The Storm God

Chapter 1559 Paternity Test! (Please subscribe!)

New York.

After agreeing with Bai Cass on the plan to deal with Dachao, Bai Xiaofei used the Flying Thunder God Technique to teleport back to the position he had chosen before leaving. This is a very remote and desolate corner of New York. Normally, no one would come here. Even those robbers would dislike the fact that it is too remote.

If you want to obtain Dachao's inheritance crystal, you can't match it, you can only outsmart it.

Anyway, it's still very early for the plot to unfold, there is plenty of time, so Bai Xiaofei is not in a hurry. He now plans to find a house to live near the Daily Planet in Metropolitan New York, or the residence of Louise Lane, so that he can follow the movements of the heroine and the son of Superman.


The main reason is to get Jason's DNA!

As long as he can integrate the DNA of the Son of Superman, Bai Xiaofei can have all the abilities of Dachao, and even surpass him, and overcome the fatal shortcoming of fear of kryptonite. At that time... Even if there are some flaws in the plan between himself and Bai Cass, Bai Xiaofei can choose to fight hard, at worst, he will be tough with Da Chao.

Who is afraid of whom!

However, before that, Bai Xiaofei must first get the address of Louise Lane.

Otherwise everything is useless.


This is not an easy matter.

After all, the current social age of this world is not as developed as it is in 2018 in reality. Computers and the Internet have basically spread to every corner of the world, and camera surveillance is everywhere. It is almost impossible to escape if you commit a crime. Therefore, it is difficult for Bai Xiaofei's Tianjian satellite network detection system to exert its maximum effect.

Fortunately, Bai Xiaofei also has the very buggy ability of telekinetic power.

He only needs to mix into the Daily Planet, find some people from the newspaper office, and use the ability of hypnosis and spiritual suggestion to easily extract the residences of Louise and Richard from the opponent's mouth. Of course, the premise is that the other party has to know. But there is really no need to worry about this, there are so many people in the newspaper office, Bai Xiaofei doesn't believe that no one knows their home addresses.

as expected.

Everything went smoothly as Bai Xiaofei expected.

Without any effort, he easily learned the residential addresses of Louise and Richard from a newspaper reporter. It is worth mentioning that the two lived together a long time ago. They lived near Port XX in Manhattan, New York, in a detached villa near the coast.

It's right to think about it carefully.

After Da Chao left, Louise became pregnant.

In order to avoid gossip, she can only find a spare tire to blame, otherwise her reputation will be completely ruined. And the unlucky guy who wants to be a father is undoubtedly the son of the newspaper boss and the editor-in-chief of the international edition, Richard. Poor guy has lived with Louise for 5 years, but has been kept in the dark, the child is not his own at all.

This is not the saddest thing, what is even more painful is that Louise has been hanging on to Richard for the past 5 years!

Although the two are now engaged and living together, apart from the occasional flirting with each other, the relationship between colleagues and friends is more of a relationship between colleagues and friends. Jump, soy sauce and so on are extremely 666, but Louise just refuses to marry him.

This undoubtedly made Richard very depressed and concerned. He faintly felt that Louise seemed to be hiding something from him.

What has the other party been avoiding?

And this feeling...

After meeting Bai Xiaofei, it was undoubtedly more intense and lingering. Someone's words, like a little devil, kept flying and spinning in Richard's head. Let Richard's work status this day be in a daze, with many mistakes and omissions.

Fortunately, he is the son of the newspaper boss.

Otherwise, in such a working state, if you were someone else, you would have to be scolded by the boss to be bloody!


The newspaper boss frowned at Richard.

Immediately sighed, and said: "I see that your complexion is very bad today, are you sick? I think it is better for you to take a proper rest. I have ordered Johnson to help you with the international version. Take care and take care of it, listen to me, you should go to the hospital, or go home and rest!"

"Come back when you feel better!"


As the saying goes: "There is no one who knows a son like a father." The owner of the newspaper is naturally well aware of Richard's suffering and current state. But after all, this is related to his son's feelings. Even as a father, he can't say much. In the end, he can only shake his head helplessly, hoping that Richard can get out of this vicious circle by himself.


Richard didn't refuse.

Nodding silently, he left the boss's office.

Louise is currently out on the news, so she doesn't know anything about what happened here. It was Louise's son, Jason, who was sensitive to the abnormal state of his "daddy", and couldn't help but stepped forward to comfort him: "Daddy, you look very bad, are you sick?" ?”


Looking at the very cute Jason.

Richard couldn't help recalling what Bai Xiaofei said in the morning: "Little guy, it seems that your parents must not be ordinary people!"

Then, out of nowhere, he came up with a bold idea.

follow closely……

Richard took Jason to the hospital.

The largest and best hospital in New York City, with recognized doctors and equipment capabilities, the strongest, most professional and reliable large hospital.

He plans to do a paternity test with Jason!


at the same time.

Bai Xiaofei also came to the vicinity of Port XX in Manhattan, and then found a local developer, planning to buy a single-family villa near Richard's residence, so as to monitor the situation of Louise's "family" at any time. As for the identity, Bai Xiaofei had asked Bai Cass to help him figure it out long before he came here.

His current status is that of a rich man in China with billions of assets. This time he came to New York, the United States, to relax and play.

For such a tycoon-level character who is so rich, the old ricers naturally look forward to seeing them very much, so they quickly took Bai Xiaofei to visit the houses along the coast of Manhattan, especially the few villas near Richard's residence. The demand is much higher than that of ordinary people, and it is obvious that he wants to deceive Xiaofei.


Bai Xiaofei didn't care at all.

You can open as much as you want, anyway, the money you guys use to pay is hacked from your bank in the United States. The wool comes from sheep, even if you ask for tens of billions, Bai Xiaofei doesn't feel bad at all! Of course, the other party is not a fool, so it is naturally impossible for the lion to open his mouth to such an outrageous level.

In the end, the other party's asking price was only a few percentage points higher than the usual price, but even so, it still cost more than 10 million US dollars. Bai Xiaofei paid all the money on the spot, and in view of Bai Xiaofei's arrogance, the developers naturally patted their chests generously for all the related procedures, expressing that they would help Bai Xiaofei get it done as soon as possible.

The environment and facilities in the villa are quite complete and luxurious, and you can just check in with your bags.

Bai Xiaofei lived in that day.


A pass busy.

A sealing circle was set up all around.

Immediately afterwards, Xiaoqian, Diana and others were released from the space card.


"This environment...could it be a villa? Could it be a modern city?"

"Tch, it's not interesting at all!"


Just came out.

After Hu Niu'er became popular, she scanned the surrounding environment clearly.

Then he showed a disdainful expression.

One's dislike!


Bai Xiaofei glared at her angrily, and snorted coldly: "You are the only talkative, it would be nice to let you out, but you still pick and choose? Who said that modern cities are garbage and boring? I'm not afraid to tell you the truth, this world is It's quite dangerous, even I have suffered a bit, if you have such a contemptuous and disdainful attitude, sooner or later you will stumble!"


"Even you have suffered a bit? How is this possible?"

"Hurry up and talk!"


When the red queen heard this, she immediately became interested.

Not only her, but Xiaoqian, Diana, and Xiao Bailei who were around were also slightly taken aback when they saw Bai Xiaofei speak so seriously, with expressions of astonishment and disbelief on their faces. You know, among the crowd, only Bai Xiaofei is the strongest. I didn't expect even Bai Xiaofei to suffer here. How strong is the enemy?

Think carefully and fear.

The faces of all the people couldn't help but become dignified.

Especially when I heard Bai Xiaofei's talk about Dachao, how awesome and powerful he was, his strength was far beyond his expectations, even stronger and more terrifying than what was shown in the movie, even Huniuerhong, who is famous for his big heart, Finally, they all opened their mouths wide in shock, their faces full of horror.

"My dear!"

"Even the vibration gold factor can't withstand Dachao's heat rays, how strong is he?"

"Is this the strength of DC's own son?"

"Sure enough!"


Waiting for everyone to recover from their horror.

Only then did Bai Xiaofei start to tell everyone about his plan to deal with Superman, as well as the matter of seizing the DNA of Superman's son Jason.


After hearing this, Xiao Bailei's eyes lit up, as if she had thought of something, then she raised her little hand excitedly, and said loudly, "I can help with this! Choose me quickly! I can definitely help daddy get Jason of blood and DNA, and it won't draw anyone's attention, I promise!"

She looks like she's trying hard to express herself, not to mention how cute she is.


See this situation.

Bai Xiaofei, who had a keen mind, also immediately realized something.

Then he hugged little Bai Lei, and said with a smile: "Since our Lei Lei is so active and confident, Daddy will give you this task. But... Lei Lei, you should know that Jason's blood and Although DNA is very important to Dad, but Lei Lei's safety is what Dad cares most about!"

"Don't force yourself, understand?"


Little Bai Lei nodded.

The delicate little face was full of confidence, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Daddy, don't worry! Leilei is also very powerful. That Jason, even if his daddy is superhuman, he is definitely not Leilei's opponent, because of Leilei's father, is the strongest!"

"If he dares to be disobedient, I'll hit him with a hammer!"

"Smash until he obeys!"


While talking.

Xiao Bailei also clenched her little fist fiercely, with a ferocious expression on her face. At the same time... the Thor's Hammer in her hand seemed to have sensed her master's emotions, and began to shoot out billowing thunderbolts, with the attitude of being a helper, Bai Xiaofei's head was covered in black lines, and she was speechless: "Damn! I When did your precious daughter become so violent?"

"This is definitely not what I taught!"


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