The Storm God

Chapter 1557 Scary rays! (Please subscribe!)

The power of the crystal wall is mainly based on Bai Xiaofei's spirit and mental power level, the stronger the mental power, the stronger the power. Supplemented with many auxiliary runes on the Aries Gold Saint Cloth that specifically increase mental power and mind power, the superposition of many effects can be said to be twice the result with half the effort. With very little power, it can arouse great power.

And now.

Bai Xiaofei after infinite runaway.

All the abilities in the body have increased dramatically, even the spiritual power is no exception.


The power of the crystal wall.

It is also naturally strengthened.

Coupled with the fact that he was facing Superman at this moment, with terrifying strength, Bai Xiaofei didn't dare to be careless in the slightest. Naturally, the crystal wall was fully exerted, not trying to completely block Superman, as long as it could be blocked a little bit. Otherwise, once Superman mobilizes and attacks Bai Xiaofei in a row, he will be completely passive.

"Ka Ka Ka!"

The casting speed of the crystal wall is extremely fast, almost instantaneous.

In the space of more than ten feet in front of Bai Xiaofei, a huge and incomparably transparent crystal wall soon formed, like a shield, between Bai Xiaofei and Superman. At this moment, Superman was charging towards Bai Xiaofei at an incredible super speed, and he didn't even notice the existence of the crystal wall.


Just heard a "boom".

Poor Superman Clark directly hit the crystal wall.

Just like ordinary people running and suddenly being blocked by something, Superman was stunned on the spot, and even the rushing figure was knocked backward by the huge shock force Go out tens of meters away. After all... This is the most powerful crystal wall that exploded at the double peak after Bai Xiaofei went berserk. Even Superman, it is not so easy to break through.


Superman's strength is indeed not covered.

Although Bai Xiaofei's crystal wall was not smashed by him on the spot, it was still full of cracks and cracks, as if it might explode at any time. It's also fortunate that Superman didn't notice that all his strength and power were not concentrated on the crystal wall, but relying on his extremely strong speed and physique, as well as the power of inertia, caused such a terrifying effect.


With superhuman abilities.

If he really used all his strength and punched the crystal wall, the result would be a different story.

In this regard, Bai Xiaofei did not feel any exception. Although the telekinetic power of the mind is awesome, but in terms of Bai Xiaofei's current strength, the destructive power that his physical body can achieve has far exceeded the power of the telekinetic mind. Moreover, the mental enhancement of infinite rampage is also the weakest link, so Bai Xiaofei didn't expect the crystal wall to stop Superman from the beginning.

It is quite good to have the current results.

And after being blocked by the crystal wall, Bai Xiaofei finally recovered from the punch Superman gave him before, and abruptly stopped the tendency to fly backwards. Then he turned passive into active, started flying at supersonic speed, and flew out directly towards the inverted direction, and the superman who was hit by a little dazed and confused about the situation came with electric fire.

In terms of strength.

Bai Xiaofei is not afraid of Superman at all.

The big deal is that buddies run away infinitely, with 64 times the peak combat power, I don't believe they can't handle you.

But when it comes to speed, Bai Xiaofei has to give up, because the superman in this world is absolutely invincible in terms of speed. After all, people can rely on unparalleled speed to directly reverse the earth, the existence of time countercurrent, no matter how fast Aries is, it can barely reach Mach 10.

Compared with Superman who surpasses the speed of light, it is simply a difference.


Bai Xiaofei must strike first.

Otherwise, when Superman becomes fully serious and discovers his disadvantage in speed, it will be completely sad.

Regardless of what Bai Xiaofei thinks.


Superman was completely taken aback.

He didn't understand, he was flying well just now, why did he suddenly hit the wall? And it's a completely invisible wall! wrong! This is not the point, with my physical strength, speed, and strength, what kind of wall can withstand my collision, but just now I was sent flying upside down by the shock?

It's incredible!

Could it be...

Is this a special ability of that person?

Or is it some kind of high-tech power released by the unknown armor? Being able to withstand his own fist and block his own rapid impact, this man in golden armor who suddenly appeared on the earth is really not that easy to deal with. It seems... It is very difficult for him not to show some real strength. nailed it.

And just when Superman secretly made up his mind to add a little more strength to the battle later.

Bai Xiaofei had already rushed in front of Clark.


He said nothing.

It was a burst of indiscriminate bombing.

Bai Xiaofei, who is wearing the Aries golden holy clothes, is not afraid of the superman's steel body's counter-shock force, and when he comes to him, he will directly use Aries' signature big move - starlight extinction! In an instant, the vast mind power mixed with Bai Xiaofei's formidable power, forming a special light cluster, like countless bombs, all bombarded Superman's body, causing a series of explosions and shocks.

Poor Superman Clark was overwhelmed by Bai Xiaofei's unique move on the spot.


Bai Xiaofei didn't get carried away by it.

After all, the other party is a superman, so how could it be so easy to be beaten down by himself three or two times? Unless you use Dachao's deadly nemesis-kryptonite.

Sure enough, when Bai Xiaofei's ultimate move was fully displayed, two extremely scarlet hot rays suddenly shot out from below submerged by the explosion light group, and directly bombarded Bai Xiaofei's body. These two rays, no need to think too much, must be the ability of Superman's eyes - thermal energy rays.

"Alarm! Alert!"

"Superman's heat shot temperature is too high, the attack is too strong, and the armor is suffering a lot of damage!"

"It is recommended to avoid its edge!"


Aries is bombarded by rays.

Bai Cass, the strongest artificial intelligence, immediately began to warn Bai Xiaofei.

The thermal energy ray ability of Superman's eyes is so strong that it can be seen that even the so-called strongest vibrating gold factor in the Marvel universe cannot persist for too long, otherwise it will absorb too much energy because of the chemical bonds that absorb energy. Beyond the limit, a terrifying explosion occurs, which is damage and scrap in the popular sense!

"So strong!"

Seeing the alarm data, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help being shocked, and said to himself: "As expected of a great super, the ability is strong! This is still my Zhenjin Saint Cloth. Since my debut, it is the first time I have been attacked so horribly. It has reached the limit that the defense can withstand, and this is just the result of the opponent's eyes staring casually, awesome!"

In amazement.

Bai Xiaofei wanted to get out of the way immediately, lest Aries suffer unnecessary damage.

But at this moment.


A fierce and unparalleled domineering wind suddenly blew from the opposite side.

Not only that, while Da Chao stared at his eyes and kept releasing heat rays, at the same time he pouted his mouth and kept blowing out a fierce figure comparable to a twelfth-level hurricane. He quickly bullied towards Bai Xiaofei, as if planning to fight close to him, not giving Bai Xiaofei any chance to dodge.

Aries was bombarded by a large superheated ray just now, and kept sending out alarms. Now, when Bai Xiaofei wanted to dodge, he suddenly released a violent storm without waves, and Bai Xiaofei's figure immediately became uncontrollable. There was a little confusion, coupled with Dachao's speed, it was urgent and fast.


Under the superposition of many factors.

Bai Xiaofei didn't have any chance to react, he was grabbed by the big move on the spot.

I can't dodge it completely.


at the same time.

Da Chao put away the storm blowing.

He just stared at his eyes, constantly releasing terrifying heat rays, and then stared at a certain point on Aries' chest with incomparable concentration. It doesn't matter how Bai Xiaofei is struggling, both hands are holding on to Aries tightly, with a posture of not giving up until you are "stared" out of a big hole!

And as Da Chao continued to watch, the scarlet rays released from his eyes became thinner and hotter.

The alarm given by Baicas became more and more urgent.


But in the blink of an eye.

Under Dachao's intensified blast of heat energy rays, Aries' chest was quickly burnt out a fine hole, which then continued to deepen and expand. Marvel Universe's so-called strongest vibrating gold factor, in front of DC Super, finally broke for the first time in history.

Aries is naturally struggling and wants to get rid of the shackles of Superman.


That's super!

How can he be a guy who can break free and get rid of easily? His two arms are holding on to Aries, which can be described as impenetrable. No matter how Bai Xiaofei struggles, flapping his wings or kicking him with both feet will have no effect. It's like tickling.

It has no effect at all!


Seeing this situation, Bai Xiaofei suddenly turned pale with shock.

This super strength is simply terrifying, whether it is strength, speed, or heat rays, storm blows, and ability to resist blows, they are far beyond the limit of Aries. It is simply impossible to break free from the opponent's shackles and attack by conventional means!

So far.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't care about it any more, he became more aggressive, and immediately activated the space transmission ability, countless lightning instantly covered his whole body, even infecting Da Chao all over. Unexpectedly, this inconspicuous thunder and lightning phenomenon made Da Chao immediately show an extremely painful expression.

Da Chao, who seemed to be enduring some kind of great torture, couldn't help but let go of his hands, and finally let go of Bai Xiaofei.


Bai Xiaofei was slightly taken aback.

Is Da Chao afraid of thunder and lightning? It shouldn't be! Maybe there are other reasons? !

He was suddenly puzzled, but at this time, these are not important anymore, because Aries' space transmission ability and energy storage have reached the limit.


With a loud roar.

The space transmission ability of Aries was finally activated, and the figure disappeared instantly, and it was unknown where it was teleported.

Only Superman Clark, who had lingering fears, was left at the scene.

The look of horror on his face!


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