The Storm God

Chapter 1563 Find Zod! (Please subscribe!)

outer space.

Bai Xiaofei pretended to be an Aries, and soon came to the moon.

According to Baikas' analysis and the information from the infinite optimization in the body, enjoying the radiation of the sun's light waves on the moon is undoubtedly the most suitable place. Although in this way, the optimization speed is only about five times, but it will not cause any impact on the body, and vice versa.

after all……

Although the physique of the Asa Protoss is awesome, it can allow Bai Xiaofei to travel in space, but it can't resist all factors and damage. Too strong radiation or something will still affect it to a certain extent, or even hurt it. Although this level is very small, who would seek abuse if they have nothing to do!

It can also be seen from this point that Dachao's physique is far stronger than that of the Asa Protoss.

At least, Dachao is not afraid of any space radiation and other factors. In space, it is just like playing, especially when there are yellow stars around, Superman who can charge at any time is simply an invincible existence . Even if you encounter kryptonite, you can carry it for a long time!

don't you see...

In the movie plot of Superman Returns.

At the last moment, Da Chao flew into outer space, and after deeply absorbing a wave of sunlight, even the man-made continent containing countless kryptonite was carried directly into the sky by him from the sea, and finally threw In outer space? This is because he has kryptonite debris in his body, weakening his own strength all the time, otherwise the result will be even more awesome!

Bai Xiaofei is currently absorbing Da Chao's DNA, so he still can't travel in space at will like Da Chao. Only when Da Chao's DNA is thoroughly fused and optimized, can he have the same ability as Da Chao. And this process, according to the current five-fold speed, will take about 3 months.

This speed is already considered very good.

Anyway, the plot of Superman's return, for Bai Xiaofei, is not too dangerous or too unexpected, so he is not in a hurry, just let the infinite optimization take its time, it's only been three months, he I can afford to wait. But it's rare to come to such a powerful world once, if you don't maximize your own interests, then you will be too sorry for yourself.


Bai Xiaofei lying on the moon basking in the sun.

At this moment, there is no lazy sleep, or nothing to do, just sit and wait for the completion of infinite optimization. While letting his body absorb the sunlight, Bai Xiaofei used his soul out of body, summoned the vibrating gold avatar, then possessed it, put on the Gemini golden holy garment, and then began to plot his own benefits.

According to Superman's official information, although the movie "Superman Returns" is the fifth part of the Superman series, its plot happened after the three generals of Zod in the second part were defeated by Da Chao. So strictly speaking, it should be regarded as Superman 3, which has nothing to do with the third and fourth parts later!

And in this logical trilogy Superman series, the biggest benefit, besides Krypton's inheritance crystal, is Superman himself and his son Jason. As for the other things in this world, they are so lagging behind, even if they were given for free, Bai Xiaofei wouldn't want them.


It is the trio of General Zod who was sealed in the ghost restricted zone.

The Ghost Zone, also known as Phantom Space, was discovered by Superman's biological father, Jor-El, and used to hold criminals on Krypton. The people in it are ghost-like existences, without entities, who can see each other but cannot touch each other. And the people inside will not age and do not need to eat.

Ironically, these criminals who were imprisoned in the phantom space survived the destruction of Krypton.

Different film and television works have endless definitions and forms of expression for phantom space. For example, in Man of Steel, phantom space is a super existence similar to a black hole. The phantom space was opened, and most of the Kryptonian criminals, who were also the only survivors, were imprisoned again.

And in Superman Returns.

The performance of Phantom Space seems to be more powerful and powerful.

It is like a two-dimensional entity that is compressed into a photo, and it can be exiled and drifted in the vast and endless space like other star meteorites. Moreover, the defense of this phantom space is also very powerful and perverted, even the flare storm of the red star cannot hurt it in the slightest.

at last……

It was a missile sent by Dachao himself into space, which exploded in space, forming a miniature wormhole, causing the space to collapse, which released the three General Zod in the phantom space. And Bai Xiaofei cared about the three of them, Phantom Space and General Zod.

The Phantom Space technology, in Bai Xiaofei's opinion, is very cool. It directly seals three-dimensional creatures into two dimensions. This is simply a blow to dimensionality reduction!

Once it is sealed, it is almost completely unsolvable existence!

You said it was great or not!


This technique appears to be lost.

Otherwise, Da Chao would not be helpless in the face of the three generals Zod, who are all supermen like himself. Or even if this technology is not lost, it is impossible to use the phantom space under the conditions at that time. Bai Xiaofei also doesn't know what the real situation is, and he can't be sure until he gets the Kryptonian inheritance crystal.


Bai Xiaofei can be sure whether the three of General Zod survive or not.

Bai Xiaofei clearly remembered that in Superman 2, although at the beginning, General Zod and the three were deprived of all superpowers by Da Chao's tricks, turned into mortals, and then killed them one by one. But when Dachao reversed the earth and turned back time, the three generals of Zod were sealed back into the phantom space again, and then continued the previous state, drifting and exiled in the universe.

Now I don't know which Gada I drifted to.

"Do you want to look for it?"

After contemplating for a while, Bai Xiaofei finally made up his mind, and with an attitude of giving it a try, he summoned a most advanced spaceship. Then wrote a very intelligent artificial intelligence management program, and then dispatched this spaceship named "Xunjiang".

There is only one purpose of looking for generals, that is to find General Zod who is sealed in the phantom space as much as possible, and then rescue the three of them and bring them to the earth.

Due to some reasons, Bai Xiaofei didn't like to use Dachao to carry out his own evil experiments, but Bai Xiaofei didn't have so many scruples about the extremely evil General Zod trio. If they can find General Zod and Bai Xiaofei's army of cloned supermen before leaving this space-time world, maybe they can get their wish.

As for the threat of the three generals of Zod?


Someone says they're not there at all.

Although Xunjiang is a spaceship built by Bai Xiaofei's most advanced technology, if you want to find the three generals Zod who have been exiled and drifting for at least 5 or 6 years in the vast and endless space, it is like looking for a needle in a haystack In general, let alone the problem of finding it or not, even if it can be found, it is not known that it is a dog year.

At that time, Bai Xiaofei had already successfully integrated and optimized Dachao's DNA. At that time... Relying on Bai Xiaofei's methods and abilities, coupled with Dachao's physique, and the advantage that he is stronger than Dachao, and even all Kryptonians, who are not afraid of kryptonite, the mere General Zod trio want to Isn't it easy to clean them up?


The premise is that Xunjiang can find General Zod's trio.

But even if he couldn't find it, Bai Xiaofei would not be disappointed, what he lost was just a spaceship. This world is not good, don't we still have the DC universe world? Moreover, General Zod in that world led not only two Kryptonian subordinates, but many, many, and his understanding and operation of the Genesis Bank was far above Bai Xiaofei. As long as they get rid of them, the matter of the Superman army, it will be completely stable!

And after finishing everything, almost seven or eight hours have passed.

According to New York time, it is already around 8 o'clock in the morning. Bai Xiaofei left his body on the moon, and Bai Cass controls Aries, which can fully guarantee that Bai Xiaofei's body can always shine on the light waves of the sun, so as to accelerate the infinite optimization ability in the body.

And Bai Xiaofei's soul.

But it was possessed by the Zhenjin clone, turned into a white feather, and returned to the earth.

Compared with the super speed of Aries, the Gemini with space jump ability is not bad at all, and soon drove Bai Xiaofei back to Manhattan, New York. By this time, it was almost 9 am. Both Louise and Richard had a good breakfast and drove to work for the Daily Planet.

And "their" son, Jason, was also sent to the best kindergarten in New York City.

to this end……

The lonely little Bai Lei was very depressed because no one would play with her anymore. To be precise, there should be no little friends who can catch her eyes. They played with her with her. The two stepmothers like Xiaoqian and Diana can't be counted at all. They are not "the same age". partner.

"I see!"

After Bai Xiaofei came back to understand the specific situation, he couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile, and said with a smile: "This is easy! Lei Lei, since you like playing with little Jason so much, then I'll send you to his school , let’s go to school with him, so you won’t be lonely, how about it?”


"Go to school with little Jason?"

"Very good!"

Xiao Bai Lei immediately revealed a look of surprise.

Seeing her excited book three feet high, after kissing Bai Xiaofei fiercely, she ran back to her room and began to tidy up.

Seeing his daughter so happy, Bai Xiaofei was naturally very happy.

As for the various procedures...


Bai Cass will take care of everything, and he doesn't need to worry about it at all.

What Bai Xiaofei is more concerned about now is whether the little scouting bee who stayed in Louise and Richard's room last night took a complete picture of the scene of their lingering love. Of course, Bai Xiaofei is not a pervert, the reason why he did this is just in case, if Da Chao really becomes his enemy in the future, then show this video to the other party!

Seeing his girlfriend lingering with other men, how would Da Chao feel?

So far.

Someone suddenly smiled unkindly.


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