The Storm God

Chapter 1569 Build an array! (Please subscribe!)

Nothing to say all night.

In a blink of an eye, it was the next morning again.

Louise and Richard had a great time last night, and the sensory impression of Bai Xiaofei's family was quite good. As a result, little Jason was left at Bai Xiaofei's house for a night by the couple who only cared about playing adult games. Fortunately, little Jason also liked playing with little Bailei very much, but he didn't care about his parents' irresponsible behavior.


When picking up Jason, the couple still expressed their apologies.

"Feel sorry!"

"Jason, yesterday we... Are you doing well at Mr. Bai's house?"


Little Jason nodded vigorously.

Then he tilted his head, looked at Louise and Richard meaningfully, and said with a smile: "Then are you two okay now?!"


The two were suddenly embarrassed.

They thought that little Jason didn't understand anything, but now they realized that they were wrong.

Little Jason didn't understand, but pretended not to understand.

What a good boy!


Louise immediately hugged little Jason tightly, and said seriously: "Of course we'll be fine, I promise!"

The same is true for Richard, holding onto Jason's promise.

Although not personal.


The relationship between the two of them for the past 5 years has not been adulterated at all!

Bai Xiaofei and his group watched the whole show, smiling and not saying a word. When Louise's family recovers, it means that the two children should go to school, otherwise they will be late. Richard suddenly realized that he was going to drive little Jason to school immediately. And at this time, little Bai Lei actually followed little Jason into Richard's car.


Seeing this scene, Richard was dumbfounded at the time.

He looked suspiciously at Bai Xiaofei's family who were not surprised or surprised, and asked, "Mr. Bai, is this...?"

"We have some important matters today and we have to deal with them quickly, so...Leilei will be sent to school by you!" Bai Xiaofei saw Xiao Bailei's intentions, and while smiling wryly in his heart, he opened his eyes and spoke nonsense. : "Anyway, it's all on the way, so I'll trouble you. Our Lei Lei is very obedient, I believe it won't cause you any trouble!"

"Where is it!"

After Bai Xiaofei said that, what else could Richard say? And this is not a big deal, they are all on the way, and the relationship between little Jason and little Bai Lei gets along very well, of course Richard will not refuse: "In that case, then I will send them to school , go about your business!"


Bai Xiaofei made a gesture.

Then he said with a smile: "Thank you then, I will treat you to a big meal when I come back tonight!"

that's all……

Richard left with the three of them.

And Bai Xiaofei bid farewell to Xiaoqian and the three daughters, and came directly to the moon.

It has been two days since I absorbed the DNA of the Son of Superman, and I don't know how the infinite optimization of the deity is going. Bai Xiaofei came to the moon to check the progress of the optimization. And the result was just as Bai Xiaofei expected, the speed was very fast. If things continued like this, it would take about a month for the complete integration and optimization to be completed.

By then...

Bai Xiaofei's real body can then possess, even surpass the power of Dachao.

It can be seen that Bai Xiaofei still felt that it was too slow. A month or so, whether it is long or not, in normal times, Bai Xiaofei may be able to wait, but now... as the plot of Superman's return is getting closer, Bai Xiaofei must improve his strength as much as possible, so as not to have long nights and dreams!

And after some thinking and research.

Bai Xiaofei finally figured out a way, that is to use the power of formation and technology to concentrate the light waves of the sun, just like radar, can concentrate all the light waves within a certain range on Bai Xiaofei, this will not only speed up the process of infinite optimization The process will not cause additional damage to Bai Xiaofei's real body.

Because the rest of the radiation has all been excluded by the power of science and technology.


This method is easier said than done.

But it is very difficult to really do it and realize it without any mistakes. After all, this is the moon, not the earth. On the surface of the planet, it can be said to be barren and cratered. It is extremely cold, and there is no so-called aura at all, not even air. One can imagine the difficulty of setting up a formation in such a place.


It is to screen out radiation data that is harmful to the body.

The difficulty of this work is also very challenging. Don’t look at the sun’s light as just a ray of light, but the color spectrum and radiated light waves in it are quite complex and diverse, especially in this deep space. The situation is even more complicated and changeable. It is undoubtedly even more difficult to effectively isolate the harmful part!

on this...

Bai Xiaofei was not afraid.

Anyway, if you are idle, you are idle, but if you study hard, you may not be able to handle it!

And the first job he did was to develop and transform to a certain extent on the surface of the moon in order to successfully create the formation. For Bai Xiaofei, this is basically not difficult, because Elysium Space World is already familiar with the development of the moon and Mars, and the technology and methods are quite excellent.

In just about two hours, Bai Xiaofei finished all the preparations for the formation. Within a radius of 100 meters of his own body, he used nanotechnology and special plants he got from the virgin Tiya to build an ultra-mini space living environment.

In this way.

It can solve the constraint of no air.

At the same time, the special plants in the ultra-miniature living space, as well as the many spiritual stones buried by Bai Xiaofei, will quickly volatilize rich spiritual energy, thus creating a specific environment that allows the formation to operate effectively. The next step is to build all kinds of black technology equipment, hinder the earth's exploration of the moon, and analyze the harmful components of the sun's light waves.

Especially the latter.

This is the most important thing in all steps.

Whether it can speed up the efficiency of infinite optimization depends on it. And when it comes to data analysis, Bai Cass's efficiency is undoubtedly more than N times that of Bai Xiaofei's. So... Bai Xiaofei handed over all the follow-up work to Bai Cass, and he became the hands-off shopkeeper again, specializing in the construction of the formation.

And at the same time.

On Earth, Louise arrived at the Daily Planet and was about to start her work. Not long after, she saw a very familiar figure——Clark Kent, also known as Super. Of course, because Superman must have reversed the relationship between time and space, Louise now has forgotten that Clark is Superman.

But basically the same.


Clark is the same as Da Chao. He has been away for more than 5 years without any news, as if he has evaporated from the world. Now he suddenly appeared out of nowhere, which naturally surprised and surprised Louise. However, due to the rush of work and the fact that Louise didn't like Clark very much, Louise didn't have a word with Clark, and left the newspaper directly to go to the military area to do her own work.

Of course, Da Chao was extremely depressed about this, but he was helpless. He couldn't just tell Louise that he was Superman, right?

Even if it is said, it is probably useless, or even worse!

So let's not talk about it.

Hold on!

There will be opportunities in the future, and this moment is not bad.

the other side……

After nearly a day and a night of devastation and devastation, Lex Luthor finally had a chance to let himself out and go out. Of course, in order to prevent Lex Luthor from escaping, Mrs. Gertrude specially assigned four burly men as bodyguards, in name to protect Lex Luthor, but actually to monitor!


In other respects, Lex Luthor was not restricted too much. As long as he doesn't run away, he can do whatever he wants. For example, collecting information about Bai Xiaofei, or contacting his former followers and subordinates, as well as old friends, these bodyguards don't care.

And Lex Luthor is worthy of being Dachao's old enemy, the existence of Qizhi Ruoyao, it didn't take long, and he used his own ability to find out Bai Xiaofei's home address. Then... Lex Luthor began to secretly send messages to his old friend and followers, telling them to find a way to rescue him!

It's simply unacceptable for an old lady in her seventies and eighties to be smothered day and night.

Lex Luthor has had enough!

He wants revenge!


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