The Storm God

Chapter 1571 Knock down with one punch! (Please subscribe!)


Bai Xiaofei's house.

In order to show that Richard helped to pick up little Bailei to school today, Bai Xiaofei specially invited them to his home, ready to reward them well.

The hospitality was hard to turn down, Louise and Richard had no choice but to nod in agreement.


"Superman Clark is back working at the newspaper?"

"This this……"


during meals.

Louise casually talked about the work of the newspaper, including Clark, who had disappeared for 5 years, and suddenly returned to work.

After Bai Xiaofei heard about it, his body was shocked immediately. Although there was not much fluctuation on the surface, there was a turmoil in his heart, and he didn't dare to say: "Clark actually returned to the agency so early, shouldn't he officially return to Superman?" Was it that day? Could it be that the plot changed because of our appearance?"

"If this is the case, then some of my plans seem to have to be changed accordingly!"

"if not……"


While Bai Xiaofei was meditating.

With his keen perception, he suddenly noticed that there seemed to be a figure outside the villa, watching the situation here from a distance.

Bai Xiaofei's heart moved, and he thought to himself: "Could it be Superman?"

Mental power opened the scan.

as expected!

In the vast night outside, Da Chao was wearing his classic Superman uniform, floating in the dark corners around the villa, staring at Louise in the room with piercing eyes, and Little Jason was very happy while eating and playing with Xiao Bailei.

The situation is almost the same as in the movie when Dachao visited Louise's family after his return.

Except for the addition of Bai Xiaofei's family.


Da Chao's sense is also quite keen, almost when Bai Xiaofei's mental power sensed the existence of Superman, Da Chao also felt that he was being probed. It's just... the mental strength is very ordinary, even if he feels that he seems to be being watched by someone, he doesn't know who the other party is or where he is!

Confused and helpless.

Clark could only choose to leave, so as not to bring danger to Louise and others.


After the Louise family leaves.

After Hu Niuer became popular, she suddenly said: "That incomparably hot gaze outside just now is Superman Clark, right?"

"That's right!"

Bai Xiaofei nodded.

Then he looked at Hu Niu'er Hong Hou in amazement: "You feel it too?"


The red queen raised her neck.

With a face full of pride and pride, he snorted: "My current system and ability are quite powerful. Although Superman is awesome, he is still a life form after all, and he is still a super life form with infinite energy. In my radar During scanning and perception, it is as dazzling as the full moon in the night sky, how could I not find it!"

In fact, it is more than just a red queen.

The strength is extraordinary, and Xiaoqian and Diana, who are not what they used to be, have also sensed the existence of Superman.

"Little Fei!"

Diana asked Bai Xiaofei: "Since the plot has been advanced, what should we do next? In my opinion, why don't we contact Superman directly? Tell him why we are here, and in return, ask for his Kryptonian." Inheritance crystal, if the other party refuses to agree, we will grab it directly!"

"Although he is powerful, but there are so many of us, we can't handle him if we don't believe it!"

"Isn't it, sister Xiaoqian?"


A look eager to try.

When Xiaoqian heard the words, not only did she not bring up any meaning, she said in a nonchalant manner: "That's right! My Qingqiu secret technique has been cultivated to the twelfth peak level, and it is currently in a bottleneck state, unable to break through. If I can fight Dachao, maybe my shackles can be loosened!"


Bai Xiaofei was speechless for a while.

Seeing the three girls chattering there and starting to discuss how to deal with Dachao, a certain person was so depressed that he wanted to cry without tears: "Fuck! I shouldn't have let them be with Huniu! This is good! Oh, two good wives who are kind and kind, let the red queen be taken into the ditch!"

He was about to speak to persuade the three daughters that the overall situation was the most important thing.

But at this moment.


"It seems that I guessed right, you suddenly appeared beside Louise, there really is no deep meaning!"

"Who the hell are you guys?"


His tone was low, full of anger.

The most important thing is that the person who spoke was the Chao Chao whom the three women had been discussing how to deal with!

Clark didn't know when, but he came outside the villa again.

Look at his angry look.


The conversation between Bai Xiaofei and the others just now was completely overheard by Superman.

Seeing this scene, a certain person screamed inwardly. While feeling depressed, he couldn't help but blame himself for being careless. Knowing that Da Chao's hearing is beyond common sense, he didn't even set up an isolation circle around the room. Now that Da Chao caught him right away, most of his future plans would probably be scrapped.


Xiaoqian and the three daughters were also taken aback on the spot.

They never expected that Da Chao would go and come back again, and instead waited for others by himself, which really underestimated him.

But it's right to think about it, the other party is a big super after all.

DC's own son!

With such ability and brains, it seems not surprising at all.

On the contrary, I waited for others, relying on being a time traveler, so I was too careless, but I was given a general by others, I felt a little embarrassed and embarrassing!


Huniuer's red queen is an exception.

This little girl doesn't know what embarrassment is. Seeing that Da Chao saw through herself and others, and suddenly appeared outside, she was not surprised but happy, and said with a smile: "It's just in time, we were discussing how to deal with you just now, Since you have delivered it to your door yourself, it will save you a lot of trouble, choosing a date is worse than bumping into it, so let's have a good fight!"

The voice did not fall.

The red queen has already entered a fighting state, and she shoots towards the big super outside.

Huniuer's red queen's body is a gold body, similar to Vision, but far superior to Vision, after all, Red Queen itself is one of the top artificial intelligences, and Vision is Austrian Chuang, Jarvis, and the complex of many factors such as the soul gem are far less pure and powerful than the red queen.


The Red Queen used all kinds of black technology that Bai Xiaofei had obtained from traveling through the heavens and worlds, but she often experimented on herself. To be honest, even Bai Xiaofei, the master, doesn't know how strong the Red Queen is now, mainly because the two have not seen each other for too long, and they have never fought.

But the other party is DC's own son Da Chao after all.


Whether it is Bai Xiaofei.

Neither Xiaoqian nor Diana dared to underestimate the enemy or be careless. Seeing that Hong Hou took the lead and launched an attack on Da Chao, the three of them were very worried, and immediately flew out, not to mention besieging Da Chao, there are more people bullying and less people, just to support Hong Hou, Help out or something.

In case the Red Queen loses and gets beaten up by Da Chao, at the critical moment, Bai Xiaofei and others can come to the rescue.


After the three of them flew out.

But they were surprised to find that the situation at the scene was completely different from what they had expected. Da Chao was knocked down by the red queen's punch!

But Da Chao covered his ears with his hands, looking in pain.

Lie on the ground and roll!

"What the hell!"

Seeing this situation, Bai Xiaofei's eyes widened immediately, and he didn't dare to say anything: "What's the situation? It's true or not, that's a big super! Even I dare not say that I can definitely defeat the master, but now he is defeated by the red queen." Huniu, you were knocked down with just one punch? The red queen is going against the sky!"

Even the red queen's good sisters, Xiaoqian and Diana, were puzzled and surprised at the moment. They obviously didn't expect their sister to be so powerful.

"The Red Queen!"

The two women couldn't help asking: "How did you do it?"


Hearing this, the Red Queen smiled proudly, and explained complacently: "It's not easy! As we all know, Superman's super hearing is very terrifying. Even in outer space, he can hear the earth's cries for help." And a lot of information, I just released some super frequency sound waves that humans can't hear just for this point."

"I see!"

Hearing the words, Bai Xiaofei suddenly realized, and said, "Although ordinary people can't hear these superfrequency sound waves, to Superman's ears, they are no different from nuclear explosion-like super noise and interference, just like an ordinary stinky fart. The human nose is just a little smelly, but for people or animals with a well-developed sense of smell, it is like a poison gas bomb, and its power is astonishing!"

When Xiaoqian and Diana heard this, they immediately understood the key point.

Diana laughed and said, "It's no wonder that Da Chao was knocked down by your punch. It's not because of how strong you are, but because of the superfrequency sound waves, which directly interfered and affected Da Chao's auditory nerves, thus achieving an unexpected effect." !Although there are heretical meanings, but I have to say, Red Queen, your quick wit and coping methods this time are quite wonderful!"


"I think it's too early for you to be complacent. Da Chao is not someone who can be defeated so easily!"

"He just needs to turn off his super hearing..."

"Ah~ oh!"

The voice of the goddess has not yet fallen.

On the other side, Da Chao, who was lying on the ground and writhing in pain, had stopped twitching and struggling, his expression returned to normal in an instant, and then he stood up slowly, staring at Bai Xiaofei and the others with extremely unkind eyes, especially the one who let After she lost her face and blushed, her eyes were so angry that they could spit out fire.

All right!

Dachao's eyes can't breathe fire.

But they can release extremely hot and terrifying heat rays!


Following Da Chao's gaze, two scarlet scorching rays of terror immediately shot out from Da Chao's eyes, aiming directly at the red queen! It's not that Da Chao was blinded by anger and wanted to destroy flowers with his hands. He had received his father's moral education since he was a child, and Da Chao, who had three views and righteousness, could not do such a thing.

The reason why Clark is like this is entirely because he has seen through the essence of the Red Queen. From the perspective of Dachao's clairvoyant eyes, although the Red Queen looks like a human being, she is actually a very advanced mechanical body! Since it is a mechanical body, it is no different from other ordinary objects. As long as it is not a human being or an animal, it is an existence that can be destroyed!

Destroying objects and harming life are two completely different concepts!


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