The Storm God

Chapter 1554: Son of Superman! (Please subscribe!)


An exclamation came from the opposite side.

It turned out that the little boy who knocked Bai Xiaofei into the air was also sent flying by the huge recoil force from Bai Xiaofei's body. However, because of Bai Xiaofei's mastery of power, and considering that this is a bustling metropolis, Bai Xiaofei usually shrinks his power to the minimum.

In case one does not investigate, there will be a fatal incident.

Fortunately, otherwise, this little boy who seems to be named "Jason" would not only be knocked a few meters away, but he would have been shocked to death on the spot!

The person who exclaimed was a handsome guy with brown hair and blue eyes.

She appears to be the father of the child.


"How are you? Did you get hurt?"

"It scared me to death just now!"


The man hugged the little boy with lingering fear on his face.

And the little boy named Jason stared cutely, shook his head cutely, then pointed to Bai Xiaofei who flew far away on the opposite side, and even the situation was far worse than himself, and said crisply: "Dad Hey, I'm fine, I think you should go and see that person, he flew farther than me!"


Hearing the words, the man suddenly came to his senses.

It seems that what happened just now was all caused by his son Jason? The person opposite seemed to be the real victim!

He immediately turned his head to look, only to see that Bai Xiaofei was looking at him in bewilderment, as if he had seen a ghost, and his eyes were full of disbelief. But it’s also true to think about it, no matter which adult is hit by a 5-year-old child and flew more than ten meters away, I guess it will have such an expression?

Don't say it's someone else, it's him, why not?

It was also the first time he saw this situation.


The man smiled wryly and shook his head.

Now is not the time to investigate the reason, let's see if there is anything wrong with others. Then he hugged Jason who was spraying himself with asthma medicine, and walked quickly to Bai Xiaofei.

The people around were also big-hearted. Even when they saw such an unreasonable thing, they just looked sideways slightly, and then acted as if nothing happened. But it's right to think about it. After all, they are metropolitan citizens who have experienced the threat of aliens and the influence of many superhuman incidents. Their psychological endurance cannot be measured by common sense.

"Feel sorry!"

"Sir, are you all right?"

"I'm Richard!"

The man came in front of Bai Xiaofei, and while talking, stretched out his right hand, as if he wanted to pull Bai Xiaofei up, and at the same time continued: "The editor-in-chief of the international board of Planet Daily, I'm really sorry for what happened just now, children don't understand things. so that it hit you, are you okay?"


After this moment of astonishment and sluggishness.

Bai Xiaofei also recovered quickly. He also heard the conversation between the man and Jason just now. Now he learned that the man's name is Richard, and he is also the international editor-in-chief of Planet Daily, and he is also the "father" of the little boy Jason. "In just a split second, Bai Xiaofei guessed the other party's identity.

If I guessed correctly, this man named Richard should be Louis' boyfriend. No! It should be said to be the fiance. And this little guy named Jason in front of him, with terrifying and strange powers, should be Louis' son, or to be precise, it should be the half-breed leftover after the one-night affair between Lewis and Superman Clark!

That is, the Son of Superman!


about this point.

Richard, who was Louis' fiancé, had no knowledge of that.

Although this handsome guy is very awesome and has a cuckold for Superman, he is a guy who likes to be a father, and Louis has never forgotten Superman in his heart, so he is undoubtedly a standard spare tire. However, the messy emotional entanglement in it has nothing to do with Bai Xiaofei at all, what he cares about is the son of Superman, that is, the little boy Jason.

According to the show of the movie plot.

The hybrid born of Louis and Superman does not seem to be afraid of Superman's greatest weakness - kryptonite!

The big bald Boss Rex Luthor did not doubt Jason's biological father at the beginning, he might be Superman, but when he approached with a well-polished cylinder of kryptonite, and even stuck it on Jason's face, There was nothing abnormal about Jason, which made the wise and enchanting Lex Luthor completely let go of the doubts in his heart.


This is not the case.

When one of Lex Luthor's subordinates was bullying Louis, Jason, the son of Superman, finally broke out. He raised his hand and slammed the piano over like a ball, smashing the opponent into meat paste, and he couldn't die anymore. up. Lex Luthor, who was so confident, broke out in a cold sweat.

Closer to home.

Bai Xiaofei patted his body and stood up.

He shook hands with Richard, briefly introduced himself to the two of them, then stared at Jason, the son of Superman, and said with a smile: "Is that Jason? Little guy, you have a lot of strength! You are so powerful! Knocked me flying more than ten meters, it seems that your parents must not be ordinary people!"


"Fortunately, Uncle, I am not an ordinary person, otherwise I would be in bad luck when I was hit by you just now!"

"We don't even know each other!"


Bai Xiaofei said with deep meaning.


It doesn't matter what the reaction is.

He turned around and left, unrestrained and unrestrained, leaving Jason and his stepfather standing there, staring at each other.


Bai Xiaofei didn't really leave just like that.

When he was in contact with Richard and Jason just now, he had already secretly planted the Flying Thunder God's space spell on them. As long as Bai Xiaofei is willing, he can teleport to the two of them at any time. Of course, Richard was just incidental, but what Bai Xiaofei really cared about was the son of Superman—Jason!

He had made up his mind not to have Superman's DNA, but Jason's.

As for the reason?


Isn't that obvious.

The son of Superman, who was born out of blue and better than blue, Jason's ability is obviously better than Superman!

Not even afraid of kryptonite, who would you choose?


before that.

Bai Xiaofei has another very important thing to do.

And this is the first time he and Jason met, and it was on a large street, and I don't know if Superman is back at this time, so it would be too nasty to act rashly against Jason. What's up. Bai Xiaofei is not an impulsive person, let's wait and see.

As long as that thing is done, even if Superman comes, he will not be afraid!

As for whether the meaningful words just now would cause any conflicts and adverse effects on the "husband and wife" relationship between Louis and Richard, that's none of Bai Xiaofei's business. If you want others not to know unless you do nothing, you should be considered a good person and a good deed, right?


Don't thank me!

Who told us to be a living bastard, we have always convinced people with virtue!


In this way, a certain person walked happily, and after asking the passers-by around for the exact address of the Metropolitan Museum of Natural History, he waved for a taxi and went straight to the museum. Bai Xiaofei is not going to visit any collection, but because... there is a huge kryptonite collection there!

The big boss, Lex Luthor, used that kryptonite to create a whole continent of kryptonite, which almost killed Superman.

Unavoidable accidents and side effects, it is better to deal with them first.

As long as you have it...

So what if Superman comes?

No matter what era your Superman is, as long as you are a pure Kryptonian, Bai Xiaofei is not afraid of anything!

With kryptonite in hand, Superman will make one of them!


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