The Storm God

Chapter 1574 Diana VS Clark! (Please subscribe!)

A huge roar rose into the sky!

The strong impact was in the shape of a ring, shooting and spreading, instantly shattering everything within a radius of tens of meters! The figures of Diana and Dachao were fixed at the core of the explosion of power, refusing to give in to each other, as if they were evenly matched.

"So strong!"

"Is this Superman's power?"

"It's really amazing!"


Diana was surprised in her heart.

Just now I watched the Red Queen and Da Chao fight back and forth, they were evenly matched, and it didn't feel too big. But after she fought with them, Diana realized that Da Chao's power was far more terrifying than she imagined. , I have used nearly 80% of my strength, but I still can't do anything to the other party.

The key is not to know how much power the opponent used. The super power is really terrifying!

As everyone knows...

Superman was also shocked at this moment.

The Red Queen just now made him fully realize the power of technology.

But now, when he meets Diana and sees that she is a real life form and a complete human being, Dachao thinks this should be easy to deal with, right? So he didn't use his full strength, but he didn't expect it... but he slapped him hard again. If Dachao hadn't had a bad intuition and secretly added a little more strength during the punch, he would probably have been beaten by now. He was punched away by Diana.

this moment.

Clark was completely confused.

He could still understand the Red Queen's power as the power of technology, but Diana's strange power made it impossible for him to understand it.

"It's unbelievable."

"A human being can actually possess such great power!"

"How did she do it?"

"Could it be..."

Dachao suddenly had a bold idea.

I thought to myself: "She is like me, an outsider from another planet?"

No wonder he thinks so. After living on the earth for so many years, Dachao has never seen an earthling with such terrifying power, let alone such a terrifying power. Even the one who is slightly worse is half a person. None, so naturally, in his mind, it is impossible for people on earth to have extraordinary power.

Anyone with extraordinary power is either a black technology or an alien!

Diana is extremely powerful.


Dachao naturally regarded her as an alien.

Clark even said his thoughts in a silly and cute way: "Diana? Are you an alien too?"


Hearing this, Diana couldn't help being slightly startled, and then she smiled with her beautiful eyes and said, "No, no, no! I am an authentic Earthling. However, I have half of the divine blood in my body, which is the source of my strength. It’s probably due to it, not because of aliens or anything like that!”

While talking.

Diana was not idle.

The shield in his left hand deflected Da Chao's fist, and the Moye Divine Sword in his right hand struck Clark's head with all his strength! Superman's defense was extremely terrifying, so Diana was not worried that her sword would kill Clark. Naturally, her attack was extremely ruthless and showed no mercy.


And sense the master's thoughts.

Moye's Divine Sword also began to buzz, and a halo of halo filled the sword instantly, making it look inexplicably powerful.


Dachao originally wanted to fight hard.

He has absolute confidence in his superhuman body, and he boasts that no weapon can hurt him except kryptonite. But... I don't know why, but after seeing the hazy Moye Divine Sword in Diana's hand, Da Chao's heart tightened for no reason.

At this moment, Clark actually felt the aura of danger.

follow closely……

Dachao chose to dodge.

At the same time, in order to confirm his suspicion, Clark chose to use his left arm to block Diana's Moye Divine Sword.


The clear and loud sound of the jingle clashing came.

The powerful power contained in Moye's Divine Sword finally burst out, and Da Chao was directly knocked away more than ten meters away. Diana also couldn't help but retreated for ten meters because of the huge repulsive force from Da Chao's arm. step. The result of this attack seemed to be evenly matched.

But is this really the case?



Dachao looked at his left arm in disbelief, and saw that the part of his arm that had just resisted Diana Moxie's divine sword had been cut with a dent. Although it was not cracked, there were bursts of cracks. The pain was severe, as if someone had hit me hard with a stick.


Clark was completely shocked.

My heart was full of shock and lingering fear, and I thought to myself: "I am actually injured? How is this possible!"

That’s right!

Dachao is injured.

If it weren't for the superman suit he was wearing, which had unparalleled defense and helped withstand most of the damage, the result would have been earlier. If Diana's sword had hit the other parts of Dachao's body that were not wrapped in uniforms, such as his palms and face... Clark would probably have seen blood by now!

"It's incredible!"

Apart from kryptonite, this is the first time Dachao has seen a weapon that can hurt him.

His expression immediately became serious.

"It's best to attack from a distance!"

After Clark came back to his senses, he looked at Diana across from him, his eyes narrowed slightly, obviously wary of the Moye Divine Sword in his hand. Although Moye's Divine Sword is equivalent to a weakened version of Kryptonite, it can still cause damage to Da Chao after all. It is the instinct of living things to seek good fortune and avoid evil, so Clark directly chose to avoid its edge.

Speaking of Dachao's most powerful long-range attack method, it is naturally the heat ray.

After making up your mind.


Clark immediately concentrated the ray and launched the thermal ray at Diana. In an instant, two scarlet-hot terrifying high-temperature rays, like lasers, hit Diana almost instantly. However, Diana was not shielded. In critical moments, she directly blocked the American shield in front of her.


The heat ray and Cap's shield finally clash.

One is the terrifyingly scorching high temperature, which contains endless terrifying power. It is not enough to crack mountains and crack rocks, and is almost indestructible. The other one is from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The Bug Shield is accidentally formed by combining different components of matter. The encounter and collision between the two is really the battle of the century between Guan Gong and Qin Qiong!

"Boom boom boom!"

Seeing that Diana actually blocked her own heat ray.

While Da Chao was stunned, his desire to win suddenly emerged, and he did not change his moves. He just kept kicking Diana, and continued to emit heat rays, as if he wanted to compete with Captain America's shield. posture. And as Da Chao continued to gaze, the power of the heat rays became stronger and stronger.


This heat ray is no longer just a terrifying scorching temperature, it even has terrifying impact power.

On the other side, Diana was holding the Captain America shield. At first, she could easily withstand Super's heat ray. However, as time went by, the power of the ray became stronger and stronger, and the impact became more and more terrifying. Diana... Gradually, he began to be at a disadvantage. Even with his shield, he was shocked by Dachao and was forced to retreat.

But fortunately...

Although the current situation looks very bad, the Captain America Shield is indeed a Bug Shield. It completely violates the laws of physics. It is still very strong and has not suffered any damage. Otherwise, if it had been replaced by a vibranium shield, it would have been exploded by Dachao's terrifying heat rays by now!

And such a situation also made Bai Xiaofei and the three people watching the battle stunned and shocked.

"What the hell!"

"As expected of Captain America's shield, which is said to be extremely buggy, it's really awesome!"

"This defense is simply invincible!"


Bai Xiaofei was excited as he watched.

Even vibranium can't withstand heat rays, but Captain America's shield can easily resist it. It's incredible! Although he had known for a long time that Captain America's shield was extraordinary, he never expected that it would be so awesome. It was worthy of being the Bug's Shield, the unsolvable shield that he had been researching for so long without any clues.

He secretly made up his mind that no matter how much time it took, he must find out the secret of Captain America's shield, then mass-produce it and make it widely used. Especially the Golden Saint Cloth of the Zodiac, if it can have the same bug attributes as the Captain America Shield in terms of power and defense, it will definitely usher in a qualitative leap!

Regardless of Bai Xiaofei's thoughts and reactions.

within the scene.

It is not the character of the Amazon female warrior to be passively beaten all the time. Seeing Dachao releasing heat rays endlessly, seemingly planning to keep attacking from a distance, without giving herself any chance to counterattack or close combat, Valkyrie Diana was also a little annoyed, and endured He couldn't help but roared: "I said...have you had enough?"

While speaking out.

He saw her holding the Moye Divine Sword in her right hand, and she suddenly hit her left wrist guard holding the shield hard.


Diana's wrist guards intertwined fiercely.

The next moment, as an unknown and powerful roar suddenly sounded, a majestic and unparalleled divine power burst out from Diana's body on the spot. They turned into a wild torrent as thick as a water tank, hard and strong. Da Chao's heat energy rays were carried all the way upstream and directly hit Da Chao.

Poor Da Chao was blown away by Diana's divine shock wave on the spot, just like a small boat in the stormy sea. Of course... Although Clark was in such a mess, Diana and the three people next to him, Bai Xiaofei, didn't think Da Chao would be defeated so easily.


With the idea of ​​​​beating the drowned dog.

Diana did not let go, but flew directly in the direction where Da Chao disappeared.

Lest Clark repeat his old tricks!

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