Tiya and the [Special Research Team for Missing Sand Dunes] led by her. They will take Bai Xiaofei's ride, go to the world of Monster Hunting, and conduct on-the-spot investigation and research on Missing Dune.

"Is everything ready?"


"very good!"

Bai Xiaofei smiled and said: "Then let's set off immediately!"

Everyone nodded.


They all entered the space card.


The next moment.

Bai Xiaofei directly appeared in the world of the four famous catchers.

With the improvement of strength and the continuous increase of small worlds, the various authority of Bai Xiaofei, the master of the world, is also constantly increasing. In the past, he had to use the real world as a springboard to travel into various small worlds, but It's different now, as Bai Xiaofei's wish power reaches a certain critical point, he can already directly travel between small worlds.

This saved him a lot of trouble and time.

after all……

There are only three small worlds now.

In the future, if there are hundreds, tens of thousands, or even more small worlds, you have to return to the real world to enter each time. With so many small worlds, Bai Xiaofei must be so busy! With this authority, it's different, as long as Bai Xiaofei thinks about it, he can directly enter, it's really not too easy and caring!

Bai Xiaofei came directly to the place where Ruthless retreated for cultivation.


He didn't rush in rashly.

It would disturb Wuqing's cultivation, or even appear to be insane. To be on the safe side, Bai Xiaofei used his mind to investigate, and found that Wuqing was not at an extremely critical moment. He was relieved, and then immediately sent a voice transmission to her. Say you have something to talk about.

Not for a while.

After calming down the ruthlessness of his thoughts and emotions, he appeared in front of Bai Xiaofei.

"Little Fei!"

"What is it that you have to say at this time?"

"Could it be...?"

While talking, Wuqing suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and said in amazement: "Are you going to cross again?"


Bai Xiaofei smiled and nodded.

Then said: "That's why I came here to ask you, do you want to go with me to see the outside world?"

Ruthless but asked a nonsensical question: "Um...are they also coming along?"


Bai Xiaofei naturally knew who they were referring to. Hearing this, a certain person could only tell the truth: "I took them with me last time, but due to some special reasons, I didn't let them out, and I owed them, so this time I have to make up for it no matter what, why... can't accept them yet?"

"That's not true!"

Shaking his head ruthlessly, his face flickered unnaturally, and he explained: "I'm just... a little uncomfortable. And I'm at a critical moment when I comprehend the stele of heaven, and it seems that I may break through at any time. The appearance of condensing the holy body, since you said that time travel is random, it may be extremely dangerous, and my strength is the worst one, so I still won't go!"

"Next time!"

"By that time, I believe that I am no longer what I used to be, and I have succeeded in condensing the Eucharist!"

"You won't let me go by then!"


A serious look.

"All right!"

Seeing such a situation, what else can Bai Xiaofei say? Since Wuqing still can't let it go, and the critical moment of comprehension of the stele of the way of heaven is still at the most critical moment, then let her do everything! Anyway, there are plenty of opportunities to travel through time, and it's not bad this time or twice. Hearing this, he could only nod his head, and said: "Then you should study hard on the stele of the way of heaven, don't put too much pressure on yourself, just let it happen!"


The two warmed up for a while.

Afterwards, Bai Xiaofei resolutely left the four famous arresters and entered the world of Monster Hunting. The current development of Monster Hunt World is relatively stable, and there is nothing that needs Bai Xiaofei's care and attention. You only need to put Tiya and others in the holy place of Tianshitang in Kyoto, and let them delve into and explore the secrets of Longing Dune Mystery will do.

After doing all this.

Only now did Bai Xiaofei return to the real world, and started a new time-traveling journey in earnest!

There is no way, with his current authority, although he can freely travel through his own small world as he pleases, but Bai Xiaofei still cannot directly travel through the world of time and space in the small world. According to the little boy, because it involves a deeper level of world rules, if it is not done well, it will cause the backlash of the laws, and even destroy the small world.

So Bai Xiaofei can only honestly return to the real world first, and then travel through.

Anyway, it's just a delay.

never mind.


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