The Storm God

Chapter 1562 DNA in hand! (Please subscribe!)

New York Central Hospital.

Although it is midnight now, in a certain room of the hospital, a group of doctors in white coats did not leave work, but gathered together, competing to discuss the set of DNA data in front of them. Because the DNA data is so abnormal, it is the only one they have ever seen in their lives!

And the source of this DNA was naturally Little Jason.

during the day.

Richard brought Jason here for a paternity test, and the hospital naturally obtained little Jason's blood for comparison of DNA samples. After more than ten hours of research, they finally discovered the abnormalities in Little Jason's DNA. According to their years of experience, a large part of it does not seem to be ordinary human genetic information.

This discovery immediately aroused their great interest.


They just worked overtime and didn't return at all.

The purpose is to unravel this never-before-seen DNA information. If successful, this will definitely be a major discovery in the history of medicine. It's just that this piece of DNA information, which is different from ordinary people, is too obscure and profound. Even if they got up with the most powerful geneticists in New York City, they spent a lot of time and energy, but there was no progress.

Instead of shrinking and depressing them, this predicament made them more excited and excited.

Because they deeply understand that the more difficult this DNA is, the more precious it is. If they and others can really unravel the mystery in it, the achievements and prestige they will gain, as well as their reputation in the medical field, will be even more impressive. loud. So at this moment, even though their bodies are already very tired, they all look energetic and full of energy.

But in such an atmosphere, a figure suddenly came in.

This person is naturally Bai Xiaofei.

"Who are you?"

"How did you come in, this is the important place of the hospital, you can't come in!"

"Get out, immediately!"


Seeing Bai Xiaofei's sudden intrusion, and the seemingly hostile appearance, the group of medical experts were startled, and then all of them went crazy. One of them, who seemed to be the boss, yelled at Bai Xiaofei even more. The surrounding people also shouted quickly, wanting to call the hospital guards to drive Bai Xiaofei out.


They called for a long time, but there was no response from outside.

On the contrary, Bai Xiaofei had already come in front of the crowd, and with an incomparably bright smile on his face, he laughed and said, "Don't waste your efforts, those guards and others have all been brought down by me. It's useless, now it's your turn!"


The power of the mind is instantly opened.

The power of hypnosis directly swept across the audience, immediately knocking out all these medical experts.

Immediately, Bai Xiaofei's eyes fell on Jason's blood sample. Because of the advanced medical equipment in the hospital, even after more than ten hours, Jason's blood did not freeze and die. An error occurred in the alignment of the identified DNA.

But this is cheap Bai Xiaofei.


"Derived from Dachao's DNA, now you are finally in my hands!"

"It really doesn't take much effort!"


Bai Xiaofei didn't hesitate at all.

With one punch, he directly broke the hospital's medical safe, and then poured all of Jason's blood samples into his mouth.

Compared with the contact trigger infinite optimization ability, the effect of direct swallowing is undoubtedly the most effective and powerful, and there will be no mistakes. Of course... this is only limited to the current situation. If it is another occasion, such as a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, even if you kill Bai Xiaofei, he will not be able to swallow it.

And with the entrance of Jason's blood, Bai Xiaofei's infinite optimization immediately began to work.


"Discover the influx of heterogeneous DNA information, and start analyzing its composition!"

"After testing, the DNA information contains the key to the cracking of many superpower gene chains. After fusion, absorption, and optimization, the optimization degree of the ontology DNA can be greatly improved. According to preliminary analysis, the DNA information is too large and complicated. Completely It takes about 1 year and 2 months to unlock the integration, and it takes 3 months to fully optimize!"

"Are you starting to absorb?"


See information on infinite optimization.

Bai Xiaofei was overjoyed immediately, his heart was extremely excited, and he secretly said: "As expected, it is derived from Dachao's DNA, and it really did not disappoint me. With my current ability, it will take about a year and a half to unlock and integrate, as well as the subsequent optimization." The time has passed, which shows how powerful it is, and it has developed now!"

The ability to optimize infinitely does not happen instantly.

According to Bai Xiaofei's strength and the difference in the DNA he absorbed, the time required for complete melting and optimization is also completely different. To put it simply, the more powerful Bai Xiaofei is, the faster the fusion speed will be cracked, and the strength and complexity of the DNA will determine the speed of optimization of the direct relationship. The stronger the DNA, the slower the optimization will be.

With Bai Xiaofei's current Saint-level strength, it will take about a year and a half to fully absorb and optimize the DNA from Superman's son Jason. It can be seen that this DNA is still very powerful. If it is someone else's, such as The green fat man, or Wolverine or something, I'm afraid it will be over in a few minutes.

And just when Bai Xiaofei was secretly excited.

With the ability of infinite optimization, a message popped up again: "After testing, the power core of this DNA comes from the star light waves of the solar system. The more star light waves absorbed by the body, the faster the fusion cracking and optimization speed will be. Fast, the specific degree depends on the absorption of the light wave of the star!"

"Preliminary estimates show that the theoretical fastest speed can reach more than ten times!"

"What the hell!"

"ten times!"

At this moment, Bai Xiaofei was completely stunned.

He never expected that this super DNA has a direct relationship and effect with the light waves of the sun. If he absorbs more sun light waves, he can optimize them faster, and even reach the original 10 light waves at the fastest. In other words, if you are closer to the sun, you can completely optimize Dachao's DNA in about a month at the earliest. This is simply not too cool!

But it's also right to think about it carefully.

after all……

Da Chao has the title of "Son of the Sun".

And all of its super powers, as well as the source of its terrifying power, are also the yellow star light waves. Whether it is seriously injured or in a state of frequent death, as long as it shines on the sun, it will soon be back to normal and full of vigor and vitality! Jason is the son of Dachao, who has perfectly inherited all of Dachao's abilities. It is only natural that his DNA can absorb the light waves of the sun!

All this, on the contrary, is cheaper for myself.

Think here.

Bai Xiaofei was suddenly very excited.

After erasing the experts in the hospital, all his memories about himself, and the abnormality of Jason's DNA information, he planned to leave the hospital. Then go to outer space and absorb some sunlight waves at close range to accelerate the infinite optimization ability in your body, so that it can become your own strength and improve yourself as soon as possible!


when passing a room.

However, Bai Xiaofei was taken aback for a moment, and immediately stopped in his tracks. A trace of doubt and confusion flashed in his eyes, and he said in astonishment, "That person just now was... Lex Luthor?"

He turned around in a daze, pretending to go the wrong way, and while turning his head, he glanced in through the glass opening of the hospital door calmly, without attracting attention from the group of people standing outside the room. Any attention from the big guys. Finally, I saw clearly that the man inside was really the big boss Lex Luthor!


The current Lex Luthor is not the bald image that everyone is familiar with.

I saw him wearing a thick wig, and he was sitting affectionately beside the hospital bed in the room at the moment, holding the withered palm of an old woman in his hand, his expression was moved and caring, and there was still a lot of love between his brows. Deep emotional color, as if the old lady opposite is his favorite woman, full of reluctance and worry.

"I go!"

See this scene.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help being stunned at the time: "This guy has such a strong taste!"

But immediately after he showed a look of sudden realization, he secretly said: "So that's the case, I really think Lex Luthor is a guy with a strong taste, it turns out that all this is for getting out of prison and getting the old lady's All property can be bent and stretched to such an extent, this big bald head can be regarded as a talent!"

"As expected of Da Chao's lifelong enemy, even an old woman who is about to fall into the ground can be fascinated. This Lex Luthor really has two brushes!"

"The key is to be ruthless enough, be ruthless to others, and even more ruthless to yourself!"

"If you don't accept it, you can't do it!"


After the surprise.

Seeing Bai Xiaofei smiled slightly, using his telekinetic power to send a voice transmission to Lex Luthor, the big bald boss was shocked, his mind trembled suddenly, so he didn't jump up on the spot, and then left the hospital quickly. Then I found a dark and remote corner, put on the Aries Saint Cloth, concealed my figure, and flew all the way towards outer space!

Inside the hospital.

Lex Luthor, on the other hand, was still in shock, and was quite frightened by Bai Xiaofei's voice transmission. He resolutely put down the old woman's hand, left the room, and then looked solemnly and seriously at the guards in charge, asking: "Did any suspicious person come or approach here just now?"


Several people shook their heads in bewilderment.

He complained frantically in his heart: "Damn it! In the middle of the night, who would have nothing to eat and fill up, come here, maybe this bald head is sick?"

Seeing that everyone said that no one was approaching, Lex Luthor couldn't help wondering: "Could it be that I have an auditory hallucination? No! I was very awake just now, and I didn't feel sleepy at all. I was planning a big plan for the future. How can auditory hallucinations occur when you are highly concentrated!"

"And that voice is extremely clear, as if someone is speaking to me in person, it is definitely not an auditory hallucination!"

"Someone must have used some special method!"


Lex Luthor said with absolute certainty in his heart.

Afterwards, he secretly made up his mind that in the morning of tomorrow, he would fool the old lady in the room to leave the hospital and return to his old castle to recuperate. This would not only get rid of the interference of that mysterious person, but also speed up the speed of the other person's death. Once the old woman dies, she gets all the property of the other party, and she will be completely free!


Just do it!


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