The Storm God

Chapter 1573 The Red Queen Against the Heavens! (Please subscribe!)

"Well done!"

Seeing the red queen attacking, Da Chao was not to be outdone, instead of retreating, he stepped forward and rushed towards the red queen like lightning. Obviously, Da Chao wanted to confront the Red Queen for a while, so as to confirm the strength of the other party, and to facilitate his own control of power.


He still underestimated the queen.

Although the red queen girl is a bit sloppy, her mind is extremely shrewd. When Da Chao was about to make contact with her, she directly activated the power of illusory, and then Bai Xiaofei and others saw that Da Chao's fist was like It was like hitting a group of phantoms, and it went straight through, but the red queen's pink fist was like a thunderbolt, and Da Chao was sent flying on the spot.

Then the two sides launched a super war where you come and go.

"I go!"

"Virtualization actually has such an operation?"

"Isn't it too coquettish?"


Bai Xiaofei was dumbfounded and surprised.

His current body, like the Red Queen's, is a golden body, but when it comes to the power of the virtual power, Bai Xiaofei has to admit that he is not as good as the Red Queen. Even in other aspects, such as reaction ability, calculation speed, attack prediction, etc., they are much inferior to the red queen.

It is probably because the Red Queen has been upgraded many times, and because she is an intelligent life itself.


Although the Red Queen is powerful.

But after all, she is not omnipotent, at least in terms of strength, she is not as good as Bai Xiaofei.

Although the basic attributes of Bai Xiaofei's vibrating gold body may be inferior to the current red queen, but with the golden body ability, elemental power, enchanting and other means, it can be infinitely enchanted, thus achieving a state of amplification similar to infinite rampage , if the combat power is fully activated, the strength will definitely far exceed the red queen.

At first Bai Xiaofei thought so.


As the battle between the Red Queen and Da Chao continued to escalate, it became more and more hot and intense.

Bai Xiaofei found out sadly that he was wrong again, and it was still a big mistake. Although the golden body of the red queen can't be infinitely enchanted, but relying on nanotechnology and many other black technologies, he transformed himself into a A fortress-like war fortress has been built, and all kinds of superpowers emerge in endlessly!





Various styles of weapons!

Plasma weapons, biochemical weapons, radiation weapons...


Everything you can imagine.

Or unimaginable, unheard of tricks, methods, equipment, weapons, you can see all of them on the Red Queen.

At this moment, the Red Queen seemed to be possessed by a jingle cat, relying on endless weapons and attack methods, she was evenly matched with Da Chao, and neither of them could do anything to the other. He even gained the upper hand for a while, the suppressed Dachao was completely powerless to fight back, and Bai Xiaofei was dumbfounded on the spot!


Bai Xiaofei's eyes widened, and he didn't dare to say anything: "Is that really the Red Queen? Why does it feel like the comic version of Ultron who has crossed over? Even such a perverted Da Chao can beat him to death, making all the opponent's attacks , all turned into useless work, isn't this too perverted?"

No wonder he was so shocked.

You know, what you are facing now is Dachao, the Dachao in his personal movie, who can reverse time and space casually, and turn the earth upside down. But the Red Queen can still rely on various black technologies to fight evenly and even gain the upper hand, which is really beyond Bai Xiaofei's imagination and cognition.

And in Bai Xiaofei's consciousness, the only one capable of this ability seems to be the comic version of Ultron!

The comic version of Ultron is really almost invincible!

Unlimited upgrades, unlimited rebirth!

Unlimited combat power!


Even the infinite gems have been collected and used by him.

In the comics of the Avengers, the danger and threat of Ultron even surpassed Thanos for a time, and became the most troublesome and troublesome existence in the Avengers.

But thinking about it carefully, the current situation doesn't seem unreasonable.


The Red Queen is also artificial intelligence.

Moreover, the degree of intelligence is no less than that of Ultron, plus Bai Xiaofei traveled to the heavens and worlds, and the many black technologies obtained are mostly very contradictory things, and the conditions are not worse than Ultron in the anime. Even far better than Ultron, who is sneaky, why can't he be as good as Ultron?

Although Da Chao is perverted and his speed is even more against the sky, but the super system of Red Queen and the advance prediction are quite extraordinary.

The two sides have fought hundreds of times. So far, the big super has not been able to cause any substantial damage to the red queen. At best, it has consumed a lot of energy from the red queen. On the other hand, the results of the Red Queen's battle are very astonishing, that is, Superman, relying on his indestructible body of steel to be unscathed.

Otherwise, if he were to be some other superhero, he would have been fucked by the queen long ago!


The battle between the Red Queen and Dachao.

It can be said that Bai Xiaofei's three views have been completely refreshed, allowing him, a guy who claims to be superior, to re-understand the heaven-defying power of science and technology, and the strength of Dachao. Although the two sides belonged to different power systems, they were able to fight evenly, evenly matched, which shocked Bai Xiaofei very much.


"As expected of Kryptonian Superman, his ability is strong!"

"It was so cool to play!"


The Red Queen stopped suddenly.

After seeing Hong, he stopped attacking, Da Chao naturally also chose to stop, and then looked at her puzzled, his eyes full of doubts.

It seems to be saying: "Why don't you fight?"

"I've had enough!"

The red queen seemed to see Da Chao's ignorance.

I saw her laughing, and took the initiative to explain: "We are not a life-and-death battle now, but mainly to learn from each other and compete. Since neither of the two sides can do anything to each other, then let's fight! I admit that I am not your opponent. The following Let's leave the contest to my two older sisters, after watching it for a long time, they should have already lost their minds!"


The red queen retreated directly.

Then he ran up to Bai Xiaofei, covered himself with jade hands, and said, "Master, I'm hungry, give me something to eat!"

She is a mechanical life form, of course it is impossible to be really hungry. The "hungry" that the Red Queen said actually means that she is out of energy. There are many kinds of attack methods, and there are many tricks that require a lot of energy, such as plasma weapons. The magic reactor and fire in the Red Queen's body alone are not enough.


The red queen had to end the battle.

First of all, it is really useless to beat this Dachao, there is nothing to do, and the other main reason is that his own energy is really going to be unable to withstand it. Continuing to fight would only result in a defeat. Instead of being ashamed at that time, it would be better to directly replace people now to make the scenery easier.

on this...

Although Da Chao was extremely puzzled.

But Bai Xiaofei, as the owner and creator of the Red Queen, knows it well. Hearing this, without saying a word, he immediately took out a brand new magic energy reactor and a non-conscious fire transformed from pure energy from the dimensional space, and handed it to the red queen. The Red Queen didn't care about Superman's presence or not, and started the energy replacement work on the spot.

Da Chao on the opposite side was stunned and shocked.

And at the same time.

The goddess Diana replaced the red queen and took over the task of continuing to face the big super. However, she didn't wear the complete Virgo golden holy clothes, but only kept the boots of the holy clothes, and the flying wings on the back. Otherwise, Diana, who can't fly for the time being, is really at a disadvantage in front of Da Chao up.


Diana wore all the other equipment of the goddess. Krypton gold magic clothes, US team shield, Moxie Excalibur, mantra lasso, Zeus wristband... It can be said that everything is available, and it is reloaded. After all, the other party is a great super who has many titles such as "Son of the Sun", "God of the World", and so on. Diana dare not underestimate the enemy or be careless in the slightest!


Holding a shield in her left hand and a sword in her right hand, Diana was heroic, with a standard Valkyrie posture, and introduced herself to Dachao Clark, "I am the princess of Amazon Paradise Island, the daughter of Zeus, the wife of Bai Xiaofei, the god of thunder and war— —Diana, next, I will compete with you!"


The whole person rushed out.

The powerful divine power engulfed Diana like a cannonball and slammed down towards Dachao!



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