The Storm God

Chapter 1570 Ten times faster! (Please subscribe!)

on the moon.

After more than ten hours of catalysis.

The level of aura in the ultra-mini living space has finally met the requirements for the construction of formations. At the same time, Bai Cass finally lived up to everyone's expectations, and roughly analyzed the harmful substances in the sun's light waves. He had already made all the other preparations, and Bai Xiaofei immediately started to build the A large array of concentrated light waves.

In fact, in the final analysis.

Sunlight waves are also a kind of energy, but compared to ordinary energy, it is really too special. And any energy can be driven and utilized by the formation, of course... the premise is that you have the corresponding method and technology, otherwise it is like doing a chemical experiment, and there is a danger of explosion at any time.

Naturally, Bai Xiaofei's attainments in formation techniques needn't be said. Although the energy of the sun's light waves is complicated, it can still be utilized by the formation after careful calculation and planning. And this special magic circle designed by Bai Xiaofei has the shape of a lotus flower, and Bai Xiaofei's body is at the center.

It's like a radar.

The surrounding solar light wave energy will be enveloped and absorbed by the effect of the large array, then transformed and aggregated, concentrated on Bai Xiaofei's real body, for him to absorb and use, so as to accelerate the infinite optimization in the body. Before that, the concentrated light wave energy will pass through the black technology screening device controlled by Bai Cass to screen out substances that are harmful to Bai Xiaofei's body.


Because of limited data, there is no lesson learned. Therefore, the black technology screening device cannot completely block all harmful substances, but only removes as much as possible. In this way, even if there are still some substances that will have a certain impact on Bai Xiaofei's real body, it is already harmless.

As soon as the infinite optimization is completed, Bai Xiaofei will have the same ability as Da Chao.

By then...

Those affect or something.

Then, under the power of the superhuman body, like snow under the sun, it will quickly disappear and disappear completely! It might even be directly converted into special energy to enhance Bai Xiaofei's physique and strength! After all, the source of Dachao's power comes from the light waves of stars in the yellow system.

The formation has officially started.


While controlling the black technology screening device, Bai Cass carefully measured and analyzed Bai Xiaofei's real body, and then reported: "According to the current situation, the process speed of infinite optimization has reached the fastest. , which is the 10 times speed mentioned earlier, this is already the limit of Superman's DNA ability assistance!"

"ten times!"

When Bai Xiaofei heard this, he was overjoyed.

Smiling and nodding, he said, "That's right! It's already very good to be able to reach ten times the speed of the limit without suffering too much damage or influence. In this way, it only takes about twenty days. It can completely integrate Dachao's DNA and possess superhuman power!"

"This speed is acceptable!"


According to the development of the plot.

Superman's official return debut was on September 28th, and now it's September 8th. There are still 20 days before the official start of the plot, which is enough for Bai Xiaofei to arrange many things. And when that day came, Bai Xiaofei's real body had almost been optimized, even if there were any accidents, Bai Xiaofei would not be afraid at all.


For the past 20 days, Bai Xiaofei can afford to wait.


Bai Xiaofei saw that it was getting late, so he had the intention of retreating, and said: "I will trouble you to preside over and manage the matter of the moon's body absorbing the energy of the sun's light waves. If there is any abnormality or breakthrough progress, please feel free to contact me , It’s almost time for me to go back to Earth!”

"Yes, Sir!"

Bai Cass worked hard and said: "You can go at ease, I will take care of it here, and there is also the Xunjiang. Once there is any news, I will notify you immediately. But regarding Dachao's Krypton Ice Palace, There is nothing I can do, the other party seems to have activated some special shielding device, and the detection of the Tianjian satellite is useless!"

"I'll figure it out!"

Bai Xiaofei said, and immediately put on the Gemini Golden Cloth, left the moon, and returned to Manhattan, New York on Earth.



Just walked out from a remote corner of the community.

With Bai Xiaofei's incomparably powerful mental power, he was keenly aware that there were actually more than a dozen criminals with high-power guns ambushing around his home. Seeing how they were carefully ambush, they seemed to be waiting for him to fall into a trap, and then shot him to death.


"What is the origin of these people, it seems that they are coming for me?"

"But I haven't offended anyone!"

"Could it be..."


Think for a while.

Bai Xiaofei had a rough answer in his mind.

When it comes to who Bai Xiaofei offended after coming to this world, the only ones who can be counted are probably Da Chao and Lex Luthor. With Dachao's character and ability, there is no need for these three-legged cats' ordinary garbage to deal with Bai Xiaofei. So apart from Dachao, there is only Lex Luthor.


Thinking of this, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help smiling, and said to himself: "As expected of Lex Luthor, he found my address so quickly, and immediately arranged for people to take revenge on me. It's a pity... even if you are so wise Yao, you underestimated my buddy's ability too much, even Da Chao couldn't keep me, let alone these rubbish bastards!"

Bai Xiaofei didn't personally deal with the ambushing people around him, but with a thought, he directly showed the power of his mind, hypnotizing and bewitching the dozen or so people around him. Then I saw them one by one, as if bewitched, holding weapons in a daze, and came out of the ambush.

These criminals have only one thing in mind now, and that is to surrender to the police station and tell the police that today's action was planned by Lex Luthor. Bai Xiaofei doesn't care what the origin of these people is, in short, it's right to blame all of them to Lex Luthor, and it will also make it easier for Bai Xiaofei to control Lex Luthor.

Poor Lex Luthor, until now he was still imagining what Bai Xiaofei would look like when he died tragically. What he didn't know was that he had his confidants send these criminals over to deal with Bai Xiaofei, and they were easily bewitched by Bai Xiaofei and turned into tainted witnesses to identify him. It probably won't be long before the police will come to find Lex Luthor in person talk about it.


So what if you know.

At this moment, Lex Luthor, with the help of a group of confidantes and old friends, has successfully occupied all the property of the old lady Gertrude by force and resourcefulness, and has once again regained his previous rich life and self-confidence. And in the afternoon, he left New York on a luxury yacht and headed to the North Pole.

The target of the other party, like Bai Xiaofei, is the inheritance crystal in the Ice Palace of Great Super Krypton!


The uses of the two are quite different.

Bai Xiaofei wanted to obtain the advanced technological knowledge of Krypton to benefit himself, so as to maximize the benefits of completing this time travel. And what about Lex Luthor? This guy only wants to use Krypton's crystals to create a continent, and replace the United States as the number one in the world, and then use Krypton's technology to dominate the earth!

The realms of each other are completely different, okay!

And at the same time.

Super Clark, who had spent a long day at the Daily Planet, finally waited for Louise to return from work. Then he officially invited Louise to dinner, and wanted to take this opportunity to have a good talk with Louise, such as the wedding date between Louise and Richard, and the matter of little Jason.

on this...

Superman was very concerned and confused.

Clark couldn't believe it. He had only been away for 5 years, and the world had changed so much. Not only did a weirdo in golden armor pop up out of nowhere, but Louise was getting married. God, what are you kidding? The most outrageous thing is that she and Richard actually have a 5-year-old son.

When he heard the news, Clark Haoxuan didn't collapse on the spot. He almost couldn't help but want to become Superman, go to the military area to find Louise, and tell the other party everything about him, but in the end Clark forcibly held back until Louise came back.


He just wanted to have a good talk with Louise.

It's a pity that the weather is not good. Louise and Richard just opened up yesterday, repaired the conflict and relationship between each other, and went out to dinner with her old colleagues the next day? What are you kidding, what would Richard think? And she still has a son to take care of, so she doesn't have time to talk to Clark, okay?

Louise refused on the spot.


Under the gaze of Dachao who was full of confusion and depression, Louise showed a happy smile and snuggled into Richard's arms like a bird. The two left the Planet Daily together sweetly, and then went to Holy Trinity Kindergarten picked up Little Jason and Little Bai Lei and returned to their villa in Manhattan.


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