The Storm God

Chapter 1565 Old cows eat tender grass! (Please subscribe!)

A magnificent style, similar to the inside of an English-style castle.

Lex Luthor was accompanying the wealthy old lady Ge Chu's hospital bed, continuing to play an infatuated look, winning the old lady's trust and favor. And outside the room, there are different men and women standing or working. These people are all the family members of Ge Chu, a wealthy woman. They have sons, daughters, and grandsons and granddaughters.

Their faces are quite ugly.

No wonder...

The feud between Lex Luthor and Superman is known all over the world. Let such a big villain who is very famous all over the world live in your own home, and the other party is likely to inherit all the inheritance of your mother (grandma), how can you make them happy?

It's not that these people didn't persuade Ge Chu to drive Lex Luthor away, so as not to be deceived by the other party.


Ge Chu didn't know what kind of ecstasy soup was poured into him by Lex Luthor. He was fascinated by the other party, and he didn't listen to anyone else. Lex Luthor did whatever he said, and he didn't even care about his own life. After hearing what Lex Luthor said, he insisted on leaving the hospital and returning to the castle!

The old lady's body, of course, the family members are well aware of the condition of the old lady's body. If they give up the treatment, they will not live long at all. But the old lady insisted on leaving the hospital and going home to recuperate on her own, so everyone had no choice but to wait around the room closely, carefully guarding against Lex Luthor's attention to her property.

But sadly.

The old lady is very stubborn, no one can go in except Lex Luthor, which makes them anxious.

Everyone is dying of anxiety!

And this time...

Suddenly, a man with the appearance of a servant hurried in.

Seeing his eager look, Ying Lun, Ge Chu's eldest son, frowned even tighter, and couldn't help asking: "Mr. Rachel, what happened? Why are you so flustered?"

The servant named Rachel has been in this castle for some years, and he is loyal to the Ge Chu family and has no second thoughts. He is also very sad and anxious about the current situation of Ge Chu's family, but as a servant who is similar to a housekeeper, his status is low, so he can't say much.

not to mention……

Even the immediate family members of Mrs. Gertrude in Yinglun couldn't do anything about it, so what could he do as an outsider?

"Mr. England!"

Rachel pulled Ying Lun to a remote corner, looked around, and confirmed that no one would pay attention, or eavesdrop on the conversation here, and then carefully said in Ying Lun's ear: "There is a person outside, He said he was looking for Lex Luthor, but the other party was of Chinese descent, and he looked extraordinary, I was afraid that he was his accomplice, so I asked him to wait outside, and then ran in quickly!"


When Ying Lun heard the words, he was immediately puzzled: "You still named him by name, are you looking for Lex Luthor?"


Rachel nodded.

Seeing this, Ying Lun asked, "Did the other party say what they are looking for?"

"That's not true!"

Rachel shrugged, and said: "The other party has an outstanding temperament, and it is hidden deep. With the eyesight I have developed over the years, I can't see the other party's thoughts at all. It can be seen that the other party is definitely not an ordinary person. But... my intuition Tell me, that person shouldn't have any malice towards us, otherwise, if he is just like that guy, he is a heinous villain, and he won't be so easy to talk to!"


England pondered for a moment.

Immediately nodded, and said to Rachel: "I see, you tell that bastard the news. Monitor them as much as possible, I want to know every word they say! If that person is Lex Luthor The enemy, maybe we can use him to deal with Lex Luthor, if he is an accomplice..."

Speaking of which.

There was a cold and stern light in his eyes.

Obviously moved to kill.



Outside the castle.

Bai Xiaofei leaned against his big Hummer, admiring the old castle in front of him boredly.

It has to be said that this ancient castle is very grand and magnificent. It can have such a magnificent residence in New York, and it is also an ancient castle manor. The strength of its owner can be seen. It's a pity... the current hostess is not only in poor health, but also not very smart, she is almost buried, and she still plays with old cows eating young grass...

I don't know what to think.


Just when Bai Xiaofei was complaining secretly.

Suit and leather shoes, wearing a wig, looking like a dog, quite handsome Lex Luthor finally walked out of the castle, and after seeing the completely unfamiliar Bai Xiaofei, his face was full of doubts and stupefied , couldn't help frowning and said: "Are you looking for me? Sorry! We don't seem to know each other?"


Bai Xiaofei smiled and nodded.

Then he shrugged his shoulders and said with deep meaning: "Is it important whether you know each other or not? As long as you have the same ideals and goals, it should be easy to become friends, right?"


Lex Luthor was slightly taken aback when he heard that.

Looking at his appearance, it was obvious that he understood Bai Xiaofei's meaning in an instant, but he still pretended not to understand, shook his head and said, "Sorry! I don't understand what you are talking about at all, and I am no longer I used to be me, I think you have found the wrong person, and it is impossible for us to have the same ideals and goals!"


After finishing speaking, he turned around and left. That was a snap.

Now is the critical moment of the plan, Lex Luthor didn't want to be affected by a stranger, so he chose to ignore Bai Xiaofei's words.

on this...

Bai Xiaofei was not surprised.

If he were the other party, he would probably be the same as Lex Luthor, not even coming out.

But understanding is one thing, and whether you can accept it is another. Lex Luthor actually dared to ignore him, and didn't give him the slightest bit of grudges. Bai Xiaofei remembered this grudge. Seeing that Lex Luthor was about to return to the castle without looking back, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help showing an evil and awe-inspiring smile.


"Lex Luthor, you will regret your decision today!"

"I promise you that!"


Someone said grimly.


Hearing this, Lex Luthor's advancing figure couldn't help but pause slightly, but in the end he chose to ignore it, snorted disdainfully, and said, "Really? Then I'll wait!" Then he stepped forward. He started walking, continued to move forward, and quickly disappeared in front of Bai Xiaofei, busy taking care of his "beloved".

"Come out!"

But after Lex Luthor left, Bai Xiaofei didn't just leave. He looked at a certain place in the castle with a pair of eyes, and said calmly: "Friend over there, you can come out now! Don't worry, We've been enemies since the moment Lex Luthor rejected me."


A figure flashed out.

The person who eavesdropped was none other than Mr. Rachel, the housekeeper of the old castle.

Looking at the extremely calm Bai Xiaofei, Rachel smiled and said, "If that's the case, then... I think we should be able to talk!"


Under his arrangement.

Bai Xiaofei soon met Ge Chu's eldest son Ying Lun.

Ying Lun didn't talk to Bai Xiaofei either, and after some simple politeness, he directly stated his purpose: "Mr. Bai Xiaofei, I don't care what method you use, as long as you can get Lex Luthor away from my house, I am willing to pay you a large reward, how about it?"

"No no no!"

Bai Xiaofei heard the words, but shook his head with a smile, and said: "Mr. Yinglun, I think you have misunderstood. The reason why I want to deal with Lex Luthor is because the other party ignored and rejected my invitation. For him, it is a great insult, I want to deal with him, it has nothing to do with you!"

"On the contrary..."

"Not only will I not ask for any reward from you, but I will also take out the special medicine I developed to cure your mother's chronic illness. As long as your mother can regain her health and sanity, then no matter what Lex Luthor's idea is , as your mother's health recovers, it will all be ruined, and in this way, my goal will be achieved!"

"If you have no objection, we will cooperate!"


while speaking.

Bai Xiaofei pulled his hand into his bosom.

The next moment, a bottle of special healing medicine that had been prepared a long time ago appeared in his hand.

Staring at the scarlet potion in Bai Xiaofei's hand, Ying Lun hesitated, and asked, "This medicine of yours can really cure my mother's illness? Will it cause any serious side effects, or..."

The words are not finished.

Bai Xiaofei interrupted directly and unceremoniously: "Mr. Yinglun, I think you should be very clear about your mother's current situation. Do you think you have a choice in your current situation? Believe me, at least you have a little Win hope, will wait for all your property to become Lex Luthor's!"


Ying Lun gritted his teeth hard.

He felt that what Bai Xiaofei said was right, the situation was like this anyway, how bad could it be?

Let's treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor!



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