The Storm God

Chapter 1553 Superman Returns! (Please subscribe!)


Bai Xiaofei came to the new world.

And the first impression this new world gave him was both familiar and strange. Why do you say that? Because he is now in a bustling metropolis, with English slogans and English-speaking Americans everywhere, Bai Xiaofei guessed that he should have come to a modern metropolis, and his goal was probably America.

The reason why he feels strange is because this world gives Bai Xiaofei a very backward feeling.

That's right!

It's the feeling of being behind.

It is far from the world of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, or the prosperity and advancement in other American blockbusters. It seems that technology has just started, and it has not been too far ahead of the world, giving people a feeling of being in the embryonic stage of technology. But Bai Xiaofei didn't relax his vigilance or relax because of this.

Because in some of the early films in the United States, there were also some very powerful and heaven-defying characters, or villainous Bosses.

So it's better to be careful!

"Get to know it first!"

Bai Xiaofei didn't release Xiaoqian and the others directly, but planned to have a certain understanding of the world, confirm the plot, and master a certain initiative, so as not to fall into all kinds of messy situations for no reason just after release. During the incident, Bai Xiaofei was very busy.

out of the corner.

Bai Xiaofei randomly found a foreigner.

Then, with an extremely fluent English that was even more standard than the natives here, he quickly asked for some information he wanted. First of all, the time period of this world is 2006, September 21st. No wonder it gave Bai Xiaofei a feeling of being very backward, even compared to the real world, it was more than ten years behind!

But these are not the point.

The key point is, when Bai Xiaofei asked: "Is there anyone here who has superpowers or is a very powerful person?"

The blond old man stared at Bai Xiaofei with the eyes of an alien, and said after a long while, "Young man, I see that you don't know anything. Could it be that you came from a very far away, very remote, or even very backward place?" Are you from the countryside? Sorry, I don’t look down on you, or despise your origin, but because your news is so far behind!”

"It's been almost 10 years since a certain powerful person appeared and disappeared. You still don't know the world-renowned existence like Superman?"

"It's just incredible!"


Finish this sentence.

The old man shook his head and left.


On the other hand, Bai Xiaofei froze on the spot, staring wide-eyed and not daring to say anything: "Could it be that... I have traveled back to the DC universe? If the other party didn't lie to me, since there is a Superman in this world , Then there should be other superheroes, right? Such as Neptune, Flash, Batman and so on!"

"Why does the old man say that only Superman exists?"

"Is it possible..."

Bai Xiaofei suddenly thought of a possibility.

That is: parallel universes! That is to say, although there is a Superman in this world, it is not a complete DC universe. It may just be a personal hero movie with Superman himself. Just like Marvel's Spider-Man, because of copyright and other reasons, there are several versions of Spider-Man alone.

They exist with each other, even completely similar, or the same, but in fact, they are not the same person!

This kind of phenomenon, in the rice drama of "The Flash", has been very wonderfully displayed. Different earths have derived different world civilizations and trends. Although there are great similarities, the same character has completely different The trajectory of life is like the father of Flash Barry Allen. On another earth, he is a speedster just like him.

Since there is only a special existence of Superman in this world, then Bai Xiaofei is sure that this is very likely to be the DC world, a parallel time and space world about Superman. It is completely different from the DC universe that Bai Xiaofei has been to, and the two are not a system.

So far.

While Bai Xiaofei breathed a sigh of relief, he couldn't help becoming excited.

That's Superman!


If you can get the other party's genes.

Then use your own infinite optimization ability to swallow and fuse them, and optimize them, then your own strength will definitely increase by leaps and bounds! Even... It is not impossible to directly cross the bottleneck and shackles of the elementary level of the holy level, and jump to the intermediate level.

To know.

In Superman's personal movie, his ability is quite terrifying and against the sky. Apart from restraining Superman's kryptonite, it is simply invincible. If such a character is placed in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, apart from Thanos, Bai Xiaofei estimates that there are not many other superheroes or super villains who can withstand Da Chao's violent beating!

And the so-called strongest Thanos in the galaxy is about the level and strength of the saint-level middle-level.

It can be seen that Superman should be similar!

Even stronger!


What is the specific situation.

It depends on what stage and period the superman in the world that Bai Xiaofei traveled through is in.

As far as Bai Xiaofei knows about Superman, there are many kinds of movies and TV dramas, including classic movies, TV dramas, and even prequels, and movies about Superman's sister (sister), or related cartoons... Wait, these are all extremely possible without exception.


According to the current timeline.

In the world of Superman around 2006, the possibility of many film and television dramas can be ruled out at once. After all, the social background in many film and television dramas is extremely technologically advanced and advanced, similar to the general period of the future world, which is obviously not in line with the current very backward world environment!

After ruling out many possibilities, and after comprehensively analyzing the information that Bai Xiaofei obtained through investigations, newspapers, and other channels and means along the way, he quickly came to a conclusion: "Superman has disappeared for a long time." 5 years! This setting is rare in many Superman film and television dramas, even anime is no exception!"

"There is only one Superman world that best fits the current time period and social background..."

"That is, the fifth part of the early Superman series!"

"Superman returns!"

After reaching the conclusion, Bai Xiaofei quickly reorganized all the relevant plots.

follow closely……

His eyes suddenly lit up.

As if he had discovered a new continent, Bai Xiaofei almost jumped up excitedly, and exclaimed in his heart: "My God! I thought that in such an early movie world, there should be nothing but Superman's DNA. It's such a big gain, I didn't expect it, but there is such a heaven-defying black technology, and now I can make a lot of money!"

The more I think about it, the more excited I get.

Bai Xiaofei, whose chest and brain were filled with endless surprises and excitement, could not wait to fly directly to the North Pole right now.

However, at this moment, a very cute and playful young lady who looked about 5 years old suddenly appeared in front of Bai Xiaofei. Little Zheng seemed to be avoiding someone, holding snacks in his hand. While running wildly on the street with a smile on his face, he couldn't stop looking back.


"Daddy, you can't catch me, you can't catch me!"

"I'm the best!"


That's how kids are.

He didn't even know how terrible his crazy running behavior was on the chaotic street, and how serious the tragedy and consequences would be. And this child's father is also big-hearted, and he let his child run around in the street with such peace of mind, is it possible that he is not afraid of any accidents?

To know.

This is New York, USA!

Compared with the urban streets of China, the streets of the United States can be said to be extremely unsafe. Car accidents, bumping into people, robbery and so on are almost like eating and drinking, and they may be encountered almost at any time. But at this time, Bai Xiaofei, because of the ecstasy and excitement, his mind completely drifted to the far north pole, so he didn't notice the little Zhengtai in front of him.

next moment.

A young lady who doesn't care and just wants to run wild. And Bai Xiaofei, who was wandering in the sky, his thoughts were completely absent, and he had already flown to the North Pole, imagining the beauty. The two people who didn't notice each other, the next moment, as expected, bumped into each other hard without exception.


Bai Xiaofei flew upside down.

Yes, you read that right, Bai Xiaofei flew out backwards! In that situation, it was almost like being hit by a speeding car, and the whole person flew directly ten meters away. At the same time, after such a collision, Bai Xiaofei also recovered from the state of wandering in the sky in an instant, and after discovering his situation, he froze on the spot on the spot.

"I go!"

"My majestic saint-level master was knocked into the air by someone?"

"What's the situation?"


Someone was stunned.

The staring eyes were full of disbelief, as if seeing a ghost.


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