The Storm God

Chapter 1564 Bai Lei Enrolls! (Please subscribe!)

Private kindergartens in New York are not cheap at all, especially those located in white areas. The acceptance rate of these kindergartens is even higher than that of Harvard University, and the tuition fees are also more expensive than Harvard University. If your child is lucky enough to be enrolled in it, it is very likely that he will become an alumni with future celebrities.

Take Trinity Kindergarten as an example. The kindergarten attached to “Trinity College” located in the west of Manhattan, New York, has an average admission rate of only 2.4%, which is significantly lower than Harvard’s 6.2% admission rate. Those who can go to school here must belong to the generation who are either rich or noble. And Dachao's son, Xiao Zhengtai Jason, goes to school here.

But think about it.

Richard's father is the old director of the well-known Planet Daily in New York.

With his energy, it is not difficult for little Jason to go to Holy Trinity Kindergarten, not to mention that little Jason is also smart, far better than other children of the same age, even without Richard's relationship It is very easy to enter this Holy Trinity Kindergarten based on one's own strength and contacts.

However, with Louise Lane's salary level, it might be difficult to pay the incomparably high fees of the kindergarten.


The key still lies in Richard.

It can only be said that the girl Louise has a good eye, and she found a diamond queen as a backup.

If you want to play with Little Jason, Bai Xiaofei's daughter, Xiao Bailei, is bound to enter this Holy Trinity Kindergarten. If you were an ordinary person, it would undoubtedly be very difficult to cram such a big child in. Others Not to mention the conditions, but the fact that little Bai Lei looks mature enough to be about 12 years old is a huge problem.


To Bai Xiaofei, this is all little KS!

Look too big, seriously overage? It doesn't matter! We have a universal medical device, you just need to lie on it for a few minutes, and keep it to make her look several years younger! Even the height and the like can be reduced by a certain percentage, which will definitely not make other people have any doubts!


As Xiao Bai Lei's father.

How could Bai Xiaofei wrong his daughter so much? No change at all, just go!

Passport, formalities, etc., Bai Cass has already gone through the Internet, and everything has been done for Xiao Bailei. As for the specific matters of the school entrance examination, this can only be handled by Bai Xiaofei himself. Because of Xiao Bailei's state like this, she would definitely not be able to be admitted by ordinary means, so she could only use extraordinary means.

And if you want to send little Bai Lei to Holy Trinity Kindergarten without anyone noticing, the best way is undoubtedly hypnosis and money offensive!

It just so happens that Bai Xiaofei has nothing to do right now, so this glorious task falls on Bai Xiaofei's head, while Xiaoqian, who also has the ability to hypnotize, and Diana, after the popularity of Hu Niuer, this not serious and unreliable relative Led by my mother, I ran to Times Square in New York and went shopping like crazy.

"This tiger girl, I hope there will be no trouble!"

While praying silently, Bai Xiaofei drove his super big Hummer, and lost sight of countless passers-by's envy and hatred from the port all the way to Holy Trinity Kindergarten. As for little Bai Lei, she was full of anticipation, carrying her big and small gifts, and sat obediently in the back with a smile and longing on her face.

The road is fine today.

There was no serious traffic jam.

So Bai Xiaofei drove little Bailei with him, and he didn't spend too much time, and soon came to Holy Trinity Kindergarten.

But at this time, several senior persons in charge of Holy Trinity Kindergarten had already been waiting at the door for a long time, and there was no other reason, because Bai Cass changed Bai Xiaofei's identity too much, and he also agreed, As long as little Bailei can successfully enter the kindergarten, she will invest 100 million yuan for Holy Trinity!


This is pie in the sky!

The people in charge of Holy Trinity Kindergarten were not sages, so they were naturally knocked out by Bai Xiaofei's money offensive.


The big Hummer stopped.

They didn't want Bai Xiaofei to do anything. The persons in charge of the Holy Trinity Kindergarten, like waiters, opened the car door for Bai Xiaofei and Xiao Bailei respectfully. More than anything. This is not an exaggeration, the folk customs of Lao Mi are like this, the rich are the uncles!

As long as you have money, you can do almost anything!

"Mr. Bai!"

"This must be your daughter Bai Lei, right? It's really extraordinary, she looks very cute and beautiful!"

"I have prepared tea in my office, please come inside!"


One of them said flatteringly.


Bai Xiaofei nodded imperceptibly.

Expressed that he was very satisfied with their attitude, but then deliberately pretended not to care much, frowned slightly and said: "That's not urgent! My daughter is here to go to school. Since this is the case, then for those who need It can't be too bad, before we talk about things, let's visit the school!"

For Bai Xiaofei's request.

Naturally, these guys dare not say "no", otherwise, if Bai Xiaofei really gets upset, the investment of 100 million US dollars will all go to waste. Afterwards, they took Bai Xiaofei and Xiao Bailei actively and diligently to visit Holy Trinity Kindergarten.


Said to visit the school.

In fact, Bai Xiaofei's real intention was to find Jason's class as soon as possible. But in order not to attract any attention, it was not easy for him to ask on the spot, so he used this trick, which can also stimulate the appetite of the people in charge of Holy Trinity Kindergarten at the same time, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Along the way.

It can be said that Bai Xiaofei has seen the architecture and various characteristic education of Holy Trinity Kindergarten.

What I have to admit is that the educational level and style of this kindergarten is indeed very good. It is of great help to children of this age and can maximize the potential of children, as long as their brains are not too stupid No, it's impossible for a stupid child to get into this school. It should be said that as long as the child is not too unlucky, most of them can achieve a good career after coming out of here.

Bai Xiaofei even heard that even the current president of the United States in the real world, ***, once attended Trinity Kindergarten.

The awesomeness of this kindergarten can be seen!


Little Bailei didn't really come here to study. If you want to talk about the level of education, the Elysium Space World is definitely hundreds of years ahead of this Holy Trinity Kindergarten, throwing him a hundred thousand blocks away! The reason why Bai Xiaofei came here was entirely to find a "same age" buddy for Xiao Bailei, that is, the son of Superman—Xiao Zhengtai Jason.

Although Xiao Bailei was a little impatient, she was still very sensible and didn't show it, but quietly followed behind Bai Xiaofei. It wasn't until she saw little Jason in the classroom, learning to draw with the teacher, that little Bailei couldn't help but let out an exclamation, and rushed in.


"It's really you, so you go to school here!"

"That's great!"


Xiao Bailei was overjoyed and said.

Seeing Xiao Bai Lei's sudden appearance, Little Jason was stunned on the spot: "Sister Bai Lei, why are you here? Do you also go to school here?"


Little Bai Lei nodded cheerfully, and said, "From today on, we are classmates!"

On the other side, the people in charge outside the classroom saw such a scene, and finally the stone hanging in their hearts fell to the ground, and then they smiled and said to Bai Xiaofei: "It turns out that Mr. Bai's daughter still has a friend here. This is really a happy time for everyone, Mr. Bai, look..."

What they mean is simply self-evident. It is clearly saying: "Look, the little friend your daughter knows is also in our school, and the relationship between the two of them is so good, and your daughter doesn't seem to reject our school. As a father, you can't refuse it cruelly, right?" ?The investment of 100 million U.S. dollars should be implemented quickly!"


Bai Xiaofei didn't bother to talk to them.

Seeing that the goal was achieved, she nodded slightly and said with a smile: "Since Lei Lei has a friend here and seems to like it quite a lot, then I won't think about it any more. Mr. James, I just happen to be I'm a little thirsty, why don't we go to your office and have a taste of the brewed tea!"

"It's done!"

The person in charge named James was overjoyed immediately, and hurriedly said: "I wish for it, Bai Xiaofei, this way please!"


She winked at Xiao Bai Lei calmly.

Bai Xiaofei followed James out of the classroom and went to the other party's office to discuss the investment of the 100 million US dollars.

As for Xiao Bailei's entrance exam...


James is no fool.

Even if Bai Xiaofei doesn't say anything, I believe the other party understands what he should do.


The two sides talked about it.

Bai Xiaofei invested 100 million US dollars in the construction of Holy Trinity Kindergarten.

As for Xiao Bailei, she was arranged in the same class as Xiao Jason as usual. As for whether other people would gossip or not, James didn't care. All he can think about now is the 100 million US dollars that Bai Xiaofei just invested! God! This is an unprecedented huge investment. If I plan well, I will definitely get a lot of benefits from it!

Regardless of what that old guy James thinks.

On the other side, after explaining to Xiao Bailei, Bai Xiaofei drove away from Holy Trinity Kindergarten and headed straight for an old castle in the suburbs. According to the data investigated by Bacus, the rich woman who is now close to the age of Lex Luthor, who is almost ready to be his grandmother, has left the New York Central Hospital this morning and returned to her old castle.

According to the development of the movie plot, the rich woman should not be far from death.

In other words, the big boss Lex Luthor is about to start making waves. Bai Xiaofei is also idle now, so he plans to meet this very famous bald boss in the past, to see if the other party is really magical and wise. Accept as a younger brother.

Let this Dachao's lifelong enemy be his military adviser or something. I believe that in the future, the other party will definitely save Bai Xiaofei a lot of trouble.

At least in some respects, someone doesn't have to waste their brain cells.

And at the same time...

In a certain vast farm wheat field.

After thinking about it for a long time, Da Chao finally chose to say goodbye to his elderly mother and return to his familiar metropolis life.

Of course, the most important thing is for his beloved love——

Louise Lane!


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