The Storm God

Chapter 1566 Restore youth! (Please subscribe!)

After handing over the potion to Ying Lun, Bai Xiaofei didn't stay long and left the castle directly.

He doesn't need to worry about the rest, as long as Ying Lun is not too cowardly and will give the old lady Ge Chu some medicine, the other party will be completely cured.

Not only that, but it can restore a certain amount of youth and gain a longer life, and then Lex Luthor will be forced to suffer!

He once promised that as long as Ge Chubang was released from prison, he would love her for the rest of his life and give her unspeakable joy!

This is of course a lie!

The old lady is so old that she almost has both feet in the coffin. Of course Lex Luthor can say whatever he wants, and his real purpose is mainly Gertrude's huge property!

These days, don't be sick if you have anything, and don't have money if you don't have anything! Especially for a person who wants to take revenge and rule the world, there is no money...everything is just empty talk, bullshit!

If Bai Xiaofei didn't show up, there would definitely be no problems with Lex Luthor's plan. After all, the other party was a super old enemy who was as wise as a monster. Wouldn't it be easy to deal with a dizzy old lady?

but now……


After Mrs. Gertrude drank the potion, regained her health, and lived longer, it is estimated that Lex Luthor would go crazy on the spot!

His goal is the other party's money, not people! Especially the other party is an old lady who can be his mother, or even a grandmother!

If the two of them really want to achieve "good things", Lex Luthor would rather go back to prison, otherwise life would be worse than death!


"Lex Luthor, this is the price you paid for ignoring me, Bai Xiaofei, enjoy it!"



On the way back, as long as Bai Xiaofei thought about Lex Luthor's miserable situation in the future, he couldn't help laughing.

And at the same time.

In the castle, Ying Lun also started to act quickly. The old lady's body became more and more pessimistic, so he had to hurry up, otherwise, if the old lady died, it would be really exhausting!

"Lex Luthor, please stay away, I have something to talk to my mother!" Ying Lun said bluntly.

He didn't come alone, and there were a few burly men behind him, which meant it was obvious that this was an order, not a notice, and it's up to you to disagree with Lex Luthor.

Even if Ge Chu wants to object, it's useless, now Ying Lun is going all out, and her mother's words are not good!

"After you recover and regain your youth, I believe you will forgive me. I am doing this for your own good! Mother!" Ying Lun said to the old lady Ge Chu in a deep voice, and then motioned to the four big men beside her , do it now.

"All right!"

"I'm just going out, don't mess around!"

"I'll go out by myself!"


Lex Luthor is not an idiot. If a good man doesn't suffer from immediate losses, he will not be tough with Ying Lun. Isn't he just going out for a while? It's no big deal, anyway, your mother has been completely bewitched and hypnotized by me, she just regards me as God, and you can't change her attitude towards me.

Think like this.

Lex Luthor had to leave the room.

After he left, Ying Lun quickly closed the door, and several burly men stood outside the door to prevent outsiders from intruding and to investigate the situation inside.

After everything was ready, Ying Lun came to the old lady Ge Chu's window and said, "Mother, I'm sorry, I did this for your own good!"


Taking out the potion Bai Xiaofei gave, Ying Lun forcefully poured it into the old lady's mouth.

The old lady was naturally very upset and tried her best to resist, but she was old and frail, and she was seriously ill, so how could she be Yinglun's opponent!


The old lady swallowed a large bottle of potion, and then the miraculous scene began!

Ying Lun was shocked to find that his mother, the old Mrs. Ge Chu, was recovering at an astonishing speed.


He was not a doctor, so he couldn't see the old lady's physical condition, but Ying Lun would still look at the top medical equipment around him to detect the old lady's physical condition.

According to the results displayed by the instrument, the old lady's current physical condition is changing rapidly, from being weak and dying frequently at the beginning, to the state of a normal person, and even the peak state of a person around 50 years old. It took less than a minute!

Not only that.

The old lady's wrinkled skin and face, like magic, became firm and smooth in a blink of an eye. In just a few minutes, she seemed to be ten years younger. Those who didn't know it thought they were lying on the bed. The old lady in front of me is originally 40 or 50 years old, but in fact, she is already 87 years old!

"Oh My God!"

England was completely stunned!

His eyes were wide open, as if he had seen a ghost, his mouth was so wide open that he could almost swallow an apple, and his expression was full of disbelief.

Not just him.

The old lady Ge Chu, who was lying on the bed, naturally noticed her physical condition very quickly, and she also showed incredible expressions: "Yinglun, you, what did you do to me, why does my body..."

The words are not finished.

The mutation of the body stopped completely, and finally the old lady stayed at the age of about 60. Although she was still gray-haired and looked a little older, she was much better than her 8 or 90 appearance!


The old lady sat up straight away.

She looked at her arm in disbelief, and then touched her face. After confirming that she had indeed regained her health and a certain amount of youth, Ge Chu excitedly took all kinds of needles on her body, All ripped off!


Ying Lun also recovered from the shock and disbelief, and after thanking Bai Xiaofei deeply in her heart, she hurriedly said to Ge Chu: "How do you feel now?"

"how do you feel?"

Ge Chu was startled for a moment, then showed an extremely excited look, and said with a smile: "I feel better now than ever before, almost as if I have returned to more than ten years ago, Ying Lun, tell me quickly, the drink you gave me just now How did the potion come about?"

"Is such that……"

Ying Lun was undoubtedly very happy when his mother regained her health and youth. He didn't hide anything when his mother asked about the medicine, and immediately told Ge Chu everything about Bai Xiaofei.


He wasn't so stupid as to tell the whole story about some of his thoughts, because Ying Lun still didn't know what his mother's attitude towards Lex Luthor was.

So far.

Ying Lun couldn't help his heart skip a beat, and said, "Mom, you are now healthy and youthful again. This is great news. I think we should tell others immediately!"

"Like... Lex Luthor!"

"That's right!"

Hearing the words, Ge Chu's eyes lit up immediately, and he said with a smile: "I have regained my health now, especially when I am ten years younger. If Lex Luthor sees me now, he will be very pleasantly surprised. Now we can finally be true." We are truly together!"

"Yinglun, hurry up, tell him the good news, I want him to know about my changes as soon as possible!"


England was speechless on the spot!

Seeing that his mother was like a little girl in love, without any rationality or IQ at all, he suddenly felt like a fucking dog, and at the same time he couldn't help wondering what kind of ecstasy soup that damned Lex Luthor had poured into his mother , Even after returning to health and youth, it can't be changed!

As everyone knows.

This is not because of Lex Luthor, but because of Bai Xiaofei's mess. In order to punish Lex Luthor, Bai Xiaofei added nanoworm solvent to Ge Chu's potion. While restoring Ge Chu's health and certain youth, Will also control Gertrude's mind, making her obsessed with Lex Luthor.

In this way.

Penniless and dependent on others, Lex Luthor is bound to be unable to escape from Gertrude's grasp, and has completely become the old lady's pet and plaything. For the young and ambitious Lex Luthor, this is undoubtedly a great pain and torture!

And this was Bai Xiaofei's punishment for daring to ignore his own existence, mentally and physically, giving Lex Luthor double torture!


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