The Storm God

Chapter 1561 Call me ****! (Please subscribe!)


"I picked it up! Sister, look, I just said I can do it!"

"Sister, I won!"


Little Zheng's wife Jason looked excited.

I saw him holding Thor's Hammer, running back and forth happily in the room, and kept throwing Thor's Hammer up and down during the period. He really regarded it as a toy, and the one he played with was called a 6. She didn't notice how shocked and disbelieving Little Bai Lei's face was at the moment.

"This is impossible!"

"That's Thor's Hammer, only those who have been approved are eligible to use it!"

"How could little Jason..."


This moment.

Little Bai Lei was completely confused.

There is a feeling that the three views are ruined and the world is collapsing, and it is full of deep malice towards little Jason.

"It must be his ability at work!"

Xiao Bai Lei, who couldn't think of a reason, could only attribute the reason to Da Chao's bug ability. Who told little Jason's father to be Superman? Who will he blame for this blame? As everyone knows, all of these have nothing to do with Da Chao at all, and are purely due to little Jason's personal reasons.

To know.

He is the son of Superman.

Although Little Jason himself didn't know this, his mother, Louise, was well aware of it.

Therefore, since the little guy was born, Louise has been teaching and influencing little Jason with a very strict outlook on life, morality, and other deeds and thoughts full of positive energy. After all, Jason is perfect. Having inherited all of Da Chao's superpowers, Louise naturally educated her son in accordance with the superman's code of conduct.

Lest one not pay attention and let him become a bad boy.

Simply put.

Don't look at how young Jason is.

But his character and virtue, as well as the three views, etc., are almost the same as Da Chao.

Dachao's character, I believe everyone knows very well, Wei Guangzheng, a world hero, with his virtue, is much better than Thor, and naturally meets the requirements of Thor's Hammer. Although Little Jason is not yet a hero, but he is young, simple-minded, and taught by his mother since he was a child, and has established the same three views and beliefs as Superman, so there is naturally no problem with his character.


It is reasonable for little Jason to be able to pick up Thor's Hammer.

After all, this Thor's Hammer is not Xiao Bailei's real natal artifact, but inherited from Thor, and it is also a hammer that has been imposed with special magical requirements by Odin, the king of the gods, that is: anyone who meets its conditions , are eligible to use it. Little Jason's current situation is similar to that of the newly born Vision.

Conquer people with virtue, no, conquer the hammer with virtue!

Little Bai Lei is extremely smart.


After the initial consternation.

She also quickly figured out the key point. What else can Xiao Bailei say about this? I can only respond with a wry smile.

As for blocking...


We are not people who can afford to lose.

Isn't it just to play happily with the slightly childish little Jason? What's the big deal.

Sister, I am going to take the opportunity to win his favor!


So far.

Xiao Bailei's heart immediately let go. She was no longer entangled and depressed, and she was playing happily with Jason like a child. Then... while playing, something happened, and Xiao Bailei was surprised to find that she didn't reject this childish entertainment mode at all.

"what 's wrong?"

"Could it be that in my heart, I'm actually just like Jason, extremely childish?"

"How can this be?"


Xiao Bailei said incredulously.

In fact, this situation is normal and there is nothing difficult to understand.

You know, Little Bai Lei is not an ordinary child, but a test-tube baby born from the fusion of the Red Queen's eggs through genetic engineering, mixed with Thor's static liquid, and the DNA of the Black Widow as a prototype. And she was matured to grow up, where did she experience any real childhood!

Even after following Bai Xiaofei, most of them are like this, especially in the world of Monster Hunt.

For about 4 years, she, Xiaoqian and others have been living in the space card. The characters she has been in contact with since childhood are only a few of them. They are all adults, and they have the opportunity to play with friends of the same age. , almost nothing! For a child who was seriously lacking in childhood happiness, she had a strange feeling in her heart when she met a little Jason who could play with her so unexpectedly.

that's all……

The two played and played, and actually became good friends.

On the other side, Bai Xiaofei and others chatted very well with Louise and Richard, and quickly gained the favor of the other party, and under the effect of spiritual suggestion and hypnosis, they got a lot of useful information from Louise. intelligence. Especially when it comes to Superman. Who made her the closest person to Superman?

As for Richard?

All right!

It's purely incidental.

Bai Xiaofei's interest in him was limited to seeing how the other party cuckolded Da Chao.

However, according to the information obtained, it is not so easy to know this. Although Louise and Richard are already living together, they rarely have intercourse when they usually sleep, and most of them are related to each other. Hug and sleep. The purity of each other is so similar, Bai Xiaofei is very depressed, calling Richard is not a man, can this be tolerated?

"This is not possible!"

Bai Xiaofei was not happy immediately, and his spirit rose instantly, and he made up his mind and said: "Richard is a nice person, since everyone knows me, I can't pretend that nothing happened, I have to help him! Since Dachao can't give Louise the life she wants, so don't delay others!"


Seeing that it was getting late, and both Louise and Richard felt a little drowsy, Bai Xiaofei took the opportunity of chatting and secretly hypnotized and hinted the two of them with psychic power. Let the two of them be like dry wood and raging fire, full of desires for needs, I believe that after Bai Xiaofei and the others leave, the two of them will fight to the death and do some things that a husband and wife really do.


"Richard, you've been given the chance buddy, whether you can win Louise or not, it's all up to you!"

"Don't thank me, please call me **!"


Bai Xiaofei gave Richard a meaningful look.

Then he bid farewell to Louise and the two, called Xiao Bai Lei, left here, and returned to his home.

And when they left, whether it was Xiao Bai Lei or Xiao Zhengtai Jason, both of them were reluctant to part, as if they didn't have enough fun at all. But Bai Xiaofei was so surprised that he had a bad premonition in his heart, and secretly said: "I'll go! What's going on? The two little guys, wouldn't they start to fall in love so early?"

After returning home.

Bai Xiaofei immediately questioned Xiao Bailei.

Regarding her father's question, Xiao Bai Lei naturally had something to say, whether it was little Jason who picked up Thor's Hammer, lost the bet, failed to get Jason's blood and DNA, or some other kind of alien in her heart. It felt like she didn't hide anything, and told Bai Xiaofei everything.


After listening to Xiao Bailei's narration, Bai Xiaofei was stunned on the spot.

Not only him, but even Xiao Bailei's three mothers (the red queen is the real mother, Xiaoqian and Diana are both stepmothers), all of them were all stunned in place, partly because they shocked Xiaojie Sen was able to pick up Thor's Hammer, but it was more because they found that they seemed to have ignored some aspects of Xiao Bailei's feelings.

Like childhood!

After a long while, Bai Xiaofei finally recovered.

He sighed slightly, and then said with a smile to Xiao Bai Lei: "Leilei, you did a good job, I can't blame you for this matter, after all, none of us expected that the quality of little Jason would be so good. So noble, even Thor's Hammer is recognized. If you want to play with him in the future, just go find him!"

"As long as you are happy, no matter what you do, Dad will not object!"


When Xiao Bailei heard this, she immediately showed a surprised expression. Especially after receiving Bai Xiaofei's affirmative answer, the little girl jumped three feet high, excited as if she had won a prize, kissed Bai Xiaofei's father and the three mothers hard on the cheeks, and then happily ran away. Back to his room.


And see this situation.

The red queen, who was her own mother, showed a sad expression.

Frowning her pretty brows, she said to Bai Xiaofei: "Master, I don't think Xiao Bailei looks good like this. Don't you fear that if you continue like this, you will end up losing your daughter and losing your army? After all Girls are extroverts, so I have to guard against them, I think it's better to let Lei Lei and little Jason have as little contact as possible!"

"Need not!"

However, Bai Xiaofei shook his head and refused: "We owe Leilei too much. Now it's rare for her to meet a friend of the same level. We should fulfill her! And my own daughter, I have confidence! If something really happens, it can only be that Lei Lei abducted little Jason, so you don't have to worry about it!"


The red queen curled her lips helplessly.

After Bai Xiaofei said that, what else could she do? Of course I accept it.

After all, people are the masters!


For Xiao Bai Lei, the daughter.

To be honest, the degree of care and sense of responsibility of the red queen's mother is very poor and unreliable. From the time Bai Lei was born to now, she has hardly cared much. After all, the birth of little Bailei was just a whim of the Red Queen, it was purely for fun!

To expect a mother like Hu Niu Er to be responsible for the health and growth of little Bai Lei is purely because the sun came out from the west.

Even Xiaoqian and Diana's two stepmothers are better than her!

"The matter about little Jason..."

"I have my own arrangements!"

During the chat just now.

Bai Xiaofei had already used his psychic powers to scan and invade Richard and Louise's memories. After all, Xiao Bailei is still young, it is impossible for Bai Xiaofei to put all his hopes on her, so he has to make two preparations. And because of his "talking" today, Richard really took action.

He actually took little Jason to the hospital in the center of New York for a paternity test!


"It's really hard to find a place to go through iron shoes, and it doesn't take much effort to get it!"

"Superman's DNA, you can't escape!"


Bai Xiaofei said excitedly.

Immediately after telling Xiaoqian and the other three to take a good rest, he left the villa directly and rushed to the New York Central Hospital.


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