The Storm God

Chapter 1556 Become a villain! (Please subscribe!)


Seeing the figure of the visitor, as well as the familiar attire and face, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help being slightly stunned. He never expected that Superman Clark would appear at this time. Didn't the other party have left the earth and went to Krypton to find his own kind? How would it appear here? Could it be because of my appearance that the plot has changed?

Immediately he shook his head, denying his inference.

Because Bai Xiaofei suddenly remembered a detail in the movie, that is, after Superman returned and rescued the out-of-control space shuttle, major newspapers reported the exact date of Superman's return, marking September 28, 2006. And now it's September, and the actual release time is at most 20 days away!


When Superman Clark returned to Earth, the movie did not clearly point out. In other words, Superman may have returned to the earth very early, and after a period of adaptation, he chose to return to work at the Planet Daily when the wandering state of space and the strangeness with the world disappeared.

So it is not impossible for Clark to appear here at this moment.

So far.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help smiling wryly in his heart.

Secretly said: "This time, I made a mistake in my estimation. I just thought about going to Superman's house to steal something, but I didn't grasp the timing and details. Now I was caught right away, so embarrassing!"

Regardless of what Bai Xiaofei thinks.

"Who are you?"

The Superman Clark on the opposite side also had a look of bewilderment and confusion.

Looking at the enemies he has encountered over the years, no matter how powerful they are, or relying on the power of technology, it is the first time Superman has seen a guy as high-end and high-end as Bai Xiaofei. Moreover, the shape of Aries is so gorgeous and outstanding that even superhuman eyesight is amazed by it.

"This is definitely not Earth's technology!"

Superman Clark made such an inference at the first time, because let alone the earth's scientific and technological power cannot create a fork and powerful armor like Aries, even with Krypton's technological power that has surpassed the earth for countless years. Seeing the depth of the armor and the specific origin, you can see the origin of the opponent, which is absolutely extraordinary!

Think here.

Clark's complexion couldn't help but become more dignified.

His intuition told himself that this guy who seemed to be coming straight to his Krypton Ice Palace was quite difficult to mess with. Even with his almost invincible strength, it might be difficult to defeat him easily. And this feeling of dread, except for the three generals Zod, this is the second time Superman has had it.

While asking questions.

Superman Clark also unceremoniously launched his own ability - clairvoyance.

He intends to see the true face of Mount Lu in the armor.


He failed.

Bai Cass, the strongest artificial intelligence, is not a vegetarian.

Baicus, who is very familiar with Superman's information, immediately launched a countermeasure after detecting the detection of X-ray light waves in Superman's eyes. According to Superman's settings, the opponent cannot see through lead. Although Aries is not made of lead, the various black technologies and magical powers on its body can completely simulate the magnetic field, density and molecular structure of lead.

In this way, Aries is like a human-shaped lead block.

Superman naturally cannot see through.


Superman, who failed to see through, couldn't help but become more dignified.

At the same time, he had a bad premonition in his heart: "I can't see through it. Could it be that the opponent's armor is made of lead? It doesn't look like it! And... the opponent is not only very clear about the location of the Krypton Ice Palace, but also He even built such a powerful armor according to his own ability, this person is probably coming directly at me!"


Naturally, Bai Xiaofei also got a reminder from Bai Cass.


"Use your ability on me without saying a word, trying to see through my true face?"

"It's a pity you picked the wrong person!"


Bai Xiaofei was secretly proud of himself.

Immediately, he had an idea, and wanted to take this opportunity to try Superman's various abilities and strengths, to see if the opponent was really as strong as in the movie, almost against the sky.

You know, in the film world of the Superman Returns series, this version of Superman is very awesome. In a weak state, anyone who lifts up a continent is a small KS. His most powerful ability is that he can influence the autobiography of the earth. In order to achieve the effect of turning back time, even use it again and again without any negative effects!

The strength of Dachao is evident!

It's almost flying!

If Bai Xiaofei wants to obtain the power of Superman, he naturally needs to have a systematic understanding and recognition of this version of Superman. This will not only enable him to further deepen his understanding of Superman's strength, but also facilitate the future when he obtains and integrates Superman. Controlling, developing, and improving one's own abilities behind the DNA.


After making up his mind, Bai Xiaofei smiled slightly.

The voice is processed and changed by Aries, it looks extraordinarily gloomy and cold, as if without any emotion, it is extremely cold: "It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that since you are back, come and fight with me, if If you are not strong enough to protect this planet, then the people on Earth can only become my slaves!"

Who is Superman?

That is the best representative of Wei Guangzheng!

If you want to force the other party to develop with yourself and use all your strength, the only way to do it is to become a villain.

as expected.

Hearing that Bai Xiaofei was going to enslave the humans on Earth, Superman's self-proclaimed guardian heart of justice broke out immediately. His face darkened, he looked at Bai Xiaofei firmly and solemnly, and said coldly: "It seems that I guessed right, you are indeed from an alien, but if you want to enslave humans on Earth, you have to first I'll talk about it later!"


The body moves.

The whole person shot at him, and he launched the attack first.


There was a loud bang.

After being punched by Superman with lightning speed, a golden light flashed in the sky, and Aries flew upside down on the spot like a baseball. At the same time, before Bai Xiaofei's eyes, there were also various data reports from Bai Cass, suggesting that Superman's attack power had seriously exceeded the known limits.

"What a domineering power!"

"It's just a casual punch, and there is such a terrifying force, and the speed is not slow. It is worthy of being at the same level as Thanos!"

"It seems that if you don't show some real skills, you can't do it!"

"The first level of infinite rampage!"


Although he was beaten into the air, Bai Xiaofei was extremely excited and excited, because the power Superman displayed at this moment made him very satisfied. He is worthy of being the son of the DC universe, and he only has a strong bloodline similar to Superman. It is worth Bai Xiaofei's efforts to seek and obtain, integrate and improve his own limit.

And if you want to fight against such a powerful superman, you must be in an ordinary state.


Bai Xiaofei directly started the infinite rampage.

Infinite Rampage is evolved from the fusion of Bai Xiaofei's blood control ability and Hulk Hulk's source of infinite anger power. You can rely on the power of blood to infinitely improve your own strength and abilities in various states limit. Each level of improvement is considered in terms of times, but with Bai Xiaofei's current blood and endurance, it can't exceed 6 levels at most.

That is 64 times its own strength!


There will be side effects such as blood depletion.

In severe cases, it will cause damage to the foundation, affect future development and improvement, and even directly die physically, becoming a lonely ghost.

For so many years, Bai Xiaofei has not used the ability of infinite rampage. Even if he uses it, the level of rampage is not very high. Only when he faced Thanos back then, Bai Xiaofei was real. do my best. But today is different from the past, Bai Xiaofei, whose strength has already reached the holy level, even if he only uses the first level of rampage, the power is extremely terrifying!

Who dares to underestimate the double strength of the saint level?

not to mention……

Bai Xiaofei was still wearing the Aries Gold Cloth.

Even Da Chao, who is extremely powerful, would not dare to say that he is sure of everything in the face of Bai Xiaofei who has gone violently, let alone the others.

Closer to home.


With the opening of infinite rampage.

The Qi and blood in Bai Xiaofei's body boiled in an instant, like a great river in the Yangtze River, setting off turbulent waves, carrying unparalleled strength, and instantly transmitted to all the limbs and bones of Bai Xiaofei's body, making his reaction, speed, strength... and other attributes, All have been doubled, and the overall strength has almost doubled!


He was surprised to find out.

The speed at which Da Chao rushed towards him became much slower in an instant. At least it has reached the level where Bai Xiaofei has enough time to react and act on Superman's actions. Compared to being punched out by Superman just now in a daze, and being passive without even having time to react, there is obviously a qualitative leap.

"very good!"

"In this way, I can have a good fight with Dachao!"

"Taste my crystal wall!"

"Ka Ka Ka!"



Bai Xiaofei immediately used Aries' signature skill——

Crystal walls!


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