The Storm God

Chapter 1572 Chase Superman! (Please subscribe!)


Seeing Da Chao use heat rays, Bai Xiaofei's heart tensed up.

He is currently the only person who has withstood the terrifying power of this move. Naturally, he is very familiar with its power. With Zhenjin's defensive resistance, he can't hold it for a long time at all. Although the body of the Red Queen is made of Zhenjin, if she faces Dachao's heat rays and releases them mercilessly, I'm afraid it will be more or less ominous!


Bai Xiaofei reminded him aloud.

He himself is ready to rescue at any time, so as not to hurt the queen.

The same goes for Xiaoqian and Diana next to her.

But how can I imagine...


Dachao's thermal energy rays actually directly penetrated the red queen's body.

To be precise, it should have passed through the body of the Red Queen! Seeing this situation, Bai Xiaofei came to a sudden realization that the vibrating gold body has the ability to change its own density, that is, it can make its own body blur, like a shadow of nothingness, so that it can avoid most physical attacks. Like Obito in Naruto, it can be described as extremely buggy!


Dachao's thermal energy ray attack speed is too fast.

And the activation time is also very fast, almost instantaneous. Anyway, with Bai Xiaofei's reflexes, if he is completely unprepared, he will definitely not be able to dodge or use the vibrating body's virtualization ability in time. But Hu Niu'er has achieved it now, which is incredible!


The Red Queen seemed to have expected Bai Xiaofei's surprise a long time ago, and immediately became even more proud when she saw it, and took the initiative to explain: "Master, you see, now I am no longer what I used to be. Whether it is ability, or the speed of the system, the ability to respond , are not the same, and the ability to judge budgets is even more extraordinary, so what about Dachao?"

"Look at how I hang him!"


The voice did not fall.

After seeing Hong, she was using the ability of blurring.

With Da Chao's expression full of disbelief, he carried the opponent's heat rays all the way, and rushed towards him like lightning.

"How can this be?"

Clark's mood at this moment is extremely shocking. His thermal energy rays are so terrifying and powerful, and they were launched in a state of rage, but now they are completely ineffective, and there is nothing they can do about them! Such a weird situation has completely refreshed Dachao's three views.

Seeing the red queen rushing towards him, Da Chao immediately put away his thermal energy rays as if he was about to advance close to him.

One is that it is useless to use this thing against others, and the other is that turning on heat rays will be extremely detrimental to one's own battle, not to mention affecting one's own eyesight. The range and power of the key heat rays are really terrifying. Pay attention and you may cause immeasurable damage to your surroundings.

This is the most famous luxury residential area in Manhattan. If a wave of rays is confiscated, it will directly shoot at it...


The consequences were unimaginable!

Therefore, for the sake of the overall situation and the safety of the people, Dachao could only accept thermal energy rays. Not only that, the battle between the two sides inevitably caused huge damage to this community, as well as casualties. After Dachao received the heat rays, he immediately turned around and left, no, he turned around and flew, dodged the red and then attacked At the same time, it disappeared in front of Bai Xiaofei and others at an extremely fast speed.


He didn't escape.

Instead, he wanted to lead Bai Xiaofei and others to other open and unobstructed places.

Only in this way can he let go of his fists.

"what to do?"

Hu Niuer Hong Hou didn't go up directly, but turned around and asked Bai Xiaofei. The same is true for Xiaoqian and Diana. After all, among the four of them, only Bai Xiaofei is the backbone of everyone. Whether to chase or not depends on Bai Xiaofei's intentions, because this is related to Bai Xiaofei's future plans, so don't be careless!


Bai Xiaofei said without any hesitation.

Anyway, it has already been discovered by Dachao. Instead of being timid, it is better to come to Boda directly and compete with Dachao thoroughly, so that the other party knows that he is not easy to mess with others, and if he is sensible, he will cooperate with us obediently , otherwise... Hmph, you will suffer in the future.

"Then what about little Bai Lei?"

Xiaoqian hesitated a little, because now Xiao Bailei is playing with Little Jason at Richard's house. If they all leave, they may not know when they will come back to you. In case Xiaobailei can't find her family later and appears What about accidents? After all, this place has already been discovered by Lex Luthor.


Xiaoqian was not worried that little Bailei would be in danger.

It was because Xiao Bailei was afraid that if she used too much force, she would cause huge damage to the surrounding things when she was furious with the power of thunder. If this is the case, the family's peaceful life will be completely over. And it is very likely that it will also affect Bai Xiaofei's future plans, that's why I asked this question.

"Don't worry!"

"Xiao Bailei will be fine, it will be someone else! Anyway, the situation is out of control..."

"It doesn't matter anymore!"


Bai Xiaofei shook his head, and said indifferently.

He certainly understands what Xiaoqian means, but the current situation has seriously deviated from Bai Xiaofei's established track and plan. Waiting for the outcome of their relationship with Da Chao, no one knows yet, they may become enemies completely, or they may turn hostilities into friendship, explain the matter thoroughly, and cooperate with each other, everyone will be happy!


Everything is unknown.

That being the case, then worry about a woolen ah!

Even Da Chao has done it, with Bai Xiaofei's lawless personality, how can he care about the damage that Xiao Bailei may cause? Even if the whole Manhattan is blown up, Bai Xiaofei doesn't feel bad at all, the worst is to completely become an enemy with Da Chao, anyway, Da Chao's DNA has already been obtained, who is afraid of who!


Little Bai Lei is already this big.

How could he be such an unprofessional person? !

Not to mention those small thieves, even if the Marine Corps from the United States came, Bai Xiaofei believed that Xiao Bailei could handle it well.

Xiaoqian thought about it carefully, and it seemed that this was the case, she nodded immediately, not worrying about Xiao Bailei anymore. After that, the group of four let go of their speed, followed Da Chao's flight path, and chased them all the way. They have already made up their minds, no matter what, they will compete with Da Chao today!

Diana can't fly yet.


Bai Xiaofei could only give her the Virgo Golden Cloth.

This is not the case for Xiaoqian. Her monster-receiving gourd has the ability to fly, and its speed is not slow. With the help of Xiaoqian's demon power, its speed can reach several times the speed of sound, which is only slightly inferior to Bai Xiaofei and Diana. , but there are two people flying together, that's not bad at all.

As for the red queen?

All right!

This girl's speed, after several improvements and upgrades, is even faster than Bai Xiaofei.

That's nothing to worry about!

that's all.

A group of four flew away.

It's just that no matter how fast their speed is, they can't compare with Da Chao.

Playing speed in front of Dachao who has the ability to reverse the earth is simply looking for abuse. Fortunately, Bai Xiaofei and others have the detection and scanning of the Tianjian satellite, so they will not lose Dachao's whereabouts. But Dachao's flight route confuses Bai Xiaofei and the others: "Is he going to take us to the South Pole?"


Bai Xiaofei frowned.

He also couldn't see what kind of medicine was sold in Dachao's gourd, but he still reminded everyone to be prepared so as not to capsize in the gutter. It didn't take a while. The four of them finally followed the signal to a small island in the Antarctic Circle, and Dachao Clark had been waiting here for a long time.

This small island is huge, and most of it is covered by thick ice all year round. It is almost like an Iceland. Except for the occasional seabirds that land on the shore, there is almost no life. It is estimated that this is the main reason why Dachao chose this place as the battlefield, at least it will not hurt innocent people.

"You guys are finally here!"

Seeing that Bai Xiaofei and the others had arrived late, Da Chao said, "Before the battle, why don't you all introduce yourself?"

"That's not necessary!"

The red queen laughed and said: "Why should we meet each other before? We are just passers-by in this world and have no plans to live here for a long time. The reason why we want to deal with you is also because we have taken a fancy to some of your things. And according to your temper and Personality, most of them will not cooperate with us, we can only make a bad move!"

"But there is one thing, you must understand that we really have no malicious intentions! This time, we came here just to compete and compete, so that you can see clearly our strength and sincerity. If we really intend to engage in If you destroy something, you can't stop us with your own ability!"

"The best result is that we work together for mutual benefit!"



That is to say, only by becoming partners can we know our identities.


When Da Chao heard this, he fell silent for a moment.

He looked at Bai Xiaofei and Diana with serious expressions, especially the armor on the two of them. Although it was not the same armor as the Aries that he had fought with back then, judging from its style and craftsmanship, it should be made by the same person. , How could Clark not think that there is more than one such powerful armor!

This moment.

Clark couldn't help but start to think wildly: "Who is the other party? With such a powerful ability, it seems to be an organization. How many people do they have? What do they see in me? Is it the civilization technology of Krypton? I want Why don't you cooperate with them?"

Regardless of Da Chao's thoughts and reactions.


After the opening remarks.

Hu Niuer immediately returned to her original nature after becoming popular, looking eager to try, said excitedly: "Dachao, I have already said everything that needs to be said, how you choose depends on your own mind, but before that, I think we are still on good terms." It's better to play one game, it will help your thinking!"


He rushed over directly.


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