The Storm God

Chapter 1560 Let's play with the hammer! (Please subscribe!)

New York Central Hospital.

Richard used a little deception to easily get Jason's blood, and then secretly made a personal identification. It's just... due to the level of medical care in this world, and for the accuracy of the paternity test, the results of the test will at least have to wait until the day after tomorrow, which makes Richard a little depressed.

Without any choice.

Richard could only take Jason back home.

Then, he found that he had an extra neighbor. Coincidentally, this neighbor was Bai Xiaofei whom he met this morning. And all of this, of course, is not a coincidence, it was all deliberately arranged by Bai Xiaofei, in order to get acquainted with Jason so that he can get his blood and DNA in the future.

"I didn't expect that we were so destined!"

Richard was feeling depressed right now, so when he suddenly saw Bai Xiaofei, he was naturally extremely happy. Then he immediately extended an invitation, wanting Bai Xiaofei's family to come to his house as guests, as an apology this morning. Of course, Bai Xiaofei would not refuse this opportunity offered to him, and he agreed directly.

Louise hasn't come back yet.


After returning home, Richard could only prepare for the dinner by himself.

However, he called Louise in advance and asked her to bring some food when she came back, because the family's reserves were not enough. Of course, the main reason is that Bai Xiaofei has a lot of family members, two wives, a younger sister, and an extremely cute daughter, plus the three members of Richard's family, it's really a stretch.

Regarding the matter of Bai Xiaofei taking two wives, Richard didn't find it surprising or inappropriate.

after all……

This is a family matter.

It has nothing to do with myself, and there is no need to worry about others.

Moreover, there are so many countries in the world. Although most countries are monogamous, there are still many places where polygamy is allowed. Such as Senegal, Uganda, Libya, Swaziland, Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, Yemen, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, Jordan, Iraq, ... and so on.

Good guy.

Don't say I don't know, this is really a lot!

In addition, the most important reason is that Lao Mi's thinking is much more open than ordinary people.

Closer to home.

Around 8pm.

Louise finally came back, and brought a lot of food and so on. When Richard and Richard were busy preparing for the dinner, Louise took the time to ask about the specific situation. Richard naturally had something to say, and immediately told the truth about Jayne's crash into Bai Xiaofei today.


When Louise heard this, her heart suddenly "thumped".

His face trembled unnaturally, and then he said with a smile: "Knocking people into the air? How is this possible? Jason is only a child, you must have misread it!"

Then she quickly changed the topic and started talking about today's work.


Richard is no fool.

Louise's acting skills are so bad, how can he not see the perfunctory in it?

It's just that regarding this matter, it's just some guesses in his mind at the moment, and Richard doesn't have any evidence, so he can only bear with it for the time being, and wait for the results of the paternity test to come out. If Jason is really his Son, of course it's nothing, it's my own overthinking.


Then I really need to talk to Louise. After all, no one would like such a thing as "happy to be a father". The most important thing is that the two are not married yet, so maybe I don't even have the qualifications to be "happy to be a father". At best, it is just a temporary transition The super spare tire too!

With two people doing it, the efficiency is naturally high.


The dinner party is almost ready.

The five members of Bai Xiaofei's family were also invited, and they walked into Richard's house grandly, and had a formal meeting and contact with Louise and Superman's son Jason. It has to be said that Louise still has a bit of beauty and charm, otherwise she wouldn't make fans of Da Chao and the "Prince" of the Planet Daily go round and round.


Compared with Xiaoqian and Diana, Louise is much inferior.

This is not about Bai Xiaofei boasting, just talking about his wife well, just looking at the shock and envy that flashed across the faces of Louise and Richard after seeing the two women, one can draw an obvious conclusion. In terms of appearance and temperament, Bai Xiaofei's two wives are completely superior.


Even his "sister" is the queen.

Louise and Richard were almost stunned by the sexy, extremely hot and proud figure and appearance.

But it was Xiao Bai Lei who surprised the two of them the most.

"What a beautiful girl!"

Not only the two of them, the parents, were stunned, but even Xiaozheng's wife Jason, when he saw Xiao Bai Lei, his eyes were straightened, and he froze in place on the spot. I was deeply impressed by the charm. Then... the overly excited little Zhengtai immediately couldn't help taking out his asthma medicine, and started to spray it into his mouth wildly.

"what happened to him?"

Bai Xiaofei asked pretending not to know.

In fact, he had known for a long time that the asthma medicine in Jason's hand was simply a cover, it was not used to treat asthma at all, and it was impossible for Superman's son to have some shitty asthma. All of this was just a means to cover up that Jason was too excited and caused his ability to lose control.

Remember in the second half of the movie plot.

Louise was captured by Lex Luthor on the yacht, and when she wanted to escape and ask for help, she was discovered by his subordinates, and then she was beaten and persecuted; Jason, who witnessed his mother being beaten, was on fire at the time He just threw out the piano he was playing, and smashed the opponent into meat sauce on the spot.


Jason wanted to spray the potion.

But in the end, he just looked at the potion in his hand, but he didn't use it to restore his over-excited emotions as usual. Obviously at this time, the little Zhengtai has grown up and can use his own will to control his own abilities, so he chose to face himself squarely, instead of relying on some bullshit medicine to deceive the world.


as a newcomer.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't act as if he knew about such a behavior of a child, and wasn't even the slightest bit curious about it, could he? That would be too unreasonable. So even if he already knew the tricks, at this time, Bai Xiaofei still had to put on a wave.


Louise smiled slightly, and said casually: "Jason's body is a little weak, and he will be fine in a while!"

Then he greeted everyone and began to eat.

A meal down.

It can be said that the host and guest had a good time, enjoying themselves.

During this period, the young lady, Jason, was also frequently looking for topics and greetings to Xiao Bailei. It was obvious that he was full of endless interest in this very beautiful young lady and wanted to talk to her more. Children, it’s just like that, if you like it, you like it, if you hate it, you hate it, it’s very clear, and you don’t play any tricks at all.

See this scenario.

Whether it is Bai Xiaofei and others.

Or Louise, or Richard, just shook their heads with a smile. Although they understood in their hearts, they didn't say much.

Let the children deal with the children's affairs.


They also have things to talk about.

Richard and Louise were very interested in Bai Xiaofei's identity and origin, as well as the two very beautiful wives with completely different temperaments. Don't forget, they are all well-known figures in Planet Daily, one is the editor-in-chief, and the other is a reporter. Their sense of unknown things and news is far more sensitive than ordinary people.

They could clearly feel that Bai Xiaofei's family was absolutely extraordinary!

Regardless of the circumstances of these adults.

the other side.

Little Zheng's wife, Jason, dragged little Bai Lei to his room.

"elder sister!"

"Look, I have a lot of toys here!"

"We play together!"


Jason was very hospitable.

As he spoke, he directly picked up a large-sized doll toy and brought it to Xiao Bailei with a fawning expression on his face.

As expected of the son of Superman, he knows how to pick up girls at only 5 years old.

Is it okay to grow up?


For Jason's behavior.

Our little Bai Lei didn't appreciate it at all.

She pursed her lips and didn't even look at the doll toys that Jason handed over. With a strong disdain on her face, she looked like a queen, and said arrogantly: "Huh! Childish! These ordinary trash toys, Only ordinary children can play it, I am not an ordinary person, let's play this if we want to play!"


Like magic.

Xiao Bailei immediately summoned Thor's Hammer, then put the hammer on the ground, crossed her arms with her chest, and said proudly, "Jason, how about we make a bet now? As long as you can hold this hammer Pick it up, from now on, I will play with you every day, you can play with any toy you want, I will accompany you!"


Xiao Zhengtai was immediately hooked.

With wide eyes, he said with a serious face, "Okay, we've made a deal, I'll pick it up and show it to you!"

To say anything else, Xiaozheng may not dare to agree, but in terms of strength...

Jason is confident.


Seeing that Jason was going to get Thor's Hammer immediately.

Xiao Bailei called to stop immediately, then looked at him provocatively and said, "I haven't said anything yet, what if you lose?"

"I won't lose!"

Xiao Zhengtai had a stubborn face, and his eyes were full of confidence. Seeing that Xiao Bailei didn't seem to believe that she could pick up the hammer, she immediately said: "If I lose, then I... just... Oh, I don't know what to say, anyway, Do whatever you want!"


"That's what you said. If you lose, don't play tricks!"

"Please start your performance!"


Little Bai Lei, who had succeeded in her plot, immediately showed a pure and evil smile on her delicate and lovely face, and she said to herself triumphantly, "Little Jason, you still want to pick up my hammer? It’s not that I look down on you, you really think too much, you should obediently wait to admit defeat, and then let my sister draw your blood and DNA!”

But the next moment.

Little Bai Lei couldn't laugh at all.


Mrs. Jason.

He actually picked up Thor's Hammer easily.

"How can this be?"

Xiao Bai Lei was stunned for a moment, and was stunned on the spot, as if she had half seen a ghost, her face full of disbelief.


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