The Storm God

Chapter 1568 Tragic Luthor! (Please subscribe!)

Louise was very depressed.

The matter between her and Superman is a secret among secrets, and it is impossible to tell others in detail.

Even if this person is your relative or lover.


Emotions are involved.

Even if it can be said, it is not clear at all!

After pondering for a while, Louise finally decided not to talk about it, so as not to make the description more dark, but solemnly assured Richard: "Richard, I don't want to talk about the past, because there is nothing wrong with it." I'm sorry about the child, and I have to. If you don't mind, let's leave now!"

Talking and talking.

Louise Lane's eyes couldn't help but began to shed tears.

To be honest, Richard is still very good. He is handsome, handsome, wealthy, and gentle. He is the most ideal partner candidate. If Louise doesn't like Richard and has never been in love with him, then Absolutely deceiving. Otherwise, Louise Lane would not choose Richard as the father of the child.


It's too late to say anything now.

The truth has been exposed. It is obvious that Louise is sorry for Richard, and her own personality is also very strong. She can't do things like relying on others. It's just that Louise felt very uncomfortable when she thought that the relationship between the two of them for more than five years and the days and nights had come to an end.

And opposite.

See Louise so.

Richard was also a little flustered, he hurriedly said: "Louis, don't get me wrong, I didn't mean to drive you away, I just... that... Forget it, since you don't want to say it, then I won't ask , in the end... I just want to know one thing, you... have you ever loved me from the beginning to the end?"

He just wants an answer!

It doesn't matter that the child belongs to someone else, the key is whether Louise's attitude towards her is out of use or true feelings.

If it is the former, let alone Richard, it is estimated that no man will accept it. Even if this man likes Louise, he will never wrong himself and continue to be used by the other party. But if it is the latter, then the situation is completely different. At least...Richard would feel better.


If Louise wants to.

Richard will not continue to entangle her past, but start again with the other party, completely abandoning the past!

Of course Louise understood what Richard meant.

after all……

The two have lived together for more than 5 years.

As a friend, colleague, lover, lover, or even a "husband and wife", if you can't even see through this point, then it would be a failure. Hearing that, Louise didn't say anything, she just walked towards Richard silently, and then hugged Richard fiercely under the surprised expression of the other party, and offered her passionate kiss.

"Love me~!"

A whisper is worth a thousand words.

Richard was instantly emotional, and then began to respond frantically to Louise, kissing her, lingering, and even further lingering!

As for the question of who the father of the child is...

Does it matter now?

Louise's attitude says it all!

At the same time, in the villa not far from next door.

Bai Xiaofei, on the other hand, used his mental power to see clearly and thoroughly the situation here from beginning to end, including the lingering love between the two of them on the bed. Someone even shamelessly photographed it with a scouting bee, using it as a "spiritual weapon" against Dachao who might become his enemy in the future.

"It seems that Louise has completely abandoned Dachao!"

While admiring the good show on the other side, Bai Xiaofei thought to himself: "But it's right to think about it. After all, Da Chao has been away for 5 years, and little Jason is also 5 years old. At the most important moment in Louise's life, Da Chao Leaving suddenly without any news, for a woman, this blow... probably could go to heaven!"

"In the face of a hopeless future and the reality that can be easily grasped, it is only natural for Louise to choose the latter! The blame can only be blamed on Da Chao himself. The good feelings are just for fun. It’s disabled. In the end, not only did I play with a green hat for myself, but even my son is almost someone else’s.”

"It's really sad!"


And speaking of sadness.

Bai Xiaofei suddenly thought of another person, and that was Lex Luthor.

Counting the time, no matter how stupid Ying Lun is, he should have given the medicine to the old lady Ge Chu by now, right? The old lady who has regained her health and youth will definitely not let go of Lex Luthor, a tender and delicious little fresh meat. It is night now, and as the saying goes, "a spring night is worth a thousand dollars", presumably the two of them should also be with Louise now. Like Richard, are you lingering on the bed?

And as long as the well-known bald villain Lex Luthor is forced to XXOO on the bed by an old lady, Bai Xiaofei can't help but want to laugh out loud.

The picture was so beautiful that Bai Xiaofei didn't dare to think about it carefully.

I'm afraid I can't help vomiting.


Bai Xiaofei's eyes flickered, and he snorted coldly: "This is the fate of daring to ignore me!"

The screen changed.

The camera came to the magnificent old castle.

Inside the old castle, in Ge Chu's room, just as Bai Xiaofei expected, the old lady was playing some games that only adults could play with Lex Luthor, and it was still very exciting and wild. It's just that someone and they didn't just start, but they have been playing since around noon until now!

Having regained his health and youth, he was lingering with the one he loves to the death, turning back and forth, at this moment, Ge Chu, what a delight!

It's like being in heaven, full of happiness.

on the contrary……

Another protagonist in the room.

Namely: Lex Luthor, although he has a smile on his face, his heart is full of MMPs!

He never dreamed that his majestic Lex Luthor, the self-proclaimed smartest super criminal, a top-notch man who doesn't even look down on Superman, would now be reduced to become an old lady's pet and plaything end! And the most painful thing is that this result seems to be caused by himself!

after all……

The matter of seducing Ge Chu.

Lex Luthor planned and executed it himself from the beginning, no one forced him at all!

Everything was going smoothly at first, but seeing that Mrs. Ge Chu was about to burp and catch a cold, and stepped into the coffin completely, why did she suddenly recover? What's even more outrageous is that he has regained his youth for more than ten years! If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, you would have killed Lex Luthor, he wouldn't have believed there was such a thing as rejuvenation and rejuvenation.

What's more tragic is yet to come.

After Ge Chu regained his health and youth, it can be said that his temperament has changed drastically. He has directly changed from a little fan girl to a domineering queen shaking S. At that time, he was about to have a protracted round of intestines with Lex Luthor Great battle, can Lex Luthor agree? That is of course impossible!

Seeing the situation is not good.

Lex Luthor wanted to run away immediately that he might be "badly killed".


The old lady Ge Chu had already prepared.

Seven or eight burly men directly shattered all Lex Luthor's escape plans and hopes. Then... under the watchful eyes of a group of big guys around, the old lady Ge Chu directly transformed into Queen Shaking S, and began to play a full-fledged adult game with Lex Luthor.

The poor and famous Lex Luthor was reduced to being ravaged and played with by an old lady arbitrarily like a dog, and even "dedicated" his own daisy. When the chrysanthemums were picked, the plan failed and his dignity was lost. The tormented Lex Luthor really wanted to die, but in the end he gritted his teeth and endured it.


He suddenly realized that this feeling seemed to be quite refreshing!

cough cough! Wrong, not that one! Closer to home, the main reason is that Lex Luthor suddenly thought of a person, that is, Bai Xiaofei who suddenly appeared in the castle during the day and asked to see him by name. His intuition told himself that all of this must have been done by that damn Chinese boy!

Being framed by someone for no reason to such a horrific situation, how can Lex Luthor bear it?

That is absolutely impossible!


To avenge Bai Xiaofei.

No matter how hot and crazy Mrs. Gertrude's training and ravaging Lex Luthor was, he gritted his teeth and endured it. While silently enduring the old lady's various "games", Lex Luthor kept cursing Bai Xiaofei, and at the same time secretly began to plan in his heart, how to escape from this castle!

And in the middle of the night.

A long-distance bus came from a long way from other places and drove into the New York bus terminal. Da Chao, who was pretending to be a newspaper reporter Clark, followed the crowd of people arriving at the bus and got out of the bus.

Superman is back early!


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