The Storm God

Chapter 1567 Question Louise! (Please subscribe!)

time flies.

In a blink of an eye, it was evening.

During this day, Bai Xiaofei was not idle, he was busy everywhere, while mobilizing the Tianjian Satellite, looking for Dachao's Kryptonian Ice Palace, and at the same time looking for other clues, such as Batman and so on. Although this is Dachao's personal movie, no one can tell if there will be any plot linkage, if not, there will be other DC superheroes.


Bai Xiaofei searched for a whole day, but couldn't find any clues of other DC superheroes or super criminals.

It can be concluded that this is completely Dachao's personal world.

No other linkage!

in addition……

That's bad news.

Tianjian Satellite scanned almost the entire Arctic Circle, but still could not find any clues or traces of the Kryptonian Ice Palace. Obviously, the other party must have carried out special encryption or camouflage for the scanning of the satellite. So much so that even a satellite as strong as Tianjian couldn't find out its location and address.

"That's all!"

Bai Xiaofei was not in a hurry or surprised about this. After all, it is the highest civilization technology on Krypton. It is not surprising that he has this ability. It doesn't matter if he can't find it, as long as someone can find it. Da Chao's ultimate enemy, Bai Xiaofei believes that the other party must have a way to find out where the Krypton Ice Palace is.

This is the fate of Lex Luthor!


The premise is that Lex Luthor has to listen to Bai Xiaofei.

However, someone estimated that this should come true soon, as long as Mrs. Ge Chu drank the potion she gave to Ying Lun, Bai Xiaofei would bet that Lex Luthor would not last long, unless the other party was really a pervert , I like mature old ladies, otherwise he will definitely leave the castle and come to find his own.

As for Bai Xiaofei's location?

As Dachao's old enemy and one of DC's famous villains, I believe Lex Luthor has a way to find out!


Bai Xiaofei found Xiaoqian and the three daughters.

Then he accompanied the three daughters fiercely in major shopping malls in New York, shopping crazily for most of the day. It wasn't until around 5 o'clock in the afternoon that the Holy Trinity Kindergarten where Xiao Bailei was located was about to end school. The group of four ended their shopping and drove to the kindergarten, ready to pick up Xiao Bailei from school.

And this time.

As Jason's "father", Richard also came to the kindergarten.

Seeing that Bai Xiaofei and his group were also here, Richard was of course very surprised and surprised, and dared not answer: "Mr. Bai, does your daughter also go to school here?"

No wonder he was surprised.

after all……

Little Bai Lei is over 10 years old.

He looks so tall, and no one would suspect that he is 12 years old.

Such a big child, going to kindergarten with a group of four or five-year-old children? This is really too unbelievable. Could it be that Xiao Bailei looks normal, but there is actually something wrong with her head? Otherwise, at this age, shouldn't you be in primary school? How could you go to kindergarten with Jason? !

For Richard's doubts, Bai Xiaofei naturally knew it well, but he didn't explain much, so he can make it up as Richard thinks, anyway, these are small things, not important at all, as long as Lei Lei is having fun by herself. Well, Bai Xiaofei and the others don't care what other people think and think!

"Why didn't Louise come over?"

Bai Xiaofei changed the subject. Richard shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "I'm still busy with work. She is still in another city. I heard that the Aeronautics Administration will conduct a live broadcast of the test flight of the space shuttle recently, because there are too many aspects involved. , so the preparatory work in the early stage is very cumbersome, and it is estimated that she will not be too easy these few days!"

"I see!"

Hearing this, Bai Xiaofei immediately understood. Secretly said: "Based on this, it shouldn't be too long before Dachao's official return to debut. It seems that I have to speed up and get Lex Luthor under my command as soon as possible, otherwise in case of any accident , that would be too passive!"

And just when Bai Xiaofei was secretly thinking about his plans for the future, the kindergarten finally ended.

A large group of children, led by the school teachers, began to flock to the door. The teachers of Holy Trinity Kindergarten were very responsible and watched the children be picked up by their parents or familiar relatives one by one. Little Bailei and Little Jason were also among them. Seeing the two holding hands, bouncing and walking out together, with joyful smiles on their faces, it was obvious that the two of them had a very good day today.




Seeing their family members, Little Jason and Little Bai Lei's eyes lit up immediately, and then they threw themselves into the arms of their father and mothers. At the same time, they couldn't wait to tell them what they learned at school today, and All kinds of interesting and fun things happened.

Richard didn't drive here today, but took a taxi, because the houses of the two families are in the same neighborhood and belong to the same road, and Richard has nothing else to do, so in the end, under Bai Xiaofei's persuasion, he still Followed Bai Xiaofei's car and went home together.


before going home.

Richard asked Bai Xiaofei to drive him to New York Central Hospital first.

Although Richard didn't tell Bai Xiaofei exactly what to do when he went to the hospital, how could Bai Xiaofei not know Richard's little thought? Obviously, the result of the paternity test at the hospital came out. Richard couldn't wait to find out if little Jason was his son.


Bai Xiaofei smiled, didn't say much, drove the crowd with him, and soon arrived at the New York Central Hospital, and then Richard went to the hospital by himself, and the crowd waited for him in the car. Little Jason also decisively ignored his father because he was accompanied and playing with Xiao Bailei, and stayed in the car with Bai Xiaofei and others.

Not for a while.

Jason walked out of the hospital.


He looks very bad.

The whole person is as if he has lost his soul, with a look of loss and depression on his face.

Although Bai Xiaofei and the others saw that something was wrong with Richard, they wisely didn't ask. One reason was that there were children at the scene, so it wasn't suitable! The other one is why Richard is like this. They are very clear about it. It doesn't make any difference whether they ask or not. Since the other party doesn't want to say it, they don't bother to say it.

Otherwise everyone will be embarrassed!

after all……

This is a private matter of the couple.

In this way, on the way home, except for the two children who were still as happy as ever, playing and laughing non-stop, the rest of the adults kept silent, and even if they talked occasionally, they always said something The messy things are perfunctory, and there is no passion at all!

Back uptown.

Richard thanked Bai Xiaofei, and took little Jason back to his home. Then he called Louise immediately, and declared that he had something very important to talk to, regardless of what Louise was doing now, he had to put down the work at hand and hurry back!

As soon as Louise heard that Richard's tone was not right, she immediately put down all her work and rushed back in a hurry.


Louise asked concerned: "What happened?"


Richard didn't answer right away.

Instead, he turned his head and looked at the curious little Jason who was staring at himself and Louise, and said with a smile: "Your mother and I have some important things to talk about, and we may not be able to take care of them for a while. You, that's all right, you go to Uncle Bai's house next to you, go find little Bai Lei to play, and go find you when we're done, ok?"


Little Jason had no doubts about him.

Hearing this, she immediately nodded obediently, said goodbye to the two of them, and left the room bouncing around.

After Jason left, Richard's face, which was still smiling, immediately sank. He stared straight at Louise, his eyes were full of pain and disappointment, and said in a deep voice: "Louise, We have lived together for more than 5 years, tell me the truth, is Jason my son?!"


Hear Richard's words.

Louise's whole body was shocked, her eyes widened, and there was a kind of shock and panic that a lie was exposed. His expression became a little messed up in an instant, but he was still quibbling: "Richard, you...why did you ask such a question suddenly? Jason is of course your son. We have been living together for the past few years. He If it's not your son, who else's son is it, what's wrong with you?"


Richard burst out laughing.

The eyes he looked at Louise were full of sadness and disappointment at the moment, and he laughed at himself: "Louis, my heart hurts so much! For the past five years, I have never doubted you, even when I saw you After the paternity test results, I still wonder if the hospital made a mistake, but..."

"Facts are facts!"

"Louis, I already know everything, Jason is not my son at all!"

"From the beginning to the end, you really lied to me!"

"I am so sad!"


Richard grew more and more excited.

When it came to the end, it was almost a roar. But this can't be blamed on him. If it were any other man, he was deceived by a woman for 5 years and raised someone else's son for 5 years. He suddenly learned the truth, but found that the woman he liked was still deceiving him. Sometimes, it is estimated that they will not be able to bear it!


When Richard said the word "paternity test", Louise was also completely stunned, her complexion changed wildly.


"This secret was finally discovered by him!"

"what do I do?"


This moment.

Louise was completely dumbfounded.

Although she knew that such a day would come, it came too soon, she was caught off guard!

Louise, who was caught off guard, didn't know how to explain it to Richard.

Do you tell him that the child's father is a superman?

How can it be!


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